Talk:Early Termination - 1987 ISDA Provision

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6 Early Termination 6(a) Right to Terminate Following Event of Default. If at any time an Event of Default with respect to a party (the ‘‘Defaulting Party’’) has occurred and is then continuing, the other party may, by not more than 20 days’ notice to the Defaulting Party specifying the relevant Event of Default, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is effective as an Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Swap Transactions. However, an Early Termination Date will be deemed to have occurred in respect of all Swap Transactions immediately upon the occurrence of any Event of Default specified in Section 5(a)(vii)(1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7) or (8) and as of the time immediately preceding the institution of the relevant proceeding or the presentation of the relevant petition upon the occurrence of any Event of Default specified in Section 5(a)(vii)(4). 6(b) Right to Terminate Following Termination Event. 6(b)(i) Notice. Upon the occurrence of a Termination Event, an Affected Party will, promptly upon becoming aware of the same, notify the other party thereof, specifying the nature of such Termination Event and the Affected Transactions relating thereto. The Affected Party will also give such other information to the other party with regard to such Termination Event as the other party may reasonably require. 6(b)(ii) Transfer to Avoid Termination Event. If either an Illegality under Section 5(b)(i)(1) or a Tax Event occurs and there is only one Affected Party, or if a Tax Event Upon Merger occurs and the Burdened Party is the Affected Party, the Affected Party will as a condition to its right to designate an Early Termination Date under Section 6(b)(iv) use all reasonable efforts (which will not require such party to incur a loss, excluding immaterial, incidental expenses) to transfer within 20 days after it gives notice under Section 6(b)(i) all its rights and obligations under this Agreement in respect of the Affected Transactions to another of its offices, branches or Affiliates so that such Termination Event ceases to exist. If the Affected Party is not able to make such a transfer it will give notice to the other party to that effect within such 20 day period, whereupon the other party may effect such a transfer within 30 days after the notice is given under Section 6(b)(i). Any such transfer by a party under this Section 6(b)(ii) will be subject to and conditional upon the prior written consent of the other party, which consent will not be withheld if such other party's policies in effect at such time would permit it to enter into swap transactions with the transferee on the terms proposed. 6(b)(iii) Two Affected Parties. If an Illegality under Section 5(b)(i)(1) or a Tax Event occurs and there are two Affected Parties, each party will use all reasonable efforts to reach agreement within 30 days after notice thereof is given under Section 6(b)(i) on action that would cause such Termination Event to cease to exist. 6(b)(iv) Right to Terminate. If: - (1) a transfer under Section 6(b)(ii) or an agreement under Section 6(b)(iii), as the case may be, has not been effected with respect to all Affected Transactions within 30 days after an Affected Party gives notice under Section 6(b)(i); or (2) an Illegality under Section 5(b)(i)(2) or a Credit Event Upon Merger occurs, or a Tax Event Upon Merger occurs and the Burdened Party is not the Affected Party, either party in the case of an Illegality, the Burdened Party in the case of a Tax Event Upon Merger, any Affected Party in the case of a Tax Event, or the party which is not the Affected Party in the case of a Credit Event Upon Merger, may, by not more than 20 days notice to the other party and provided that the relevant Termination Event is then continuing, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is effective as an Early Termination Date in respect of all Affected Transactions. 6(c) Effect of Designation. 6(c)(i) If notice designating an Early Termination Date is given under Section 6(a) or (b), the Early Termination Date will occur on the date so designated, whether or not the relevant Event of Default or Termination Event is continuing on the relevant Early Termination Date. 6(c)(ii) Upon the effectiveness of notice designating an Early Termination Date (or the deemed occurrence of an Early Termination Date), the obligations of the parties to make any further payments under Section 2(a)(i) in respect of the Terminated Transactions will terminate, but without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement. 6(d) Calculations. 6(d)(i) Statement. Following the occurrence of an Early Termination Date, each party will make the calculations (including calculation of applicable interest rates) on its part contemplated by Section 6(e) and will provide to the other party a statement (1) showing, in reasonable detail, such calculations (including all relevant quotations) and (2) giving details of the relevant account to which any payment due to it under Section 6(e) is to be made. In the absence of written continuation of a quotation obtained in determining a Market Quotation from the source providing such quotation, the records of the party obtaining such quotation will be conclusive evidence of the existence and accuracy of such quotation. 6(d)(ii) Due Date. The amount calculated as being payable under Section 6(e) will be due on the day that notice of the amount payable is effective (in the case of an Early Tem1ination Date which is designated or deemed to occur as a result of an Event of Default) and not later than the day which is two Business Days after the day on which notice of the amount payable is effective (in the case of an Early Termination Date which is designated as a result of a Termination Event). Such amount will be paid together with (to the extent permitted under applicable law) interest thereon in the Termination Currency from (and including) the relevant Early Termination Date to (but excluding) the relevant due date, calculated as follows:- (1) if notice is given designating an Early Termination Date or if an Early Termination Date is deemed to occur, in either case as a result of an Event of Default, at the Default Rate; or (2) if notice is given designating an Early Termination Date as a result of a Termination Event, at the Default Rate minus I% per annum. Such interest will be calculated on the basis of daily compounding and the actual number of days elapsed. 6(e) Payments on Early Termination. 6(e)(i) Defaulting Party or One Affected Party. If notice is given designating an Early Termination Date or if an Early Termination Date is deemed to occur and there is a Defaulting Party or only one Affected Party, the other party will determine the Settlement Amount in respect of the Terminated Transactions and:- (1) if there is a Defaulting Party, the Defaulting Party will pay to the other party the excess, if a positive number, of (A) the sum of such Settlement Amount and the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the other party over (B) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the Defaulting Party; and (2) if there is an Affected Party, the payment to be made will be equal to (A) the sum of such Settlement Amount and the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the party determining the Settlement Amount (“X”) less (B) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the party not determining the Settlement Amount (“Y”). 6(e)(ii) Two Affected Parties. If notice is given of an Early Termination Date and there are two Affected Parties, each party will determine a Settlement Amount in respect of the Terminated Transactions and the payment to be made will be equal to (1) the sum of (A) one-half of the difference between the Settlement Amount of the party with the higher Settlement Amount (“X”) and the Settlement Amount of the party with the lower Settlement Amount (“Y”) and (B) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to X less (2) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to Y. 6(e)(iii) Party Owing. If the amount calculated under Section 6(e)(i)(2) or (ii) is a positive number, Y will pay such amount to X; if such amount is a negative number, X will pay the absolute value of such amount to Y. 6(e)(iv) Adjustment for Bankruptcy. In circumstances where an Early Termination Date is deemed to occur, the amount determined under Section 6(e)(i) will be subject to such adjustments as are appropriate and permitted by law to reflect any payments made by one party to the other under this Agreement (and retained by such other party) during the period from the relevant Early Termination Date to the date for payment determined under Section 6(d)(ii). 6(e)(v) Pre-Estimate of Loss. The parties agree that the amounts recoverable under this Section 6(e) are a reasonable pre-estimate of loss and not a penalty. Such amounts are payable for the loss of bargain and the loss of protection against future risks and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement neither party will be entitled to recover any additional damages as a consequence of such losses.