The Jolly Contrarian:About: Difference between revisions

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This website is the product of years of accretive rambling and doodling on the part of one chap. Occasionally he has borrowed wholesale snippets he's found on the internet, often changing just names and identifying characteristics, but mostly it's just his own fevered ramblings.
This website is the product of years of accretive rambling and doodling on the part of one chap. Occasionally I have summarized, extracted, adapted, borrowed or outright copied snippets I've found on the internet, sometimes changing just names and identifying characteristics, but mostly it's just my own fevered ramblings.  

Bits of it are subject to copyright claims no doubt, but to the extent reproduced here I'd claim fair use or study purposes, and really no-one who isn't employed by an organization having paid up rights to use ISDA documentation would have any real interest in using it, so I don't feel like I'm monstrously defrauding anyone - and that's even if ISDA can claim copyright in text which was generated by committee, without compensation, and is used as market standard language across the industry.
Bits of it - especially the {{anatomies}} may contain content in which copyright is vigorously ''claimed'' --- but to the extent one accepts that claim (and I'm not sure I do) I'd claim my reproduction is fair use or intended study purposes, and frankly it's hardly been commercially exploited anyway. And, really anyone to whom I might commercially exploit it (wouldn't ''that'' be nice!) who isn't employed by a large regulated organisation which in any case has a licence to use ISDA documentation would be a stone cold weirdo. So I don't feel like I'm monstrously defrauding anyone - and that's even if ISDA ''can'' claim copyright in text which was generated by consensus, in committee, without compensation, and is used as market standard language across the industry.
And frankly, ISDA, your drafting's nothing to be proud about anyway.

Revision as of 18:28, 4 February 2016

This website is the product of years of accretive rambling and doodling on the part of one chap. Occasionally I have summarized, extracted, adapted, borrowed or outright copied snippets I've found on the internet, sometimes changing just names and identifying characteristics, but mostly it's just my own fevered ramblings.

Bits of it - especially the ===Anatomies=== This is one of Amwell Clear’s master agreement anatomies. Anatomies are indexed analyses of the clauses in common master agreements and regulatory handbooks. More are planned.
Anatomy™: AIFMD | CASS | COBS | Conference calls | Confis | CRR | CSA | EMIR | Equity Derivatives | FOA PCA | FUND | GMRA | GMSLA | ISDA | OSLA | PB | Swapclear | UCITS

may contain content in which copyright is vigorously claimed --- but to the extent one accepts that claim (and I'm not sure I do) I'd claim my reproduction is fair use or intended study purposes, and frankly it's hardly been commercially exploited anyway. And, really anyone to whom I might commercially exploit it (wouldn't that be nice!) who isn't employed by a large regulated organisation which in any case has a licence to use ISDA documentation would be a stone cold weirdo. So I don't feel like I'm monstrously defrauding anyone - and that's even if ISDA can claim copyright in text which was generated by consensus, in committee, without compensation, and is used as market standard language across the industry.

And frankly, ISDA, your drafting's nothing to be proud about anyway.