The dog in the night time
Podcast idea - look at unusual anomalies in the markets and ask why they persist
what are the red-flags that an out and out fraud, pyramid, ponzi scheme is going on? are there some consistent themes?
- Over-reliance on effective regulation: we imagine regulators are better resourced, more powerful and more talented than they are. - assumed the SEC was doing its job
- Credibility: Connection to well-regarded community pillars
- Interconnectedness of red-flags
- Belief in paradigm shift as part of the story: We’ve banished risk. The internet has changed economics forever
- Micromanager: Single person unusually able to influence/control the narrative
- Cult of personality: single svengali
- Secrecy: Insistence on confidentiality not just of unannouced plans but of entire operation. Black box operations.
- High turnover: Especially when combined with confidentiality. Workplace bullying etc.
- Hostility: combative/aggressive demeanour to criticism
With all the checks and balances in financial regulation, how did:
- Bernie Madoff get away with it? - Author Harry Markopoulous
- Nick Leeson
- Theranos
- Enron
- Dot com bust
- CDOs
- Libor - Anthony Browne
Does regulation work? - Netting - Diversity