Category talk:Equity Derivatives Anatomy

Unwikified pages as at 20/11/2019

Section 1.12. Confirmation. “Confirmation” means, in respect of a Transaction, one or more documents and other confirming evidence exchanged between the parties or otherwise effective, which when taken together confirm or evidence all of the terms of a Transaction.
Section 1.17. Trade Date. “Trade Date” means, in respect of a Transaction, the date specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.22. Multiplier. “Multiplier” means the percentage or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.28. Index Sponsor. “Index Sponsor” means the corporation or other entity that (a) is responsible for setting and reviewing the rules and procedures and the methods of calculation and adjustments, if any, related to the relevant Index and (b) announces (directly or through an agent) the level of the relevant Index on a regular basis during each Scheduled Trading Day.
Section 1.3. Forward Transaction. “Forward Transaction” means a transaction that is (a) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a single index (an “Index Forward Transaction”), (b) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a single share or other security (a “Share Forward Transaction”), (c) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Forward Transaction”) or (d) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a basket of shares or other securities (a “Share Basket Forward Transaction”).
Section 1.31. Scheduled Trading Day. “Scheduled Trading Day” means any day on which each Exchange and each Related Exchange are scheduled to be open for trading for their respective regular trading sessions.
Section 1.35. EC Treaty. “EC Treaty” means the Treaty establishing the European Community (signed in Rome on March 25, 1957), as amended by the Treaty on European Union (signed in Maastricht on February 7, 1992) and as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam (signed in Amsterdam on October 2, 1997), as further amended from time to time.
Section 1.36. Clearance System Business Day. “Clearance System Business Day” means, in respect of a Clearance System, any day on which such Clearance System is (or, but for the occurrence of a Settlement Disruption Event, would have been) open for the acceptance and execution of settlement instructions.
Section 1.39. Physically-settled. “Physically-settled” means, in respect of a Transaction, that Physical Settlement is applicable to that Transaction.
Section 1.40. Calculation Agent. “Calculation Agent” means the person or entity specified as such in the related Confirmation. Whenever a Calculation Agent is required to act or to exercise judgment in any way, it will do so in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner. Furthermore, each party agrees that the Calculation Agent is not acting as a fiduciary for or as an advisor to such party in respect of its duties as Calculation Agent in connection with any Transaction.
Section 1.41. ISDA Master Agreement. “ISDA Master Agreement” means one of the standard form master agreements published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. The terms “Event of Default”, “Affiliate” and “Early Termination Date” will have the meanings given to those terms in the ISDA Master Agreement.
Section 1.42. Knock-in Price. “Knock-in Price” means, in respect of a Transaction that is subject to a Knock-in Event, the level, price or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.43. Knock-out Price. “Knock-out Price” means, in respect of a Transaction that is subject to a Knock-out Event, the level, price or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.44. Knock-in Event.

(a) If “Knock-in Event” is specified as applicable to a Transaction, then unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation, a party’s right to exercise an Option under an Option Transaction and its right to receive, or its obligation to make, a payment or delivery under an Option Transaction (once exercised or deemed exercised), a Forward Transaction or Equity Swap Transaction where such right or obligation is subject to a Knock-in Event shall be conditional upon the occurrence of the Knock-in Event on any Knock-in Determination Day as of the time of such exercise, deemed exercise, payment or delivery, and the parties shall have any other rights and obligations set forth in the related Confirmation from and after the occurrence of the Knock-in Event.
(b) “Knock-in Event” means the event or occurrence specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify such an event or occurrence but specifies a Knock-in Reference Security and/or a Knock-in Price, a Knock-in Event shall occur for a Transaction for which such Knock-in Reference Security is also the Index, Share or Basket specified in the related Confirmation:
(i) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-in Price is greater than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security determined as of the Knock-in Valuation Time on any Knock-in Determination Day is greater than or equal to the Knock-in Price; and
(ii) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-in Price is less than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security determined as of the Knock-in Valuation Time on any Knock-in Determination Day is less than or equal to the Knock-in Price.
In the event of a dispute between the parties as to whether a Knock-in Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent shall determine whether a Knock-in Event has occurred.

Section 1.45. Knock-out Event.

