Brownian motion: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{a|design|}}Like the Brownian motion in a cup of tea: not only is a spontaneous lurch of all participants in one direction at once unlikely, it is impossible. The Brownian collision that sends one molecule to the left must send another to the right. For every molecule to go left at once defies the laws of physics. Physics requires independently-interacting particles to move in offsetting directions. Hence the emergent stability of a a stationary cup of tea. Indepe..."
(Created page with "{{a|design|}}Like the Brownian motion in a cup of tea: not only is a spontaneous lurch of all participants in one direction at once unlikely, it is impossible. The Brownian collision that sends one molecule to the left must send another to the right. For every molecule to go left at once defies the laws of physics. Physics requires independently-interacting particles to move in offsetting directions. Hence the emergent stability of a a stationary cup of tea. Indepe...")
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