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:::(iii) OR ELSE IF the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} at the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}} is less than the {{datprov|Forward Price}},
:::(iii) OR ELSE IF the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} at the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}} is less than the {{datprov|Forward Price}},
:::(iv) THEN the {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the absolute value of the {{datprov|Forward Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
:::(iv) THEN the {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the absolute value of the {{datprov|Forward Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.2.3}} '''{{datprov|NDO Premium Payment}}'''
::{{datprov|2.2.3}} '''{{datprov|NDO Premium Payment}}'''
:::(i) The {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the {{datprov|Premium}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} in the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}} on the {{datprov|Premium Payment Date}}.
:::(i) The {{datprov|Buyer}} will pay the {{datprov|Premium}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} in the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}} on the {{datprov|Premium Payment Date}}.
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:::::(II) "Automatic Exercise" is specified as Applicable in respect of the {{datprov|Transaction}} and the {{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}} has been satisfied,
:::::(II) "Automatic Exercise" is specified as Applicable in respect of the {{datprov|Transaction}} and the {{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}} has been satisfied,
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Seller}} will pay the {{datprov|Option Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Buyer}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Seller}} will pay the {{datprov|Option Cash Settlement Amount}} to the {{datprov|Buyer}} on the {{datprov|Settlement Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.2.5}} '''{{datprov|Corrections of the Settlement Price}}'''
:::(i) IF all of the conditions below are satisfied:
::::(a) a correction is published by the {{datprov|Settlement Price Source Provider}} in respect of the {{datprov|Settlement Price}} for the {{datprov|Valuation Time}} on the {{datprov|Valuation Date}}; and
::::(b) either party has notified the other party and, if the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}} is not a party to the {{datprov|Transaction}}, the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}}, of the correction prior to the {{datprov|Settlement Date}},
:::(ii) THEN the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}}, acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures, will determine the amount that is payable as a result of that correction and, to the extent necessary, will adjust the terms of the {{datprov|Transaction}} to account for such correction.
:{{datprov|2.3}} '''{{datprov|Definitions Relating to Settlement}}'''
::{{datprov|2.3.1}} “'''{{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}}'''” means each of the conditions below has been satisfied:
:::(i) the {{datprov|Buyer}} has not previously given an {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}};
:::(ii) the {{datprov|Buyer}} has not previously given an {{datprov|NDO Non-Auto Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}}; and
:::(iii) the {{datprov|Option Cash Settlement Amount}} at the {{datprov|Expiration Time}} is greater than zero.
::{{datprov|2.3.2}} “'''{{datprov|Business Day Convention}}'''” means, if the {{datprov|Calendar Day Election}} is not specified as Applicable, the applicable convention for adjusting any relevant date in accordance with Section [6.1.1] if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a {{datprov|Business Day}}, or, if the {{datprov|Calendar Day Election}} is specified as Applicable, not applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.3}} “'''{{datprov|Commencement Date}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable, or, if no date is specified, the {{datprov|Trade Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.4}} “'''{{datprov|Currency Conversion Factor}}'''” means either:
:::(i) if the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}} is the same as the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}}, 1,  or
:::(ii) if the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}} is not the same as the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}}, the amount of the {{datprov|Settlement Currency}} with a value equal to one unit of the {{datprov|Price Source Currency}}, using the currency exchange rate at the time at which such amount is determined, as determined by the {{datprov|Calculation Agent}} acting in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures to produce a commercially reasonable result.
::{{datprov|2.3.5}} “'''{{datprov|Earliest Exercise Time}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the time specified as such, or, if none is specified, 9.00 a.m. local time in the location specified in the related {{datprov|Confirmation}} for receipt by the {{datprov|Seller}} or, if applicable, the {{datprov|Seller}}'s {{datprov|Designated Agent}}, of notices relating to the {{datprov|Transaction}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.6}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Date}}'''” means:
:::(i) where the {{datprov|Buyer}} has given an {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}} to the {{datprov|Seller}}, the exercise date specified in such {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}}, or, if no such date is specified, the effective date of the {{datprov|NDO Exercise Notice}}; and
:::(ii) where the {{datprov|Automatic Exercise Condition}} is satisfied, the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.7}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Day}}s'" means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the days specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.8}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}'''” means, in respect of an NDO and its {{datprov|Option Style}}, each day set out below:
::{{datprov|2.3.9}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Window}}'''” means the period from the {{datprov|Earliest Exercise Time}} to the {{datprov|Latest Exercise Time}} on any {{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.10}} “'''{{datprov|Expiration Date}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the date specified as such, subject to adjustment in accordance with the {{datprov|Business Day Convention}}, if applicable.
::{{datprov|2.3.11}} “'''{{datprov|Expiration Time}}'''” means, in respect of a {{datprov|Transaction}}, the {{datprov|Latest Exercise Time}} on the {{datprov|Expiration Date}}, or, if none is specified, the {{datprov|Valuation Time}}.
::{{datprov|2.3.12}} “'''{{datprov|Exercise Period Day}}'''” means, in respect of an NDO and its {{datprov|Option Style}}, each day set out below: