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Now the written canon, for all its flaws and biases, is the nearest account of how humans do communicate. But it is biased in obvious ways: it favours those who write over those who do not; the loudmouth over the introvert, those who have the time, resources and inclination to publish over those who don’t; those who have a platform over those who don’t.
Now the written canon, for all its flaws and biases, is the nearest account of how humans do communicate. But it is biased in obvious ways: it favours those who write over those who do not; the loudmouth over the introvert, those who have the time, resources and inclination to publish over those who don’t; those who have a platform over those who don’t.
The same thing that is uncomfortable about that is democratic about that. It is democracy’s prerogative to deliver a result any voter, personally, might not like. That a small group of well-attuned, influential people — such a group you might call an “elite” — can make value judgments to correct for the unmediated, actual speech of the population – to second guess what the population did say with what, in that elite’s opinion, it ought to have said, is a political act. It is to rewrite the record. To erase the past.
Now statistical correlations between words either do say something profound about the values embedded in a text, or they don’t. But either way one should tread carefully before remediating or correcting text for “unwanted” biases. Unwanted by whom?