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A word about credit risk mitigation

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/pəˈfɛkʃən/ (n.)

1. In the lore of security-taking: The juridical art of making a security interest “work” - in legal circles, often a security interest like a fixed charge, perfect: tickety-boo, compliant with all formalities and enforceable in a court of your choosing. This might be registration of a charge at companies house, notification to the chargor, standing on one leg at the crest of Kilimanjaro and gravely reciting a Rudyard Kipling poem. Magic words, horcruxes and amulets that make the mystical, semi-divine, state of suretyship hum. Sadly, the Financial Collateral Directive has taken much of the fun out of this, by rendering it basically unnecessary: if i charge counts as a “financial collateral arrangement”, the formal registration and perfection requirements which would otherwise apply (eg notification; registering the security interest with the registrar of companies, the hilarious pantomime of the Slavenburg filing) do not apply.

2. When trying to get something done. That thing that Voltaire said was “the enemy of good enough”.

See also