Digital Assests Transactions Wikitext: Difference between revisions

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Replaced content with "{{caps|{{datprov|1}} '''{{datprov|Architecture}}'''}} {{Digital Assets 1.1}} {{Digital Assets 1.2}} {{Digital Assets 1.3}} {{Digital Assets 1.4}} {{Digital Assets 1.5}} {{..."
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{{caps|{{datprov|1}} '''{{datprov|Architecture}}'''}}
{{caps|{{datprov|1}} '''{{datprov|Architecture}}'''}}
:{{datprov|1.1}} '''{{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}}''': “'''{{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}}'''” means the {{datprov|ISDA Digital Asset Definitions}}, which include the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}, each as published by ISDA on its “MyLibrary” platform (or any successor platform) in “contractual text” format.
{{Digital Assets 1.1}}
:{{datprov|1.2}} '''{{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}''': “'''{{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}'''” means the “'''{{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}'''”.
{{Digital Assets 1.2}}
:{{datprov|1.3}} '''{{datprov| Application of the Digital Asset Definitions}}''': Unless otherwise agreed, the latest version of the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} on the {{datprov|Trade Date}} of a {{datprov|Transaction}} will apply to such {{datprov|Transaction}} or, if they are specified to apply to only part of the {{datprov|Transaction}}, to that part of the {{datprov|Transaction}}, and will not be affected by any further updates in a later dated version of the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}}. In order to exclude any amendments made to the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} pursuant to a subsequent version (whether to the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} generally or to the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}), the parties must specify the version of the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} they wish to apply.
{{Digital Assets 1.3}}
:{{datprov|1.4}}''' {{datprov|Application of the Settlement Price Source Matrix}}'''
{{Digital Assets 1.4}}
::{{datprov|1.4.1}} If the terms of a {{datprov|Transaction}} refer to the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}}, the latest version of that matrix on the {{datprov|Trade Date}} of the {{datprov|Transaction}} will be deemed to have been specified in the {{datprov|Confirmation}}.
{{Digital Assets 1.5}}
::{{datprov|1.4.2}} In the event of any inconsistency between the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Matrix}} and the {{datprov|Confirmation}}, the {{datprov|Confirmation}} will prevail.
{{Digital Assets 1.6}}
:{{datprov|1.5}} '''{{datprov|Application of the Digital Asset Definitions to Parties}}''': Any term used in a {{datprov|Confirmation}} will, when used in respect of a party, or a definition relating to a party, apply in respect of that party only.
{{Digital Assets 1.7}}
:{{datprov|1.6}} '''{{datprov|ISDA}}''': “'''{{datprov|ISDA}}'''” means the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (or any successor).
{{Digital Assets 1.8}}
:{{datprov|1.7}} '''{{datprov|ISDA Master Agreement}}''': “'''{{datprov|ISDA Master Agreement}}'''” means the ISDA Master Agreement, if any, between the parties and referred to in the {{datprov|Confirmation}}. 
{{Digital Assets 1.9}}
:{{datprov|1.8}} '''{{datprov|Transaction}}''': “'''{{datprov|Transaction}}'''” means a {{datprov|Transaction}} that incorporates the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} (or a part of them, provided that such partial incorporation is effected by express reference to the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}}).
{{Digital Assets 1.10}}
:{{datprov|1.9}} '''{{datprov|Confirmation}}'''
::{{datprov|1.9.1}} “'''{{datprov|Confirmation}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, one or more documents or other confirming evidence exchanged between the parties (including by means of an electronic messaging system, e-mail or electronic platform), or which are otherwise effective for the purpose of confirming that {{datprov|Transaction}}, and which taken together confirm all the terms of that {{datprov|Transaction}}.
::{{datprov|1.9.2}} References in the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} to details “as specified” refer to {{datprov|Transaction}} details agreed between the parties in the related {{datprov|Confirmation}}.
::{{datprov|1.9.3}} In the event of any inconsistency between the {{datprov|Confirmation}} and the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}}, the {{datprov|Confirmation}} will prevail.
:{{datprov|1.10}} '''{{datprov|Conditions Precedent}}''': Any payment or delivery obligation contained in the {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} is subject to any condition precedent to a payment or delivery obligation specified in the {{datprov|ISDA Master Agreement}}.

{{caps|{{datprov|2}} '''{{datprov|Product Types and Settlement Terms}}'''}}
{{caps|{{datprov|2}} '''{{datprov|Product Types and Settlement Terms}}'''}}
:{{datprov|2.1}} '''{{datprov|Product Type}}s'''<br>
{{Digital Assets 2.1}}
::{{datprov|2.1.1}} '''{{datprov|Product Type}}''': “'''{{datprov|Product Type}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the {{datprov|Product Type}} specified as such.
{{Digital Assets 2.2}}
::{{datprov|2.1.2}} '''{{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward}}''': “'''{{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward}}'''” or “'''{{datprov|NDF}}'''” means a {{datprov|Transaction}} whose {{datprov|Product Type}} is specified as a {{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward}} to which these {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} apply.
{{Digital Assets 2.3}}
::{{datprov|2.1.3}} '''{{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option}}''': “'''{{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option}}'''” or “'''{{datprov|NDO}}'''” means a {{datprov|Transaction}} whose {{datprov|Product Type}} is specified as a {{datprov|Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option}} to which these {{datprov|Digital Asset Definitions}} apply.
:{{datprov|2.2}} '''{{datprov|Product Type Settlement Terms}}''':
::{{datprov|2.2.1}} '''{{datprov|Settlement Terms for Product Types}}''': The settlement terms applicable to a {{datprov|Transaction}} will be as set out below for the {{datprov|Product Type}} of the {{datprov|Transaction}}:
::{| class="wikitable"
! {{datprov|Product Type}}
! Settlement Terms Applicable
| {{datprov|NDF}}
| {{datprov|NDF Settlement Terms}}
| {{datprov|NDO}}
| {{datprov|NDO Premium Payment}} and {{datprov|NDO Settlement Terms}}
::{{datprov|2.2.2}} '''{{datprov|NDF Settlement Terms}}'''
:::(i) IF the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} at the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}} is greater than the {{datprov|Forward Price}},
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Seller}} will pay the {{datprov|Forward Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Buyer}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}},
:::(iii) OR ELSE IF the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} at the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}} is less than the {{datprov|Forward Price}},
:::(iv) THEN the {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the absolute value of the {{datprov|Forward Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.2.3}} '''{{datprov|NDO Premium Payment}}'''
:::(i) The {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the {{datprov|Premium}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} in the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}} on the {{datprov|Premium Payment Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.2.4}} '''{{datprov|NDO Settlement Terms}}'''
:::(i) IF all the conditions below are satisfied:
::::(a) either:
:::::(I) the {{datprov|Buyer}} has given an {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}} during an {{datprov|Exercise Window}} to exercise the NDO; or
:::::(II) "Automatic Exercise" is specified as Applicable in respect of the {{datprov|Transaction}} and the {{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}} has been satisfied,
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Seller}} will pay the {{datprov|Option Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Buyer}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.2.5}} '''{{datprov|Corrections of the Settlement Price}}'''
:::(i) IF all of the conditions below are satisfied:
::::(a) a correction is published by the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Provider}} in respect of the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} for the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}}; and
::::(b) either party has notified the other party and, if the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}} is not a party to the {{datprov|Transaction}}, the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}}, of the correction prior to the {{datprov|Settlement Date}},
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}}, acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures, will determine the amount that is payable as a result of that correction and, to the extent necessary, will adjust the terms of the {{datprov|Transaction}} to account for such correction.
:{{datprov|2.3}} '''{{datprov|Definitions Relating to Settlement}}'''
::{{datprov|2.3.1}} “'''{{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}}'''” means each of the conditions below has been satisfied:
:::(i) the {{datprov|Buyer}} has not previously given an {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}};
:::(ii) the {{datprov|Buyer}} has not previously given an {{datprov|NDO Non-Auto Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}}; and
:::(iii) the {{datprov|Option Cash Settlement Amount}} at the {{datprov|Expiration Time}} is greater than zero.
::{{datprov|2.3.2}} “'''{{datprov|Business Day Convention}}'''” means, if the {{datprov|Calendar Day Election}} is not specified as Applicable, the applicable convention for adjusting any relevant date in accordance with Section [6.1.1] if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a {{datprov|Business Day}}, or, if the {{datprov|Calendar Day Election}} is specified as Applicable, not applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.3}} “'''{{datprov|Commencement Date}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable, or, if no date is specified, the {{datprov|Trade Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.4}} “'''{{datprov|Currency Conversion Factor}}'''” means either:
:::(i) if the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}} is the same as the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}}, 1,  or
:::(ii) if the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}} is not the same as the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}}, the amount of the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}} with a value equal to one unit of the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}}, using the currency exchange rate at the time at which such amount is determined, as determined by the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}} acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures to produce a commercially reasonable result.
