Template:Isda Indemnifiable Tax comp

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Now you would like to think ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ could do something to improve a passage with a quintuple negative, wouldn’t you? Even, if, bloody-mindedly, to add a sixth negative, just to underline how scanty is the damn they give about the neurotic whinings of those, like the JC who hanker for more economical expression. In your face, prose stylists, such a stance might say. Actually, since I’m here, have a fricking seventh negative, punk, and brand it on your forehead so all who look upon you will know who it was who schooled you.

We can but dream, possums. We can only imagine what might have been. but no; they left the ghastly tract inviolate.

But HAL 9000 is coming. The JC fed this language into the “OpenAI” text generator, and asked for a summary that a second grader (in old money, an eight-year-old) could understand and, well, the outcome is impressive:

{{{{{1}}}|Indemnifiable Tax}} is a kind of tax that is different from other taxes. It is a tax that is only imposed when someone is connected to the country or state that imposes the tax. This connection could be because the person is from the country, does business there, or has gotten money from there.