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Latest revision as of 15:30, 9 April 2020

5. Collateral
5.1 Delivery of Collateral on commencement of Loan
Subject to the other provisions of this paragraph 5, Borrower undertakes to deliver to or deposit with Lender (or in accordance with Lender’s instructions) Collateral simultaneously with Delivery of the Securities to which the Loan relates and in any event no later than Close of Business on the Settlement Date.
5.2 Deliveries through securities settlement systems generating automatic payments
Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, where any Securities, Equivalent Securities, Collateral or Equivalent Collateral (in the form of securities) are transferred through a book entry transfer or settlement system which automatically generates a payment or delivery, or obligation to pay or deliver, against the transfer of such securities, then:

(a) such automatically generated payment, delivery or obligation shall be treated as a payment or delivery by the transferee to the transferor, and except to the extent that it is applied to discharge an obligation of the transferee to effect payment or delivery, such payment or delivery, or obligation to pay or deliver, shall be deemed to be a transfer of Collateral or delivery of Equivalent Collateral, as the case may be, made by the transferee until such time as the Collateral or Equivalent Collateral is substituted with other Collateral or Equivalent Collateral if an obligation to deliver other Collateral or deliver Equivalent Collateral existed immediately prior to the transfer of Securities, Equivalent Securities, Collateral or Equivalent Collateral; and
(b) the Party receiving such substituted Collateral or Equivalent Collateral, or if no obligation to deliver other Collateral or redeliver Equivalent Collateral existed immediately prior to the transfer of Securities, Equivalent Securities, Collateral or Equivalent Collateral, the Party receiving the deemed transfer of Collateral or Delivery of Equivalent Collateral, as the case may be, shall cause to be made to the other Party for value the same day either, where such transfer is a payment, an irrevocable payment in the amount of such transfer or, where such transfer is a Delivery, an irrevocable Delivery of securities (or other property, as the case may be) equivalent to such property.

5.3 Substitutions of Collateral
Borrower may from time to time call for the repayment of Cash Collateral or the Delivery of Collateral equivalent to any Collateral delivered to Lender prior to the date on which the same would otherwise have been repayable or deliverable provided that at or prior to the time of such repayment or Delivery Borrower shall have delivered Alternative Collateral acceptable to Lender and Borrower is in compliance with paragraph 5.4 or paragraph 5.5, as applicable.
5.4 Marking to Market of Collateral during the currency of a Loan on aggregated basis
Unless paragraph 1.3 of the Schedule indicates that paragraph 5.5 shall apply in lieu of this paragraph 5.4, or unless otherwise agreed between the Parties:

5.4(a) the aggregate Market Value of the Collateral delivered to or deposited with Lender (excluding any Equivalent Collateral repaid or delivered under paragraphs 5.4(b) or 5.5(b) (as the case may be)) (Posted Collateral) in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement shall equal the aggregate of the Market Value of Securities equivalent to the Loaned Securities and the applicable Margin (the Required Collateral Value) in respect of such Loans;
5.4(b) if at any time on any Business Day the aggregate Market Value of the Posted Collateral in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Lender under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral
exceeds the aggregate of the Required Collateral Values in respect of such Loans together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any securities equivalent to Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities,
Lender shall (on demand) repay and/or deliver, as the case may be, to Borrower such Equivalent Collateral as will eliminate the excess;
5.4(c) if at any time on any Business Day the aggregate Market Value of the Posted Collateral in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Lender under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral
falls below the aggregate of Required Collateral Values in respect of all such Loans together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of Securities equivalent to any Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities,
Borrower shall (on demand) provide such further Collateral to Lender as will eliminate the deficiency;
5.4(d) where a Party acts as both Lender and Borrower under this Agreement, the provisions of paragraphs 5.4(b) and 5.4(c) shall apply separately (and without duplication) in respect of Loans entered into by that Party as Lender and Loans entered into by that Party as Borrower.

