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{{g}}An excellent issuer of [[legal opinion]]s, and one of the few international enterprises whose business model was wholly unaffected by the global financial crisis. Magic-circle [[charge-out rates]] have been steadily rising since 1985, to the point where it is now more expensive to hire a [[trainee solicitor]] for an hour than to fly to Monaco for a weekend at the ''Grand Prix''.
[[File:Magic circle.jpg|450px|thumb|center|Look into my eyes. £1,100 is a sensible [[chargee-out rate]] for a [[trainee]]]]
}}An excellent issuer of [[legal opinion]]s, and one of the few international enterprises whose business model was wholly unaffected by the global financial crisis. Magic-circle [[charge-out rates]] have been steadily rising since 1985, to the point where it is now more expensive to hire a [[trainee solicitor]] for an hour than to fly to Monaco for a weekend at the ''Grand Prix''.

The best way of doing that, therefore, is to arrange for a [[magic circle law firm]] to invite you to the motor racing as part of its client entertainment programme.
The best way of doing that, therefore, is to arrange for a [[magic circle law firm]] to invite you to the motor racing as part of its client entertainment programme.