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This book is such a missed opportunity. The [[bullshit job]]s phenomenon is real (I've had one for 20 years). There *are* bullshit jobs, they are endemic, but in his polemic, {{author|David Graeber}} totally mischaracterises them, for large parts of his book confuses them with other phenomena which, while odious enough, have a markedly different character (namely good jobs in unscrupulous businesses, and [[survivor]]s: the piss-takers and grifters who hide in plain sight, without doing any work at all, in every large corporate organisation.
This book is such a missed opportunity. The [[bullshit job]]s phenomenon is real (I've had one for 20 years). There *are* bullshit jobs, they are endemic, but in his polemic, {{author|David Graeber}} totally mischaracterises them, for large parts of his book confuses them with other phenomena which, while odious enough, have a markedly different character (namely good jobs in unscrupulous businesses, and [[survivor]]s: the piss-takers and grifters who hide in plain sight, without doing any work at all, in every large corporate organisation.

Unscrupulous businesses have been around since Dickens’ time, as any old school Leftie should know. They go with the capitalist running dog territory: Graeber’s not found anything new there.  
Unscrupulous businesses have been around since Dickens’ time, as any old-school Leftie should know. Some of the rest of us recognise that too. They go with the capitalist running dog territory: Graeber’s not found anything new there.  

[[Survivor]]s are harder to rationalise, except as the small group "defectors" that get away with free-riding in any large scale game of [[prisoner’s dilemma]].  
[[Survivor]]s are harder to rationalise, except as the small group "defectors" that get away with free-riding in any large scale game of [[prisoner’s dilemma]].  

But neither are owners of bullshit jobs. Bullshit jobs are real jobs, that require acuity, dedication, patience, expertise and elbow-grease, only to achieve an end which, in the wider scheme of things, cannot be just not justified by resources they have consumed in carrying it out.
But neither capitalist pig-dogs nor the survivors are, necessarily, owners of bullshit jobs. Bullshit jobs are real jobs, that require acuity, dedication, patience, expertise and elbow-grease, only to achieve an end which, in the wider scheme of things, cannot be just not justified by resources they have consumed in carrying it out.

[[Internal audit]]: ''that'' is a bullshit job: these people must turn stones, analyse data, write [[PowerPoint]]s, require the compilation of [[MIS]] against which they must measure formal, but ''never'' substantive [[deliverable]]s, in doing so consuming not only their own resources, external resources, but those of (usually) productive people whose functions they are employed to audit. That is bullshit squared, especially if they're auditing other people who themselves are carrying out bullshit roles: ISDA negotiators or netting compliance personnel.
[[Internal audit]]: ''that'' is a bullshit job: these people must turn stones, analyse data, write [[PowerPoint]] presentations, jockey [[spreadsheet]]s, and sanction the compilation of [[MIS]] against which they must measure formal, but ''never'' substantive [[KPI]]s and [[deliverable]]s. [[In the weeds]] which are their natural habitat, these  are perfectly sensible, prudent, and plausible means of managing systemic risk. From a birds' eye view they disappear from view altogether, but render really as a gray, sticky sheen over the whole organisation. In performing their role, internal auditors consume not only their own resources, external resources, but those of (usually) productive people whose functions they are employed to audit. That is bullshit squared, especially if they're auditing other people who themselves are carrying out largely bullshitty roles: [[ISDA negotiator|ISDA negotiators]] or [[Mediocre lawyer|netting opinion compliance personnel]].

Nor is it any part of the bullshittery of a bullshit job that the owner of that job knows or suspects it to be so: most [[Mediocre lawyer|financial services lawyers]] believe sincerely that theirs is a critical contribution to the organisations’s bottom line and continued prosperity. They believe their contribution to be self-evident, if ineffable, but in any case beyond question — possibly beyond the descriptive capability of a question; certainly beyond any question that a [[management consultant]] or an [[internal audit]]or could confect. Only a knave would put a price on legal services<ref>Of course one can very easily evaluate the cost of legal services; evaluating the risks and costs one’s legal team headed off  is harder: it is after all the dog that did not bark in the night-time.</ref>
Nor is it any part of the bullshittery of a [[bullshit job]] that its owner knows or suspects it to be so: most [[mediocre lawyer|financial services lawyers]] believe sincerely that theirs is a critical contribution to the organisations’s — nay the financial world’s — continued prosperity. They believe their contribution to be self-evident, if ineffable, but in any case beyond question — possibly beyond the very descriptive capability of a question; certainly beyond any question a [[management consultant]] or an [[internal audit]]or could confect. Only a knave would put a price on legal services<ref>Of course one can very easily evaluate the ''cost'' of legal services; evaluating the risks and costs one’s legal team ''avoided'' is harder: that is the dog that did not bark in the night-time.</ref>

Most disappointingly of all, having stated it, Graeber totally fails to address the central, throbbing question: how ''can'' bullshit jobs be so prevalent in our lean, sleek, uncompromising capitalistic market economy? This is an important question and an anthropologist ought to be as well suited as anyone to answering it. But he doesn't even try, preferring instead to trot out cod old left platitudes and trotting out self-serving (and self-selected) anecdotes from people who think their true calling is performance art, or learning about ethno-cultural distributions of melody in world music, and are outraged that the free world is disinclined to fund their burning ambition.
Most disappointingly of all, having stated it, {{author|David Graeber}} totally fails to address the central, throbbing question: how ''can'' bullshit jobs be so prevalent in our lean, sleek, uncompromising capitalistic market economy? This is an important question that an anthropologist ought to be well suited to answering. But he doesn’t even try, preferring instead to trot out cod old-Left platitudes and self-serving (and self-selected) anecdotes from individuals who hit him up on twitter, and who think their true calling is performance art, or self-educating about ethno-cultural distributions of melody in world music, and are outraged that the free world is disinclined to fund their burning ambition. The real question for these sainted folks is what on earth anyone was doing hiring them into multinationals — it is a truth universally acknowledged that HR is a bullshit profession — and what these were doing even applying for them — in the first place.
{{author|David Graeber}} wonders at how, in our ultra-Darwinian world of red-blooded capitalism can sustain these jobs. In them, he thinks he’s found the definitive falsification of the capitalist ideology. But let me put the contrarian view. Bullshit jobs don’t exist in the wild — there are no independent, self-employed compliance officers or internal auditors out there patrolling the market, like vigilante superheroes. If this genus ever evolved (it didn’t) the market would have killed it off pretty quickly. ''These roles only exist within corporations''. Multinational corporations are not run like free markets at all.  There is no democracy within a multinational. There is no freedom of choice. There are long, absurd, chains of command - bullshitter squats upon bullshitter squats upon bullshitter in an absurd forest of concatenated chains of bureaucracy and while these tendrils fan and spread seep through cracks and fissures, all of them ultimately run up to a single, controlling figure, vastly removed from all these dastardly beavers, who presides not at the pleasure of any one of these employees, but a passive group of unseen stakeholders who exert their only pressure by means of the severely derivative activity of buying and selling the company's securities. Multinationals, that is to say, are run ''exactly'' like Marxist dictatorships.

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