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In which the curmudgeonly old sod puts the world to rights.
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Hands up who has heard, or felt these misgivings:

  • “If I take on this project, and it fails, I won’t have my old job to go back to and I will be out of a job.”
  • “If we fix this process, these people will be out of a job.”
  • “I fear they are going to outsource my role and I will be out of a job.”
  • “The machines are coming, and we will soon be out of a job. But I will hang on as long as I can, and hopefully see out to retirement.”

On the other hand, who has not felt the following:

  • This process is ludicrous. It adds no value. It wastes everybody’s time, and creates hours of unnecessary paperwork. While we waste our time on this, something genuinely serious could blow up, we will be blamed because we didn’t anticipate it, and we’ll all be out of a job. But there are too many vested interests for it to ever change.
  • These documents are far too complicated. Even the lawyers who negotiate them don’t understand them, and the operations teams wouldn’t have a clue. There is a real risk of operational failure because no-one understands what is going on, and if that happens we will all be out of a job, but there is no appetite to spend even a small amount of time or money to fix it: we don’t have the bandwidth are too busy keeping the manual processes going.
  • We can’t manage this risk properly because our systems are archaic, they don’t talk to each other, the process is far too manual and we spend all our time on the defensive and handling operational risk incidents. If something blows up we will be out of a job, but we have no mandate to fix it.

These are a yin and yang. This is the dilemma of modern professional work. This is David Graeber’s paradox.

These, it strikes me, are powerful psychological inhibitors to change. If you are trying to achieve change, you need to deal with them. Here are some thoughts:

  • The work is never done: It is a reductionist canard of the first order that once routine work is automated there will be nothing left to do. If you sort out routine work, it makes the machine go faster. A machine that goes faster finds new things to do. As long as you are a resourceful, flexible person, the more bureaucratic pain you eliminate, the sooner you can get to interesting, knotty problems that need solving. Solving interesting knotty problems is fun.
  • People who can solve bureaucratic pain and make the machine run faster are like gold-dust.