Template:Form and substance capsule

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Form versus substance in a nutshell

Form is the map: simplified, rationalised, modularised: it establishes, through followable rules, a safe passage through the incomprehensible thickness of the jungle. It tries to reduce complexity — scary, unmanageable, non-linear — to mere complication — fiddly, but tamable by punctilious attention to detail — by prescribing fixed rules and procedures — process — which maybe followed even by those with no particular experience or expertise of the territory. As long as you can read, and are generally disposed to quickly and quietly doing what you are told, the only question asked of you in such a formal system will be: did you faithfully follow the rules?

Substance is the territory: the fractal, inchoate, indeterminate, dancing, organic mass of messiness in which we are consigned to play our mortal games. Without a map, there is only one way to navigate the territory: by knowing it. Knowledge is an investment of time, patience, energy and skill. A map is a proxy, not a substitute for knowledge: one who knows the territory — an expert — will bridle upon being told to use a map. Would you use a map to navigate from the station to your own home?