1.45(a) If “Knock-out Event” is specified as applicable to a Transaction, then unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation, a party's right to exercise an Option under an Option Transaction and its right to receive, or its obligation to make, a payment or delivery under an Option Transaction (once exercised or deemed exercised), a Forward Transaction or Equity Swap Transaction where such right or obligation is subject to a Knock-out Event shall be conditional upon the Knock-out Event not having occurred on any Knock-out Determination Day as of the time of such exercise, deemed exercise, payment or delivery, and the parties shall have any other rights and obligations set forth in the related Confirmation from and after the occurrence of the Knock-out Event.
1.45(b)Knock-out Event” means the event or occurrence specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify such an event or occurrence but specifies a Knock-out Reference Security and/or a Knock-out Price, a Knock-out Event shall occur for a Transaction for which such Knock-out Reference Security is also the Index, Share or Basket specified in the related Confirmation: (i) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-out Price is greater than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security determined as of the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is greater than or equal to the Knock-out Price; and (ii) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-out Price is less than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security determined as of the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is less than or equal to the Knock-out Price. In the event of a dispute between the parties as to whether a Knock-out Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent shall determine whether a Knock-out Event has occurred.

Section 1.46. Knock-in Reference Security. “Knock-in Reference Security” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-in Event is specified as being applicable, the index, share, other security or basket specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-in Reference Security, the Knock-in Reference Security will be deemed to be the same Index, Share or Basket, as the case may be, specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.47. Knock-out Reference Security. “Knock-out Reference Security” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-out Event is specified as being applicable, the index, share, other security or basket specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-out Reference Security, the Knock-out Reference Security will be deemed to be the same Index, Share or Basket, as the case may be, specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.48. Knock-in Determination Day. “Knock-in Determination Day” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-in Event is specified as being applicable, each Scheduled Trading Day specified as such in the related Confirmation, unless such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Knock-in Valuation Time on such day. If such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Knock-in Determination Day shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Knock-in Determination Day is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Knock-in Determination Day, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day, and the Calculation Agent shall determine the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security in the same manner that it would determine a level, price or amount of an Index, Share or Basket on a deemed Valuation Date that is also a Disrupted Day in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.6(a)(ii), (b) or (c), as the case may be. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify any Knock-in Determination Days, each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if there is no such Valuation Date or Expiration Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date in relation to the Transaction (adjusted, if applicable, as provided in Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6) shall be deemed to be Knock-in Determination Days in relation to the Transaction.
Section 1.49. Knock-out Determination Day. “Knock-out Determination Day” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-out Event is specified as being applicable, each Scheduled Trading Day specified as such in the related Confirmation, unless such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Knock-out Valuation Time on such day. If such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Knock-out Determination Day shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Knock-out Determination Day is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Knock-out Determination Day, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day, and the Calculation Agent shall determine the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security in the same manner that it would determine a level, price or amount of an Index, Share or Basket on a deemed Valuation Date that is a Disrupted Day in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.6(a)(ii), (b) or (c), as the case may be. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify any Knock-out Determination Days, each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if there is no such Valuation Date or Expiration Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date in relation to the Transaction (adjusted, if applicable, as provided in Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6) shall be deemed to be Knock-out Determination Days in relation to the Transaction.
Section 1.5. Index Transaction. “Index Transaction” means an Index Option Transaction, Index Forward Transaction or Index Swap Transaction.
Section 1.50. Knock-in Valuation Time. “Knock-in Valuation Time” means, in respect of a Transaction that provides for a right to receive, or obligation to make, a payment or delivery that is subject to a Knock-in Event, the time on any Knock-in Determination Day specified as such in the related Confirmation. in that the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-in Valuation Time, the Knock-in Valuation Time shall be the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if no Valuation Time is specified, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-in Reference Security on any Knock-in Determination Day, in relation to the index, share, other security or basket to be valued. If the relevant exchange closes prior to its Scheduled Closing Time and the specified Knock-in Valuation Time is after the actual closing time for its regular trading session, then the Knock-in Valuation Time shall be such actual closing time.