::{{datprov|2.3.5}} “'''{{datprov|Earliest Exercise Time}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the time specified as such, or, if none is specified, 9.00 a.m. local time in the location specified in the related {{datprov|Confirmation}} for receipt by the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}}, of notices relating to the {{datprov|Transaction}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.6}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Date}}'''” means:
:::(i) where the {{datprov|Buyer}} has given an {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}}, the exercise date specified in such {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}}, or, if no such date is specified, the effective date of the {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}}; and
:::(ii) where the {{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}} is satisfied, the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.7}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Day}}s'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the days specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.8}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}'''” means, in respect of an NDO and its {{datprov|Option Style}}, each day set out below:
::{{datprov|2.3.9}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Window}}'''” means the period from the {{datprov|Earliest Exercise Time}} to the {{datprov|Latest Exercise Time}} on any {{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.10}} “'''{{datprov|Expiration Date}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.11}} “'''{{datprov|Expiration Time}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the {{datprov|Latest Exercise Time}} on the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}, or, if none is specified, the {{datprov|Valuation Time}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.12}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}'''” means, in respect of an NDO and its {{datprov|Option Style}}, each day set out below:
::{| class="wikitable"
!{{datprov|Option Style}}
!{{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}
|Each {{datprov|Exercise Day}} from, and including, the {{datprov|Commencement Date}} to, and including, the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}.
|Each {{datprov|Specified Exercise Date}} and the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}.
|The {{datprov|Expiration Date}}.

Latest revision as of 16:47, 6 February 2023

1 Architecture

1.1 Digital Asset Definitions: “Digital Asset Definitions” means the ISDA Digital Asset Definitions, which include the Settlement Price Source Matrix, each as published by ISDA on its “MyLibrary” platform (or any successor platform) in “contractual text” format.
1.2 Settlement Price Source Matrix: “Settlement Price Source Matrix” means the “Digital Asset Definitions Settlement Price Source Matrix”.
1.3 Application of the Digital Asset Definitions: Unless otherwise agreed, the latest version of the Digital Asset Definitions on the Trade Date of a Transaction will apply to such Transaction or, if they are specified to apply to only part of the Transaction, to that part of the Transaction, and will not be affected by any further updates in a later dated version of the Digital Asset Definitions. In order to exclude any amendments made to the Digital Asset Definitions pursuant to a subsequent version (whether to the Digital Asset Definitions generally or to the Settlement Price Source Matrix), the parties must specify the version of the Digital Asset Definitions they wish to apply.
1.4 Application of the Settlement Price Source Matrix
1.4.1 If the terms of a Transaction refer to the Settlement Price Source Matrix, the latest version of that matrix on the Trade Date of the Transaction will be deemed to have been specified in the Confirmation.
1.4.2 In the event of any inconsistency between the Settlement Price Source Matrix and the Confirmation, the Confirmation will prevail.
1.5 Application of the Digital Asset Definitions to Parties: Any term used in a Confirmation will, when used in respect of a party, or a definition relating to a party, apply in respect of that party only.
1.6 ISDA: “ISDA” means the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (or any successor).
1.7 ISDA Master Agreement: “ISDA Master Agreement” means the ISDA Master Agreement, if any, between the parties and referred to in the Confirmation.
1.8 Transaction: “Transaction” means a Transaction that incorporates the Digital Asset Definitions (or a part of them, provided that such partial incorporation is effected by express reference to the Digital Asset Definitions).
1.9 Confirmation
1.9.1Confirmation” means, in respect of a Transaction, one or more documents or other confirming evidence exchanged between the parties (including by means of an electronic messaging system, e-mail or electronic platform), or which are otherwise effective for the purpose of confirming that Transaction, and which taken together confirm all the terms of that Transaction.
1.9.2 References in the Digital Asset Definitions to details “as specified” refer to Transaction details agreed between the parties in the related Confirmation.
1.9.3 In the event of any inconsistency between the Confirmation and the Digital Asset Definitions, the Confirmation will prevail.
1.10 Conditions Precedent: Any payment or delivery obligation contained in the Digital Asset Definitions is subject to any condition precedent to a payment or delivery obligation specified in the ISDA Master Agreement.

