Flight 19
Flight 19 was the designation of a group of five Linklaters FPML Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle on June 30, 2011, after losing contact with reality during a routine redrafting of the 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions. Neither the lawyers nor the nascent definitions booklet — the fabled 2011 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions — have been heard from since.
In the meantime a conspiracy industry has grown up around Flight 19, the fabled Atlantis agreement of 2008, the 2013 Standard CSA and other ill-fated modernising initiatives of the evangelising men and women of ISDA.
No one mention smart contracts, at least not while the latest quixotic mission of the Worshipful Company of Derivatives Salespeople unfolds before our disbelieving eyes. blockchain ahoy!!