Template:Emissions allowance - FWMD

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Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®

Emissions Allowance

Wanna stop frying the planet? Start here. Will it help? Who knows? The forward curve is in contango: who cares!

Docs Take your pick: IETA, ISDA or even EFET: none of them good. But at least you have flexibility in mediocrity 4
Amendability Nope. The EU can amend them, but you can’t. 0
Collateral They aren’t anyone’s obligations as such. In fact, they’re more like a sort of unofficial, made up, (hush) crypto. No credit risk! DNA
Transferability With an account at the Union Registry, sure! 7
Leverage Not unless you do a CEmO, and we just made that up. 0
Fright-o-meter Not directly scary as long as there is an EU with Greta Thundberg in it, but global warming is going to lead to Armageddon so, you know, indirectly. 5