Swap It Out

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Swap It Out by Justin Bieber
(Enjoy the lyrics, at your own risk, here)
It's an honest try but on balance it still falls into the “mangle” category: Mr. Bieber seems to have no real concept of the binding nature of legal obligations, and is wooly about the implications of derivatives as speculative or wagering contracts, at least where there is no plausible representations as to their application for bona fide hedging purposes.

And ultimately swapping hearts, which among young, uncynical and unscarred people such as Mr Bieber and his Beliebers, are largely fungible, the transaction seems to be light on substance so there's a question of adequate consideration.

With that in mind, judge for yourself:

Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I'll give my world to you [1]
We can swap swap swap it out
I can show you what I’m talking about[2]
Be obliged just to show you how
Follow my lead, that’s what you oughta do
No pressure [3]
Swapping out ain’t ever been a crime[4]
If it was then I’d do the time
Throw away the keys as long as I’m here with you forever.

See also


  1. strictly speaking under a swap it’s an obligation, not a discretion.
  2. Oral representations.
  3. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. also unconscionable conduct, duress etc.
  4. Well, not a crime, per se, but arguably inconsistent with precepts of Shari'ah law which may prevail in some jurisdictions, and note that generally gambling contracts are unenforceable as a matter of public policy.