Section 1.51. Knock-out Valuation Time. “Knock-out Valuation Time” means, in respect of a Transaction that provides for a right to receive, or obligation to make, a payment or delivery that is subject to a Knock-out Event, the time on any Knock-out Determination Day specified as such in the related Confirmation. in that the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-out Valuation Time, the Knock-out Valuation Time shall be the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if no Valuation Time is specified, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-out Reference Security on any Knock-out Determination Day, in relation to the index, share, other security or basket to be valued. If the relevant exchange closes prior to its Scheduled Closing Time and the specified Knock-out Valuation Time is after the actual closing time for its regular trading session, then the Knock-out Valuation Time shall be such actual closing time.
Section 1.7. Index Basket Transaction. “Index Basket Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction, Index Basket Forward Transaction or Index Basket Swap Transaction.
Section 1.8. Share Basket Transaction. “Share Basket Transaction” means a Share Basket Option Transaction, Share Basket Forward Transaction or Share Basket Swap Transaction.
Section 1.9. Basket Option Transaction. “Basket Option Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction or Share Basket Option Transaction.
Section 10.5. Dividend Payment Obligations Relating to Physically-settled Option Transactions. All dividends on Shares to be delivered under a Physically-settled Option Transaction will be payable to the party that would receive such dividends according to market practice for a sale of such Shares to be settled through the relevant Clearance System on the relevant Exercise Date.
Section 11.1. Adjustments to Indices.
11.1(a) [Successor Indices]. If, in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, a relevant Index is (i) not calculated and announced by the Index Sponsor but is calculated and announced by a successor sponsor acceptable to the Calculation Agent, or (ii) replaced by a successor index using, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, the same or a substantially similar formula for and method of calculation as used in the calculation of that Index, then in each case that index (the “Successor Index”) will be deemed to be the Index.
11.1(b) If (i) on or prior to any Valuation Date in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, a relevant Index Sponsor announces that it will make a material change in the formula for or the method of calculating that Index or in any other way materially modifies that Index (other than a modification prescribed in that formula or method to maintain that Index in the event of changes in constituent stock and capitalization and other routine events) (an “Index Modification”) or permanently cancels the Index and no Successor Index exists (an “Index Cancellation”) or (ii) on any Valuation Date in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, the Index Sponsor fails to calculate and announce a relevant Index (an “Index Disruption” and together with an Index Modification and an Index Cancellation, each an “Index Adjustment Event”), then:

(A) if “Calculation Agent Adjustment” is specified in the related Confirmation as the consequence of any such Index Adjustment Event, then the Calculation Agent shall determine if such Index Adjustment Event has a material effect on the Index Transaction and, if so, shall calculate the relevant Settlement Price, Final Price, Strike Price, Forward Price, Forward Floor Price, Forward Cap Price, Knock-in Price or Knock-out Price, as the case may be, using, in lieu of a published level for that Index, the level for that Index as at that Valuation Date as determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the formula for and method of calculating that Index last in effect prior to the change, failure or cancellation, but using only those securities that comprised that Index immediately prior to that Index Adjustment Event;
(B) if “Negotiated Close-out” is specified in the related Confirmation as the consequence of any such Index Adjustment Event, then the parties may, but are not obliged to, terminate the Transaction on mutually acceptable terms and if they do not agree to terminate the Transaction, then it continues on the terms and subject to the conditions, formulas and calculation methods in effect as of any relevant time at which calculations may be made; or
(C) if “Cancellation and Payment” is specified in the related Confirmation as the consequence of any such Index Adjustment Event, then
(1) in the case of an Index Disruption, the Transaction will be cancelled on the Valuation Date,
(2) in the case of an Index Cancellation, the Transaction will be cancelled on the later of the Exchange Business Day immediately prior to the effectiveness of the Index Cancellation and the date the Index Cancellation is announced by the Index Sponsor, and
(3) in the case of an Index Modification, either party may elect, upon two Scheduled Trading Days' notice or such lesser notice as may be required so that termination occurs not later than the effective date of the Index Modification, to cancel the Transaction at any time following the announcement of the Index Modification but no later than the Scheduled Trading Day prior to the effectiveness of such Index Modification and (X) in the case of an Index Option Transaction or an Index Basket Option Transaction, Seller will pay to Buyer the amount specified in Section 12.7(b)(ii) and (Y) in the case of an Index Swap Transaction, an Index Basket Swap Transaction, an Index Forward Transaction or an Index Basket Forward Transaction, an amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(c) will be paid by one party to the other. Any Transaction cancelled as a result of an Index Adjustment Event will be valued using the formula or method to calculate the Index in effect immediately prior to such Index Adjustment Event.
