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Revision as of 21:05, 16 August 2021

There is much to say on the topic of prime brokerage margining. Generally,[1] prime brokers have very broad rights to adjust required margin, on short or immediate notice, and to call for more margin, which they can do (at least) daily. You cannot say it loudly enough: margin is a prime broker’s only meaningful defence. If you have enough margin, none of your other protections matter. If you don’t, none of your other protections work.

Adjusting margin is the process of (re)calculating how much margin you think you’d need, were the world to go to hell overnight and all of Satan’s angels to trample on your Monte Carlo simulations. Having made that calculation, it usually becomes live immediately,[2] meaning you can repurpose any margin excess standing to the credit of your own accounts instantly.

Calling for margin means demanding that your client pay you some more margin. This you only need to do if there is not enough margin excess to cover the whole of your margin adjustment.

  1. But see the vexed topic of margin lock-up, which significantly constrains the PB’s flexibility.
  2. Archegos had a three day notice period, which interposed some rather gristly squeaky-bum time between your adjustment and it going live, which the Credit Suisse risk team weren’t willing to endure.