Template:ISDA New York Law Credit Support Annex 2016 13(h)

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13(h) Holding and Using Posted Collateral (VM).

(i) Eligibility to Hold Posted Collateral (VM); Custodians (VM). Party A and its Custodian (VM) will be entitled to hold Posted Collateral (VM) pursuant to Paragraph 6(b); provided that the following conditions applicable to it are satisfied:
(A) Party A is not a Defaulting Party.
[SPECIFY] Initially, the Custodian (VM) for Party A is [SPECIFY]
Party B and its Custodian (VM) will be entitled to hold Posted Collateral (VM) pursuant to Paragraph 6(b); provided that the following conditions applicable to it are satisfied:
(A) Party B is not a Defaulting Party.
[SPECIFY] Initially, the Custodian (VM) for Party A is [SPECIFY]
(ii) Use of Posted Collateral (VM). The provisions of Paragraph 6(c) will not apply to the [party/parties*] specified here:
and [that party/those parties*] will not be permitted to: [SPECIFY]