Template:Gmsla Termination summ

From The Jolly Contrarian
Revision as of 09:53, 20 September 2024 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
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For reasons we get into more detail about in the premium section (see why termination on notice is useful) there is something to be said for being able to terminate on notice something the ISDA Master Agreement does not contemplate). While it does not affect any outstanding Loan, seeing as Loans are, if not outright callable, usually short-dated and preternaturally re-marked to market, outstanding Loans are not an enormous barrier to sweeping the whole arrangement away.

The ISDA’s hesitance on this unimportant topic, we venture, is to do with paranoid fears about the efficacy of its sainted close-out netting terms — meh; maybe — but we like to think it has unleashed on the world an army of wight-walker zombie ISDAs, doomed to roam the earth until the day of judgment, apropos nothing but there, undead, and ready to animate and rally to the banner of Sauron, Beelzebub, Lehman Brothers etc., should they be reincarnated, to rain apocalyptic hell on the armies of men. We have written a whole article about it.