Passive-aggressive /ˈpæsɪv/-/əˈgrɛsɪv/ (adj.) 1. A word to describe whoever it is that is arguing with you. 2. The only form of intellectual discord now allowed in modern life, albeit one that is, in the right hands, more or less compulsory. So profound must our mutual concern for one another’s psychological safety, mindfulness, spiritual wellbeing and so on be that should one suffer any transgression of one’s intellectual perimeter — the slightest wry aspersion as to one’s expressed opinion, however manifestly idiotic or deserving of lambastement[1] — entitles one to brazenly bully the shit out of the unfortunate sod who happened to disagree.
Particularly apposite for virtue-signallinglibtards, as there is something uniquely passive aggressive about the libtard mindset: not just a tiresome political disposition — okay, people who talk any kind of politics a lot are tiresome — but tiresomemoralising, with in-built opprobrium should one dare to question it. Seeing as I don’t have enough money to survive being cancelled just now, I’ll leave it at that.