Template:CDO squared - FWMD

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Revision as of 16:44, 27 February 2020 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
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Top Trumps®
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction®

CDO Squared

Strap on the asbestos, lads, we’re going in.

Docs Bond docs, red herrings, 10b-5 opinions, the works! {{{docscore}}}
Amendability Nope. Once you bought it, you are stuck with it. {{{amendscore}}}
Collateral Yeah, good luck on that, friend. Your collateral is shonky CDO issues the manager couldn’t get out of the warehouse. And you just wrote a put on them. {{{collateralscore}}}
Transferability Theoretically high. Practically nil. No-one wants your toxic waste, senator. {{{transferscore}}}
Leverage All the leverage you could want, and more. Especially in the junior tranches. 8 {{{leveragescore}}}
Fright-o-meter 11 {{{frightscore}}}