2 Product Types and Settlement Terms

2.1 Product Types
2.1.1 Product Type: “Product Type” means, in respect of a Transaction, the Product Type specified as such.
2.1.2 Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward: “Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward” or “NDF” means a Transaction whose Product Type is specified as a Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Forward to which these Digital Asset Definitions apply.
2.1.3 Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option: “Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option” or “NDO” means a Transaction whose Product Type is specified as a Non-Deliverable Digital Asset Option to which these Digital Asset Definitions apply.
2.2 Product Type Settlement Terms:
2.2.1 Settlement Terms for Product Types: The settlement terms applicable to a Transaction will be as set out below for the Product Type of the Transaction:
Product Type Settlement Terms Applicable
NDF NDF Settlement Terms
NDO NDO Premium Payment and NDO Settlement Terms
2.2.2 NDF Settlement Terms
(i) IF the Settlement Price at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date is greater than the Forward Price,
(ii) THEN the Seller will pay the Forward Cash Settlement Amount to the Buyer on the Settlement Date,
(iii) OR ELSE IF the Settlement Price at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date is less than the Forward Price,
(iv) THEN the Buyer will pay the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount to the Seller on the Settlement Date.
2.2.3 NDO Premium Payment
(i) The Buyer will pay the Premium to the Seller in the Settlement Currency on the Premium Payment Date.
2.2.4 NDO Settlement Terms
(i) IF all the conditions below are satisfied:
(a) either:
(I) the Buyer has given an NDO Exercise Notice to the Seller or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent during an Exercise Window to exercise the NDO; or
(II) “Automatic Exercise” is specified as Applicable in respect of the Transaction and the Automatic Exercise Condition has been satisfied,
(ii) THEN the Seller will pay the Option Cash Settlement Amount to the Buyer on the Settlement Date.
2.2.5 Corrections of the Settlement Price
(i) IF all of the conditions below are satisfied:
(a) a correction is published by the Settlement Price Source Provider in respect of the Settlement Price for the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date; and
(b) either party has notified the other party and, if the Calculation Agent is not a party to the Transaction, the Calculation Agent, of the correction prior to the Settlement Date,
(ii) THEN the Calculation Agent, acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures, will determine the amount that is payable as a result of that correction and, to the extent necessary, will adjust the terms of the Transaction to account for such correction.
2.3 Definitions Relating to Settlement
2.3.1Automatic Exercise Condition” means each of the conditions below has been satisfied:
(i) the Buyer has not previously given an NDO Exercise Notice to the Seller or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent;
(ii) the Buyer has not previously given an NDO Non-Auto Exercise Notice to the Seller or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent; and
(iii) the Option Cash Settlement Amount at the Expiration Time is greater than zero.
2.3.2Business Day Convention” means, if the Calendar Day Election is not specified as Applicable, the applicable convention for adjusting any relevant date in accordance with Section [6.1.1] if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a Business Day, or, if the Calendar Day Election is specified as Applicable, not applicable.
2.3.3Commencement Date” means, in respect of a Transaction, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention, if applicable, or, if no date is specified, the Trade Date.
2.3.4Currency Conversion Factor” means either:
(i) if the Price Source Currency is the same as the Settlement Currency, 1, or
(ii) if the Price Source Currency is not the same as the Settlement Currency, the amount of the Settlement Currency with a value equal to one unit of the Price Source Currency, using the currency exchange rate at the time at which such amount is determined, as determined by the Calculation Agent acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures to produce a commercially reasonable result.
2.3.5Earliest Exercise Time” means, in respect of a Transaction, the time specified as such, or, if none is specified, 9.00 a.m. local time in the location specified in the related Confirmation for receipt by the Seller or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent, of notices relating to the Transaction.
2.3.6Exercise Date” means:
(i) where the Buyer has given an NDO Exercise Notice to the Seller, the exercise date specified in such NDO Exercise Notice, or, if no such date is specified, the effective date of the NDO Exercise Notice; and
(ii) where the Automatic Exercise Condition is satisfied, the Expiration Date.
2.3.7Exercise Days” means, in respect of a Transaction, the days specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention, if applicable.
2.3.8Exercise Period Day” means, in respect of an NDO and its Option Style, each day set out below:
2.3.9Exercise Window” means the period from the Earliest Exercise Time to the Latest Exercise Time on any Exercise Period Day.