5.5 Marking to Market of Collateral during the currency of a Loan on a Loan by Loan basis
If paragraph Schedule 1.3 of the Schedule indicates this paragraph 5.5 shall apply in lieu of paragraph 5.4, the Posted Collateral in respect of any Loan shall bear from day to day and at any time the same proportion to the Market Value of Securities equivalent to the Loaned Securities as the Posted Collateral bore at the commencement of such Loan. Accordingly:

(a) the Market Value of the Posted Collateral to be delivered or deposited while the Loan continues shall be equal to the Required Collateral Value;
(b) if at any time on any Business Day the Market Value of the Posted Collateral in respect of any Loan together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Lender in respect of that Loan but which are unpaid; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral
the Required Collateral Value in respect of such Loan together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower in respect of that Loan; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of Securities equivalent to any Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities, Lender shall (on demand) repay and/or deliver, as the case may be, to Borrower such Equivalent Collateral as will eliminate the excess; and
(c) if at any time on any Business Day the Market Value of the Posted Collateral together with:
(i) all amounts due any payable by the Lender in respect of that Loan; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral
falls below
the Required Collateral Value together with:
(i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower in respect of that Loan; and
(ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of Securities equivalent to any Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities, Borrower shall (on demand) provide such further Collateral to Lender as will eliminate the deficiency.

5.6 Requirements to deliver excess Collateral
Where paragraph 5.4 applies, unless paragraph 1.4 of the Schedule indicates that this paragraph 5.6 does not apply, if a Party (the first Party) would, but for this paragraph 5.6, be required under paragraph 5.4 to provide further Collateral or deliver Equivalent Collateral in circumstances where the other Party (the second Party) would, but for this paragraph 5.6, also be required to or provide Collateral or deliver Equivalent Collateral under paragraph 5.4, then the Market Value of the Collateral or Equivalent Collateral deliverable by the first Party (X) shall be set off against the Market Value of the Collateral or Equivalent Collateral deliverable by the second Party (Y) and the only obligation of the Parties under paragraph 5.4 shall be, where X exceeds Y, an obligation of the first Party, or where Y exceeds X, an obligation of the second Party to repay and/or (as the case may be) deliver Equivalent Collateral or to deliver further Collateral having a Market Value equal to the difference between X and Y.
5.7 Where Equivalent Collateral is repaid or delivered (as the case may be) or further Collateral is provided by a Party under paragraph 5.6, the Parties shall agree to which Loan or Loans such repayment, delivery or further provision is to be attributed and failing agreement it shall be attributed, as determined by the Party making such repayment, delivery or further provision to the earliest outstanding Loan and, in the case of a repayment or delivery up to the point at which the Market Value of Collateral in respect of such Loan equals the Required Collateral Value in respect of such Loan, and then to the next earliest outstanding Loan up to the similar point and so on.
5.8. Timing of repayments of excess Collateral or deliveries of further Collateral
Where any Equivalent Collateral falls to be repaid or delivered (as the case may be) or further Collateral is to be provided under this paragraph 5, unless otherwise provided or agreed between the Parties, if the relevant demand is received by the Notification Time specified in paragraph Schedule 1.5 of the Schedule, then the delivery shall be made not later than the Close of Business on the same Business Day; if a demand is received after the Notification Time, then the relevant delivery shall be made not later than the Close of Business on the next Business Day after the date such demand is received.
5.9 Substitutions and extensions of Letters of Credit
Where Collateral is a Letter of Credit, Lender may by notice to Borrower require that Borrower, on the third Business Day following the date of delivery of such notice (or by such other time as the Parties may agree), substitute Collateral consisting of cash or other Collateral acceptable to Lender for the Letter of Credit. Prior to the expiration of any Letter of Credit supporting Borrower’s obligations hereunder, Borrower shall, no later than 10.30 a.m. UK time on the second Business Day prior to the date such Letter of Credit expires (or by such other time as the Parties may agree), obtain an extension of the expiration of such Letter of Credit or replace such Letter of Credit by providing Lender with a substitute Letter of Credit in an amount at least equal to the amount of the Letter of Credit for which it is substituted.