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{{jcf|January 2020|
The Devil’s Advocate Notes on the absurdity of office life.
For the legal eagles Common legal agreements, examined.
For malcontents Miscellany. And eggs.
What’s in here The sidebar on the left should help you.
Your favourite pages What the Google says you’ve been reading this month.
Our favourites searches Your best questions this month.
Anatomies: Clause-by-clause Anatomy and nutshell guides (hit the bar on the left) to ISDA and other master trading agreements. These may be incomplete, out of date, out of touch, flippant — well, they are flippant — but will still be better value and more entertaining than that awful FT book about derivatives;
Book reviews culled from twenty indolent years sounding off on Amazon;
Much flippancy about plain English, buzzwords, technology, negotiation, flannel, Latin, Greek, metaphor and eggs.
Cross Default under an ISDA: that fabulously pointless Event of Default.
Synthetic prime brokerage: What is it? How is it different from natural prime brokerage? Can I iron it?
Independent Amount: What’s that again?
Assignment by way of security: Is it the same as a charge?
Automatic Early Termination ISDA’s crack drafting squad™’s “clever” end-run for silly insolvency regimes. What’s that all about?
Netting of Payments: The ISDA clause that shouldn’t be!
Set-off: Is it the same as close-out netting?
Credit Support Document: Is it the same as a Credit Support Annex? (Spoiler: In America, Yes... in England, No.)
ISDA Comparison What are the differences bvetween a 1992 ISDA and a 2002 ISDA? Should I care? (Spoiler: No.)
Lastly, Tai Hing Cotton Mill v Liu Chong Hing Bank: A great case, fallen on hard times.