2.3.10Expiration Date” means, in respect of a Transaction, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention, if applicable.
2.3.11Expiration Time” means, in respect of a Transaction, the Latest Exercise Time on the Expiration Date, or, if none is specified, the Valuation Time.
2.3.12Exercise Period Day” means, in respect of an NDO and its Option Style, each day set out below:
Option Style Exercise Period Day
American Each Exercise Day from, and including, the Commencement Date to, and including, the Expiration Date.
Bermudan Each Specified Exercise Date and the Expiration Date.
European The Expiration Date.
2.3.13Forward Cash Settlement Amount” means an amount expressed in the Settlement Currency calculated as follows:
Forward Cash Settlement Amount=Multiplier x (P-Forward Price) x Currency Conversion Factor
where “P means the Settlement Price at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date.
2.3.14Forward Price” means, in respect of a Transaction, the price specified as such, which is expressed as an amount of Price Source Currency.
2.3.15Latest Exercise Time” means, in respect of a Transaction, the time specified as such.
2.3.16Multiplier” means, in respect of a Transaction, the number specified as such.
2.3.17NDO Exercise Notice” means an irrevocable notice given by the Buyer to the Seller, or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent, providing notice to the Seller of the Buyer's exercise of the Transaction.
2.3.18NDO Non-Auto Exercise Notice” means an irrevocable notice given by the Buyer to the Seller, or, if applicable, the Seller's Designated Agent, providing notice to the Seller that the Buyer does not wish Automatic Exercise to apply in respect of the Transaction.
2.3.19Option Cash Settlement Amount” means:
(i) if the Option Type specified for the Transaction is a Call, the Call Settlement Amount, where:
Call Settlement Amount=Multiplier x max(P-Strike Price,0) x Currency Conversion Factor
where “P” means the Settlement Price at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date.
(ii) if the Option Type specified for the Transaction is a Put, the Put Settlement Amount, where:
Put Settlement Amount=Multiplier x max(Strike Price-P,0) x Currency Conversion Factor
where “P” means the Settlement Price at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date.
2.3.20Option Style” means the Option Style specified as such for a Transaction.
2.3.21Premium” means the amount, if any, specified as such that will become due to the Seller from the Buyer on the Premium Payment Date.
2.3.22Premium Payment Date” means the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention, if applicable.
2.3.23Price Source Currency” means, in respect of a Transaction, the currency in which the Settlement Price Source publishes the Settlement Price.
2.3.24Settlement Currency” means, in respect of a Transaction, the currency specified as such or, if none is specified, the Price Source Currency.
2.3.25Settlement Date” means, in respect of a Transaction, the date specified as such, or, if no date is specified as such, two Relevant Days after the Valuation Date.
2.3.26Settlement Price” means the price published by the Settlement Price Source Provider in respect of the Settlement Price Source.
2.3.27Settlement Price Source” means in respect of a Transaction the price source specified as such, or if applicable, the Replacement Fallback Settlement Price Source, determined in accordance with Section [4.2.6].
2.3.28Settlement Price Source Location” means:
(i) in respect of any Settlement Price Source for which a Settlement Price Source is included in the Settlement Price Source Matrix, the Settlement Price Source Location as specified in the Settlement Price Source Matrix for that Settlement Price Source (or any successor location); and
(ii) in respect of any other Settlement Price Source, the Settlement Price Source Location as specified (or any successor location).
2.3.29Settlement Price Source Provider” means the entity responsible for the publication of the Settlement Price Source at the Settlement Price Source Location.
2.3.30Specified Exercise Dates” means, in respect of a Transaction, the dates specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention, if applicable.
2.3.31Strike Price” means, in respect of a Transaction, the price specified as such, which is expressed as an amount of Price Source Currency.
2.3.32Valuation Date” means, where a date is specified as the “Valuation Date” in respect of a Transaction, such date, or, in the case of an NDO where no date is specified as such, the Exercise Date, or, in either case, where that date is not a Relevant Day or is not a Scheduled Publication Day, the Valuation Date will be the next Scheduled Publication Day that is also a Relevant Day. In all cases, the Valuation Date remains subject to adjustment in accordance with any applicable Disruption Fallback.
2.3.33Valuation Time” means, in respect of a Transaction, the time specified as such, as adjusted in accordance with any applicable Disruption Fallback.