Template:M comp disc EFET Allowance Annex EEP and EEP Equivalent

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Revision as of 12:01, 13 September 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
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The definition of Excess Emissions Penalty is more or less the same in all three emissions trading documentation regimes. Compare:
ISDA: Excess Emissions Penalty
IETA: Excess Emissions Penalty
EFET: Excess Emissions Penalty
Seeing as it is quite a fundamental part of the economic risk of {{{{{1}}}|Allowance}} trading, we should not be surprised to find that all three versions have a concept of {{{{{1}}}|EEP}} or {{{{{1}}}|Excess Emissions Penalty}}, nor that, per their Myers-Briggs personality types, ISDA has gone for quite unnecessary optionality, IETA has sort of followed suit, and EFET has gone for none, but laborious drafting of alternatives anyway. Hey ho.