*Fun: stimulating, challenging, intellectual, entertaining, and empowering.
Social: It really does depend on that serendipitous spark that tinkles off employees of a large organisation when they bump into each other in the lift, at the gym, in disciplinary processes etc.
A chance or learn: This is not a drill. This is not rote. You will acquire new skills and new ways of looking art the world. If you bring a paint-by-numbers view to this, it won’t work. This is an antidote to painting by numbers, which is what large organisations do by habit.
Disciplined: But it is not all table-tennis tables and soft play areas: you need to generate concrete outputs. It doesn't matter that they’re negative, but you need to have something to show for the investment in time. So form a plan, state success criteria, run experiments, iterate, and write it up. If it works, you need to take it and implement it back into the organisation. If it didn’t you need to document why your bright idea didn’t work.