Office anthropology™
/iːzˈᵊns/ (n.)
A JC-own coinage — if Taleb can do this, I don’t see why I can’t — meaning the opposite of a hindrance. Something — a tool, a technique, a convention, a consensus — designed to take away faff, defeat jobsworths, eliminate pettifoggery with form at the expense of substance.
The ISDA Master Agreement is — well, started out life as — an easance.
But here is the thing: it is in the nature of the entropic universe — the laws of worker entropy, as a set, predict — that easances, when not actively defended, quickly decay and may indeed invert, converting to hindrances. This has, per our argument here, happened to the ISDA. The upper bound of a hindrance is described by the eighteenth law of worker entropy — which is the point at which a hindrance is such a pain in the arse that the thing being hindered is no longer worth doing at all.
The magical thing about hindrances is that, as the thing being done — call this an “enterprise” — increases in scale, the relative amount of hindrance its sponsors will tolerate also scales, in increasing proportion to the value of the enterprise. Ie, the ratio tends toward — but, we think. never quite gets — to 1.