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==Opco Backstory==
Opco Boone is born in Switzerland to a pair easy going, peace-loving NDA specialists at a small, family owned legal consultancy in Interlaken. When Opco was nine, they were killed by a hijacked truck that crashed into their car.
Opco survives the crash and is rescued by a man he comes to know as Uncle George, a wealthy Caribbean philanthropist who happens to be visiting Interlaken. He adopts Opco and takes him home to the Cayman Islands where Opco grows up, despite the loving environment, a troubled child, often waking from nightmares in the middle of the night screaming for his parents and having visions of about harmless furry little animals with sharp teeth who suddenly turn on their owners overthrow the world. He channels his energy into stamping out dangerous legal weapons that can cause havoc in the financial markets and harm innocent people.
He earns a scholarship to study at the prestigious St. Crustard’s Academy for the Perpetually Confused, where he specializes in the international law preventing the promulgation of financial weapons of mass destruction, are complex and dangerous financial instruments that can cause global economic collapse and social chaos if misused. Here he meets also his classmates Algernon Farquhar and Janice Henderson, who are martial arts magicians, dirt bike supremos, ace fighter pilots and counsel when Opco needs them.
He meets his mentor, Professor Havid Dilbert, an eccentric expert on semiotics who is trying to formulate a set of axiomatic legal definitions from a small corrugated iron shed in the grounds of Broadmoor prison. He fears that The Romanian is developing a new type of financial weapon that is a network of interconnected micro bombs buried in the investment portfolios of ordinary, unsuspecting and innocent people, including the elderly which could be detonated remotely causing catastrophic loss and panic.
He also encounters his nemesis, J.T. Palmer, an agent of the F.I.A., a regulatory enforcement agency that is supposed to monitor and prevent financial crimes. However, Opco suspects that Palmer has been corrupted by The Romanian and is secretly working for his father’s company, which is behind the micro bomb scheme. Palmer is arrogant, ruthless and manipulative, and he tries to sabotage Opco’s career at every turn.
He also learns more about his parents’ past and their connection to the Eagle Squad. They were not the pointless confidentiality experts he had been brought up to believe, but were undercover agents working for the Eagle Squad, a renegade group of vigilante derivative lawyers who are sworn to protect the world from the evils of synthetic vega, a measure of the sensitivity of the price of a derivative to changes in volatility.
They had been on a mission to infiltrate the software-as-a-service legaltech company owned by The Romanian, a shadowy androgynous figure who legend has it is immortal and descended from the great trickster of the First Men, [[Oleg Paripasu]]. Their death in the truck accident was no accident.
He finds this out when he confronts Palmer at his office and sees a photo of his parents on Palmer’s desk. Palmer reveals that he was a former colleague in the Eagle Squad, but he betrayed them to The Romanian for money and power.
He decides to continue his parents’ legacy and join the Eagle Squad in their quest to stop The Romanian from taking over the world. He faces many dangers and challenges along the way, but he also finds love and friendship in unexpected places. He ultimately confronts Palmer and The Romanian in a climactic showdown that will determine the fate of humanity.
==[[Deltaview Force]]==
==[[Deltaview Force]]==
Eagle Squad goes undercover into demilitarised zone to clear out derelict building [WHY/WHERE] with its device for searching for material differences. They detect movement with the deltaview, thinking they have found a [[Biggs particle]]. Behind them, they find a live squidboy in the rubble. He is booby-trapped with red herrings and unapproved pitchbooks.  Squad radios back to base to get a Chinese wall thrown up. There is a CBT countdown alert. Eventually he gives up the pitchbook: [[Lexrifyly]] IPO. AJ picks it up to browse. He gets sucked in by the mesmerising text. Squidboy burbles about how clever the technology is, A.J. gets sucked into the vortex. Opco grabs the squidboy and goes in after him.
Eagle Squad goes undercover into demilitarised zone to clear out derelict building [WHY/WHERE] with its device for searching for material differences. They detect movement with the deltaview, thinking they have found a [[Biggs particle]]. Behind them, they find a live squidboy in the rubble. He is booby-trapped with red herrings and unapproved pitchbooks.  Squad radios back to base to get a Chinese wall thrown up. There is a CBT countdown alert. Eventually he gives up the pitchbook: [[Lexrifyly]] IPO. AJ picks it up to browse. He gets sucked in by the mesmerising text. Squidboy burbles about how clever the technology is, A.J. gets sucked into the vortex. Opco grabs the squidboy and goes in after him.

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