Blowing out someone else’s candle won’t make yours burn any brighter

From The Jolly Contrarian
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Crappy advice you find on LinkedIn


An occasional paean to the empty-headed aspirational gems that gush from from LinkedIn’s wellspring of bunk.
Index: Click to expand:LinkedIn: Your best version... | Your value ... | Inspirational you... | A candle in the wind... | Every boss... | Every journey... | We rise... | We lift you up... | You are dynamite... | Your example... | Game-changers and their aspirants
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Another one for people so taken up with the metephorical potential of their aphorisms, they miss its literal falsehood. Only someone who has been to a fireworks display at midday will know this not to be true. Now it might be true that doing down your fellow won’t improve your own career prospects — but don’t watch Game of Thrones if you want to hang onto that idea, but if you want your light to burn brighter, most certainly put all the other lights out.