11.2(d)Options Exchange” means the exchange or quotation system specified as such in the related Confirmation, any successor to such exchange or quotation system or any substitute exchange or quotation system to which trading in options contracts relating to the relevant Share has temporarily relocated (provided that the Calculation Agent has determined that there is comparable liquidity relative to such options contracts on such temporary substitute exchange or quotation system as on the original Options Exchange) or, if no such exchange or quotation system is specified in the related Confirmation, the Related Exchange (if such Related Exchange trades options contracts relating to the relevant Share) or, if more than one such Related Exchange is specified in the related Confirmation, the Related Exchange selected by the Calculation Agent as the primary market for listed options contracts relating to the relevant Share.

Section 11.3. Adjustments to Certain Share Transactions and Share Basket Transactions in European Currencies. In respect of a Share Transaction or Share Basket Transaction relating to Shares originally quoted, listed and/or dealt as of the Trade Date in a currency of a member state of the European Union that has not adopted the single currency in accordance with the EC Treaty, if such Shares are at any time after the Trade Date quoted, listed and/or dealt exclusively in euro on the relevant Exchange or, where no Exchange is specified, the principal market on which those Shares are traded, then the Calculation Agent will adjust any one or more of the Strike Price, the Forward Price, the Forward Floor Price, the Forward Cap Price, the Knock-in Price, the Knock-out Price, the Settlement Price, the Initial Price, the Final Price and any other variable relevant to the terms of the Transaction as the Calculation Agent determines appropriate to preserve the economic terms of the Transaction. The Calculation Agent will make any conversion necessary for purposes of any such adjustment as of the Valuation Time at an appropriate mid-market spot rate of exchange determined by the Calculation Agent prevailing as of the Valuation Time. No adjustments under this Section 11.3 will affect the currency denomination of any payment obligation arising out of the Transaction.

12.1(a)Extraordinary Event” means a Merger Event, Tender Offer, Index Adjustment Event, Nationalization, Insolvency, Delisting or any applicable Additional Disruption Event, as the case may be.
12.1(b)Merger Event” means, in respect of any relevant Shares, any
(i) reclassification or change of such Shares that results in a transfer of or an irrevocable commitment to transfer all of such Shares outstanding to another entity or person,
(ii) consolidation, amalgamation, merger or binding share exchange of the Issuer with or into another entity or person (other than a consolidation, amalgamation, merger or binding share exchange in which such Issuer is the continuing entity and which does not result in a reclassification or change of all of such Shares outstanding),
(iii) takeover offer, tender offer, exchange offer, solicitation, proposal or other event by any entity or person to purchase or otherwise obtain 100% of the outstanding Shares of the Issuer that results in a transfer of or an irrevocable commitment to transfer all such Shares (other than such Shares owned or controlled by such other entity or person), or
(iv) consolidation, amalgamation, merger or binding share exchange of the Issuer or its subsidiaries with or into another entity in which the Issuer is the continuing entity and which does not result in a reclassification or change of all such Shares outstanding but results in the outstanding Shares (other than Shares owned or controlled by such other entity) immediately prior to such event collectively representing less than 50% of the outstanding Shares immediately following such event (a “Reverse Merger”),
in each case if the Merger Date is on or before,
(A) in the case of a Physically-settled Option Transaction the later to occur of the Expiration Date or the final Settlement Date,
(B) in the case of a Physically-settled Forward Transaction or a Physically-settled Equity Swap Transaction, the relevant Settlement Date or,
(C) in any other case, the final Valuation Date.
12.1(c)Merger Date” means the closing date of a Merger Event or, where a closing date cannot be determined under the local law applicable to such Merger Event, such other date as determined by the Calculation Agent.
12.1(d)Tender Offer” means a takeover offer, tender offer, exchange offer, solicitation, proposal or other event by any entity or person that results in such entity or person purchasing, or otherwise obtaining or having the right to obtain, by conversion or other means, greater than 10% and less than 100% of the outstanding voting shares of the Issuer, as determined by the Calculation Agent, based upon the making of filings with governmental or self-regulatory agencies or such other information as the Calculation Agent deems relevant.
