A quixotic attempt to change the world, one iteration at a time Index: Click ᐅ to expand:
Organisational strategy: prohibit escalations below a certain rank (or, if your organisation is foresighted enough to do away with ranks, by a certain role: team leader, for example.) the idea is to condition junior people to escalate up their formal command chain, making this a teachable moment within the silo. If a continued proliferation of stupid questions from the team leader, you can manage that with performance management. Insights:
- BAU legal understanding lives in the operational function, not in the legal department.
- The responsibility for training staff on the BAU lies with management of the operational function, not with the legal department
- Legal is an escalation point for edge cases and emergencies. Just as you don’t consult a solicitor every day in your personal life, nor should you consult legal every day in your professional one.