Template:Dkt autumnal humours

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Queen: (Wildly waving a sheaf) Black news! Black news!
The Mercantile Anserine Trading Co, Pty Ltd.
Who purveys our favourite geese —

Ingraziatoro: What of it, Ma’am? ’Tis assuredly
A most heartily-endow’d incorporation:
Well-skilled in varied means of gandery.
Its full-filled trouser does no little filip to our ends:
We have, a-desk, a fecund inventory
Of that juridical personage’s indentures.

Nuncle: (Regarding the sheaf) ’Tis too bad,Triago.
Herewith grim tidings. It appears thy favourite flockery
Hath turn’d its webbèd toes toward the sky.

Ingraziatoro: How so? How so?

Nuncle: A creditors’ petition to sequestrate its assets.

Enter Triago

Queen: Black news! Oho!

Triago: Majesty! Let not this dread a-weight the regal brow
More brusquely than thy splendoured diadem!
O, Queen! Let not autumnal humours bring thee low!

Queen: Who let him in?

Nuncle: ’Tis not the season that rends the royal jams, dear Trig:
But the harvest that it brings.

Ingraziatoro: Bankrupt? Bankrupt?

Queen: Must the rigid struts of precedent
That fix our covenantry as stars
Pinned to the velvet firmament
So dissolve upon intemperate petition?
Does our claim, short days ago as bankable
To visor’d men who tabulate our fore and aft exposures
As an iron to a helm in battle
Now so wetly dissipate as tissue i’ the rain?

Nuncle: If melting claims were the only problem.

Queen: What mean you, fool?

Nuncle: Thy claims make bitter pennies
Of what once were sweetened pounds,’tis so:
But less so for thy extant liabilities.
Thy scheduled outgoings keep their craggy shape.

Ingraziatoro: Pish! Doth one not cancel out th’other
By the golden sorcery of offset?

Nuncle: That happy magic is abruptly stayed
Th’administrstor’s deeper conjury sees to ’t:
The fundamental order is abeyed.

Queen: Mark our wither’d arm, boy:
Lest our allotted time
Along these salted strands, and
Beneath the teeming feathered roils
That drench this sad allotment
Taper down.

Triago: We are dying, French Guyana, dying.

Nuncle: Let us not be too dramatic.