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Reg snatched the youth by the scruff of his filthy neck, drew him up to eye level and stared into his dark, glittering eyes.
Reg snatched the youth by the scruff of his filthy neck, drew him up to eye level and stared into his dark, glittering eyes.

The boy babbled in a foreign tongue, apparently pleading for mercy. Reg held up a giant finger to the intruders lips and he quietened.
The boy babbled in a foreign tongue. Reg held up a giant finger and the intruder quietened.

“Now,” said Reg, “I might be possessed of no great capacity for knowing things, nor figuring things, but I’m a dab old hand at ''believin’'' things, and ''surmisin’'' about things, and I believe an’ I surmise that, what with them dark eyes and that tousled dark hair, worn in that foreign-looking way and, added to all of that, that strange way you have of saying things, that your kind is not from these parts?”  
“Now,” said Reg, “I might be possessed of no great capacity for knowin’ things, nor figurin’ things, but I’m a dab old hand at ''believin’'' things, and ''surmisin’'' about things, and I believe an’ I surmise that, what with them dark eyes and that tousled hair, in that foreign-looking garb and, added to all of that, that strange way you have of sayin’ things, that you ain’t from these parts?”  

The captive’s eyes widened and he said, in flawless, if archaic, high ''Lanchmani'':
The captive’s eyes widened and he said, in flawless, if archaic, high ''Lanchmani'':
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Now Reg wasn’t of the [[Lanchmani]] at all, but was an indentured peasant engaged on a pittance to keep the city’s engine running and royal sewerage system clean, but he figured there was no call to disabuse his captive of his sense of grandiosity.
Now Reg wasn’t of the [[Lanchmani]] at all, but was an indentured peasant engaged on a pittance to keep the city’s engine running and royal sewerage system clean, but he figured there was no call to disabuse his captive of his sense of grandiosity.

“Well that's as may be, see, but, humble scholar or no, you be still pinching my stuff. And we can’t be having that.” And with that, taking a thick hemp rope from his sack, he bound the Carpathian trickster to a tree.
“Well that's as may be, see, but, humble scholar or no, you still be pinching my stuff. And we can’t be having that.” And with that, taking a thick hemp rope from his sack, he bound the Carpathian trickster to a tree.

“Ah no, no, no,” muttered the little fellow, as Reg bound him hand and foot, “I fear I am most misunderstood.”
“Ah no, no, no,” muttered the little fellow, as Reg bound him hand and foot, “I fear I am most misunderstood.”

Reg had it in his mind that the odd little fellow was scheming or plotting something. “Seeing as you seem a cunning little fellow —”
“I say you ain’t.

“Pinching, sir? Stealing? Oh, no, no, ''no'' Sir! But I can see why you might be confused —”
Reg had it in his mind that the odd little fellow was scheming or plotting something. “Seeing as you seem a cunning lil’ fellow, pinchin’ my stuff and all —”

“I en’t confused — not so as no more than normal, least anyways — so how’s about you tells me why you be stealing my stocks?”
“Pinching, sir? Oh, no, no, ''no'' Sir! But I can see why you might be confused —”
“I ain’t confused — not so as no more than normal, least anyways — so how’s about you tells me why you be stealing my stocks?”

“''Borrowing'' them, sire, ''Borrowing'' them; I swear upon my father’s life I am no thief.”
“''Borrowing'' them, sire, ''Borrowing'' them; I swear upon my father’s life I am no thief.”

I shall return them, with interest, at your command. ’Tis my business.”
Yes! Yes! Borrowing! ’Tis my business! I shall return them, with interest, sir at your command.”

“Business? Who has business is stealing another fellow’s stocks?”
“Business? Who has business is stealing another fellow’s stocks?”
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“''Borrowing'' sire!”
“''Borrowing'' sire!”

“Have it your way: who has business borrowing another fellow’s stocks?”
“Have it your way: who has business ''borrowin’'' another fellow’s stocks?”

“To lend them to those who most need them.”
“To lend them to those who most need them.”

“''Lend'' them?”
“''Lend'' them? And who be needin’ em?”

“Indeed: they who need them most pay handsomely and strong, sire. They can return them when their circumstances permit. In the mean time, they will pay a good commission we can share betwixt us. We can, my friend, be Partners!”  
“Indeed: they who need them most pay handsomely and strong, sire. They can return them when their circumstances permit. In the mean time, they will pay a good commission we can share betwixt us. We can, my friend, be Partners!”  
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“Oh, that I am. Hungry. Very hungry.”
“Oh, that I am. Hungry. Very hungry.”

“So aren’t you pleased that [[Vlad Paripasu]], your friendly lender, is here to make a market for you!” The man held out a tin cup of the the steaming stock.
“So aren’t you pleased that myself, [[Vlad Paripasu]], at your, ah, service sir, your friendly lender, is here to make a market for you!”  

Reg took it and eagerly took a long draught. “Oh, Vlad, it is very good.”
Reg took it and eagerly took a long draught. “Oh, Vlad, it is very good.”