Template:Emissions force majeure overview

Revision as of 15:02, 7 September 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

Functionally, the definitions of “Force Majeure” under the EFET Annex and the IETA, and “Settlement Disruption Event” in the ISDA Emissions Annex are the same.

Here is a comparison between IETA and EFET, and here is a comparison between EFET and ISDA.

The differences are to account for the architecture and nomenclature of the different master agreements, though the IETA has a conflict clause favouring Suspension Event over Force Majeure/Settlement Disruption Event, which the EFET does not. The equivalent under the ISDA Emissions Annex is called a Settlement Disruption Event because there is already a Force Majeure under the 2002 ISDA so the ’squad had to call their version something else.