12.1(e)Tender Offer Date” means, in respect of a Tender Offer, the date on which voting shares in the amount of the applicable percentage threshold are actually purchased or otherwise obtained (as determined by the Calculation Agent).
12.1(f)Share-for-Share” means (i) in respect of a Merger Event or Tender Offer, that the consideration for the relevant Shares consists (or, at the option of the holder of such Shares, will consist) solely of New Shares, and (ii) a Reverse Merger.
12.1(g)Share-for-Other” means, in respect of a Merger Event or Tender Offer, that the consideration for the relevant Shares consists solely of Other Consideration.
12.1(h)Share-for-Combined” means, in respect of a Merger Event or Tender Offer, that the consideration for the relevant Shares consists of Combined Consideration.
12.1(i)New Shares” means ordinary or common shares, whether of the entity or person (other than the Issuer) involved in the Merger Event or the making of the Tender Offer or a third party, that are, or that as of the Merger Date or Tender Offer Date are promptly scheduled to be,
(i) publicly quoted, traded or listed on an exchange or quotation system located in the same country as the Exchange (or, where the Exchange is within the European Union, in any member state of the European Union) and
(ii) not subject to any currency exchange controls, trading restrictions or other trading limitations.
12.1(j)Other Consideration” means any cash or securities (other than New Shares) or assets (whether of the entity or person (other than the Issuer) involved in the Merger Event or the making of the Tender Offer or a third party).
12.1(k)Combined Consideration” means New Shares in combination with Other Consideration.
12.1(l)Announcement Date” means, in respect of an Extraordinary Event,
(i) in the case of a Merger Event, the date of the first public announcement of a firm intention to engage in a transaction (whether or not subsequently amended) that leads to the Merger Event,
(ii) in the case of a Tender Offer, the date of the first public announcement of a firm intention to purchase or otherwise obtain the requisite number of voting shares (whether or not subsequently amended) that leads to the Tender Offer,
(iii) in the case of an Index Disruption or Index Cancellation, the date of the first public announcement by the Index Sponsor of any adjustment or cancellation as described in Section 11.1(b) that leads to the Index Disruption or Index Cancellation and in the case of an Index Modification, the Exchange Business Day immediately prior to the effective date of the Index Modification,
(iv) in the case of a Nationalization, the date of the first public announcement to nationalize (whether or not subsequently amended) that leads to the Nationalization,
(v) in the case of an Insolvency, the date of the first public announcement of the institution of a proceeding or presentation of a petition or passing of a resolution (or other analogous procedure in any jurisdiction) that leads to the Insolvency and
(vi) in the case of a Delisting, the date of the first public announcement by the Exchange that the Shares will cease to be listed, traded or publicly quoted in the manner described in Section 12.6(a)(iii).
In respect of any Extraordinary Event other than an Index Disruption, if the announcement of such Extraordinary Event is made after the actual closing time for the regular trading session on the relevant Exchange, without regard to any after hours or any other trading outside of such regular trading session hours, the Announcement Date shall be deemed to be the next following Scheduled Trading Day.
12.1(m)Implied Volatility” means for any Exchange Business Day, the mid-market implied volatility of the relevant Shares, as determined by the Calculation Agent by interpolating or extrapolating from the most comparable listed put or call option (which shall be of the same Option Type as the Option Transaction being cancelled) on the relevant Shares as determined by the Calculation Agent taking into account the nearest strike price, maturity and “in-the-money” or “out-of-the-money” amount, as the case may be, and such other factors that the Calculation Agent deems appropriate. To the extent that such a listed option does not exist or the Calculation Agent determines that the market for such listed option is not sufficiently liquid for the purpose of the relevant calculation, the Implied Volatility will be determined by the Calculation Agent by whatsoever means it deems appropriate.
12.1(n)Affected Shares” means Shares affected by a Merger Event or a Tender Offer, as the case may be.
