Template:No termination events

Revision as of 16:04, 15 July 2022 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

The ISDA Master Agreement is rare amongst the beasts and fowls of the financial services hedgerows in that it has two categories of things that can lead to termination with extreme prejudice: Events of Default and Termination Events.

Briefly, Events of Default are “good night nurse” events — Failure to Pay, Bankruptcy, Breach of Agreement, Cross Default, Credit Support Default, DUST and so on — where it’s all over red rover and by morning time operations folks will be wandering blearily around outside the building clutching Iron Mountain boxes and kicking themselves for not joining that crypto start up like everyone else in the service line[1].

Termination Events are lesser, survivable things that just mean a few Transactions get scotched, or sometimes all of them, but in any case no reason we can’t pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with the business of trading again. There are some subtle differences between how closeouts are priced depending on what caused them: in a nutshell Termination Events tend to be more “mid-markety” reflecting their “shit happens” vibe; Events of Default tend to be priced at the Non-Defaulting Party’s side of the market to acknowledge the sanctimony with which an innocent derivative party garlands itself.

There may have been a good reason for this in 1987 when the distinction first arose; we suspect these are less compelling and if ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ had its time again and was framing a derivatives master agreement from scratch we like to think it would be simpler affair. We also like to think that one day there will be peace in the middle east, and that we will live out a long retirement in a large villa overlooking the Lauterbrunnen valley, of course.

Most of the other industry master agreements don’t make that distinction: it’s an Event of Default or it isn’t.

  1. Do not get comfortable, Hodlers: your time is coming.