Template:Cdd subscriber rider

From The Jolly Contrarian
Revision as of 16:22, 12 May 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{subst:subscriber rider}}")
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And this is where the free part of the service runs out. For our lovely subscribers, there is more here. How much more? Well, for the cost of a coffee a week, you could find out what the JC as to say about the following juicy topics:

{{M premium summary {{{1}}} ISDA {{{2}}}}}
[[Template:m premium summary {{{1}}} ISDA {{{2}}}|edit]]

For more about the tremendous benefits of supporting the unique independent internet resource that is the JC — more premium content, newsletters, the feeling of inclusion, Q&A service, and in the future, who knows? Podcasts? Seminars? Movies? A semibiographical musical? — see here.