Silly buggers

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The JC puts on his pith-helmet, grabs his butterfly net and a rucksack full of marmalade sandwiches, and heads into the concrete jungleIndex: Click to expand:

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Silly buggers
(to play ~) (v.)
To be that guy. To require articulation of what ought to go without saying. To be wantonly obtuse. To make a point for the sake of it. Um alberne kerle zu spielen. To be a twat,[1] dork, jerk, pull-hard or smart-arse.


  1. Our honorary American Sensibility Consultant advises that this word might not, there, have quite the same playful connotations it does here, on the right side of the Atlantic — but we are sure enlightened sophisticates in the fashionable salons of Manhattan and Menlo Park who are the JC’s regular readers, will enjoy the carefree Europeanness of seeing such depravity and, for a little moment, being cool with it.