Template:M summ 2002 ISDA 6(b)
There is a difference between Early Termination Dates brought about by Termination Events that affect one, or a group of Transactions — these might be affected by, say, a Tax Event or an Illegality, but in any weather it isn’t much about the solvency or creditworthiness of your counterparty (and might have nothing to do with your counterparty at all; and those which affect — that is, Affect — all Transactions, which generally do have something to do with the naughtiness of lack of fibre of one or other of the counterparty.
Thus, in the drafting of ISDA Schedules, CSAs and so on, you will often find laboured reference to Early Termination Date with respect to all outstanding Transactions as some kind of special, hyper-exciting, class of Early Termination Date.