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{{bookreview|The Design of Business: Why Design is the Next Competitive Advantage}} - {{author|Roger Martin}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Design of Business: Why Design is the Next Competitive Advantage}} - {{author|Roger Martin}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules our Lives}} - {{author|Leonard Mlodinow}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules our Lives}} - {{author|Leonard Mlodinow}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Nature of Technology: What it is and How it Evolves}} - {{author|Brian Arthur<br>
{{bookreview|The Nature of Technology: What it is and How it Evolves}} - {{author|Brian Arthur}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind}} - {{author|Julian Jaynes}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind}} - {{author|Julian Jaynes}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Singularity is Near}} - {{author|Ray Kurzweil}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Singularity is Near}} - {{author|Ray Kurzweil}} <br>
{{bookreview|The Structure of Scientific Revolutions}} - {{author|Thomas Kuhn <br />
{{bookreview|The Structure of Scientific Revolutions}} - {{author|Thomas Kuhn}} <br />
{{bookreview|Thinking, Fast and Slow}} - {{author|Daniel Kahneman}}
{{bookreview|Thinking, Fast and Slow}} - {{author|Daniel Kahneman}}
{{bookreview|Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance}} - {{author|Robert M. Pirsig}} <br>
{{bookreview|Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance}} - {{author|Robert M. Pirsig}} <br>

{{c|Jolly Contrarian}}
{{c|Jolly Contrarian}}