Financial weapons of mass destruction

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Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®


Just like OCD, only in alphabetical order, and it will fuck you up.

Docs indentures, red herrings, 10b-5s, the works! 10
Amendability Zilch. Oh, the trustee might agree amendments for you, you say? HAHAHAHAHA 10
Collateral Shonky CDOs the manager couldn’t get out of the warehouse. And you just wrote a put on them. 8
Transferability Theoretically high. Practically nil. No-one wants your toxic waste, senator. 6
Leverage All the leverage you could want, and more. Especially in the junior tranches. 8
Fright-o-meter All-out superpower confrontation. Straight-up toxic waste. 11

Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®

Repack Programme

It’s exotic, it’s Caribbean, it’s transformative — but somehow just not that exciting any more.

Docs Propectus, agreements, supplements, swaps, global notes, side letters galore. Most exciting part: limited recourse. Yes: that exciting. 2
Amendability Bugger all, because of the trust structure. What? You think the Trustee’s going to take a view? 7
Collateral Fully funded. Note is fully collateralised. 4
Transferability In theory unlimited: cleared, dematerialised bearer notes. In practice? Forget about it. No-one wants your home-made espievie notes. 7
Leverage Not really. 3
Fright-o-meter CAYMAN ISLANDS DUDE! In reality, depends what you put in it, but mostly tame. 5

Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®


Call that a short? That’s not a short. This is a short.

Docs Vague, arcane, outdated and no netting airbags. 4
Amendability Bilateral, so yes, in theory — but more likely to tip out and sign up a fresh GMSLA. 2
Collateral Yes. Could be stocks, bonds — anything. 1
Transferability bilateral. Homey don’t ride that bus. 0
Leverage Fully cash collateralised, but a bonus point for the contra-flow collateral haircut. The lender net borrows from the borrower. Nice. 1
Fright-o-meter Generally sleepy “pluming of the financial, system” material, but shortsville, generally anachronistic and no netting, so GameStop freakout territory. 5

Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®

Synthetic equity swap

All the pleasure of ownership; none of the responsiblity!

Docs ISDA Master Agreement, 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions and a master confirmation and, if you are lucky, a 75-page lockup. Call the legal eagles! 8
Amendability Bilateral, so doable, but delta-one, so not much to amend. 3
Collateral Reg VM and IM margined daily. If you are on dynamic margining and paying attention, not much to see here. If you aren’t, Armageddon. 7
Transferability Daily liquidity, so no real need. 3
Leverage Synthetic margin lending so yes. But your PB will — should —be all over you, so no. 5
Fright-o-meter Until 27 March 2021, about 3. But since then, beset with evil spirits, succubi and incubi, and The Family Office Who Must Not Be Named. 10

Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®


Let’s go get sushi and not pay!

Docs Global Master Repurchase Agreement and Master Repurchase Agreement. Vague where it needs to be and not heavily negotiated. 3
Amendability Bilateral, so yes, in theory — but would you, unless MiFID changed and you had to? No. 2
Collateral Yes. Generally cash. 0
Transferability 0
Leverage Fully cash collateralised, so nope. 0
Fright-o-meter Sorry: not going to get hearts racing. You can’t even short with them. 1