The Jolly Contrarian:General disclaimer
For regular people
You may be interested in our general view about disclaimers, here. A few things: firstly this site is, as you may have noticed, free, it costs me to maintain it, I don’t leave cookies, I don’t collect your data, and I don’t make any money from it (yet — if I could figure out how to, I would), so if you think it is anyone’s fault but your own if you rely on it to your cost, you really haven’t understood a thing.
Secondly: these views: they’re mine, they may be wrong, idiosyncratic, contrarian, not what you want to hear: that’s fine. Drop me a line if you are interested in taking up the cudgels — I like a good debate and I’m always prepared to be educated. But, basically, if you don’t like what you read here then — well, what the fuck are you doing reading it? There is a good alternative source for moronic views about finance, life and cricket here.
The legal views, about finance contracts, were formed over a 25 year career advising almost exclusively the sell-side, and I readily concede they may be informed, coloured, biased or deluded by that perspective (though I try to be as open-minded as I can be). If you want to put up a different perspective, well: knock yourself out. It’s a free internet. But be warned: it will take you ages.
For Americans
For our American friends, a special extra disclaimer:
This wiki frequently includes untutored and probably disrespectful views on matters of US law, regulation and general culture. To be clear: the JC’s predominant purpose is to troll, not to give constructive advice on how to live your life, much less how to organise your regulatory affairs. The JC is not a US attorney, does not want to be one, and claims no great expertise or insight into US securities regulation, other an abiding conviction that it is way, way more complicated than it needs to be, and the benefit of that abstrusity accrues exclusively to those who are US attorneys and the organs of state that are populated by them. If you read this and take it seriously, other than as a source of entertainment, more fool you.
For Residents of New Hampshire
This wiki frequently includes untutored and probably disrespectful views on matters of US law, regulation and general culture. To be clear: the JC’s predominant purpose is to troll, not to give constructive advice on how to live your life, much less how to organise your regulatory affairs. The JC is not a US attorney, does not want to be one, and claims no great expertise or insight into US securities regulation, other an abiding conviction that it is way, way more complicated than it needs to be, and the benefit of that abstrusity accrues exclusively to those who are US attorneys and the organs of state that are populated by them. If you read this and take it seriously, other than as a source of entertainment, more fool you.

Well, I’d be a bit of an arse if I got all heavy about copyright, given what I have to say about other people exploiting it, but I did make all this stuff up, so (a) if you find the site valuable, tell your friends — the more people who use it the more chance I have of making something out of it one day — and (b) if you want to reproduce or use material here you have found on here that you like, it would only be cricket to credit the site, with a link. If you use my material for commercial purposes I think it would be sporting of you to make a donation to Georgia’s Fund, don’t you?
If you see something on here that you think is your copyright or intellectual property, let me know. This is most likely going to be images. I harvest these from the internet, wherever I can find them. I am more than happy to acknowledge, link back and so on, but I am not paying any royalties, so if that’s a problem, basically it’s your problem, since your image is already out there on the internet where I found it, but I’ll do my part by taking your image down. Plenty of other fish in the sea.
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© 2017-2020 O. Buxton licenced under a creative commons “BY” licence — details here.