12.2(b)Cancellation and Payment”, then
(i) in the case of an Option Transaction, the Option Transaction will be cancelled as of the Merger Date and Seller will pay to Buyer the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(b), and
(ii) in the case of a Forward Transaction or an Equity Swap Transaction, the Forward Transaction or the Equity Swap Transaction will be cancelled as of the Merger Date and an amount calculated in accordance with 12.7(c) will be paid by one party to the other;
12.2(c)Options Exchange Adjustment”, then following each adjustment to the settlement terms of options on any relevant Shares traded on any Options Exchange, the Calculation Agent will make one or more adjustments as provided in Section 11.2(b) (without regard to the words “diluting or concentrative” in the second sentence);
12.2(e)Modified Calculation Agent Adjustment”, then, on or after the relevant Merger Date, the Calculation Agent shall either
(A) make such adjustment to the exercise, settlement, payment or any other terms of the Transaction (including, without limitation, the spread) as the Calculation Agent determines appropriate to account for the economic effect on the Transaction of such Merger Event (including adjustments to account for changes in volatility, expected dividends, stock loan rate or liquidity relevant to the Shares or to the Transaction), which may, but need not, be determined by reference to the adjustments(s) made in respect of such Merger Event by an options exchange to options on the relevant Shares traded on such options exchange and
(B) determine the effective date of that adjustment, or
(ii) if the Calculation Agent determines that no adjustment that it could make under (i) will produce a commercially reasonable result, notify the parties that the relevant consequence shall be the termination of the Transaction, in which case “Cancellation and Payment” will be deemed to apply and any payment to be made by one party to the other shall be calculated in accordance with Section 12.7, and in respect of an Option Transaction, the Calculation Agent shall determine the amount of such payment as if “Calculation Agent Determination” applied to the Option Transaction;
12.2(f)Partial Cancellation and Payment”, then, in respect of a Share Basket Transaction, that portion of the Share Basket Transaction represented by Affected Shares will be cancelled as of the Merger Date, the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7 in respect of such Affected Shares will be paid by one party to the other, the remainder of the Share Basket Transaction will continue with the Basket comprising Shares that are not Affected Shares, and the Calculation Agent will adjust any relevant terms if necessary to preserve as nearly as practicable the economic terms of the Transaction for the remaining Shares; or

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12.3(a)Cancellation and Payment”, then (i) in the case of an Option Transaction, the Option Transaction will be cancelled as of the Tender Offer Date and Seller will pay to Buyer the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(b), and (ii) in the case of a Forward Transaction or an Equity Swap Transaction, the Forward Transaction or the Equity Swap Transaction will be cancelled as of the Tender Offer Date and an amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(c) will be paid by one party to the other;
12.3(b)Options Exchange Adjustment”, then following each adjustment to the settlement terms of options on any relevant Shares traded on any Options Exchange, the Calculation Agent will make one or more adjustments as provided in Section 11.2(b) (without regard to the words “diluting or concentrative” in the second sentence);
12.3(c)Calculation Agent Adjustment”, then, on or after the relevant Tender Offer Date the Issuer and the Shares will not change, but the Calculation Agent shall either
(A) make such adjustment to the exercise, settlement, payment or any other terms of the Transaction as the Calculation Agent determines appropriate to account for the economic effect on the Transaction of such Tender Offer (provided that no adjustments will be made to account solely for changes in volatility, expected dividends, stock loan rate or liquidity relevant to the Shares or to the Transaction), which may, but need not, be determined by reference to the adjustment(s) made in respect of such Tender Offer by an options exchange to options on the relevant Shares traded on such options exchange and
(B) determine the effective date of that adjustment, or
(ii) if the Calculation Agent determines that no adjustment that it could make under (i) will produce a commercially reasonable result, notify the parties that the relevant consequence shall be the termination of the Transaction, in which case “Cancellation and Payment” will be deemed to apply and any payment to be made by one party to the other shall be calculated in accordance with Section 12.7, and in respect of an Option Transaction, the Calculation Agent shall determine the amount of such payment as if “Calculation Agent Determination” applied to the Option Transaction;
12.3(e)Partial Cancellation and Payment”, then, in respect of a Share Basket Transaction, that portion of the Share Basket Transaction represented by Affected Shares will be cancelled as of the Tender Offer Date, the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7 in respect of such Affected Shares will be paid by one party to the other, the remainder of the Share Basket Transaction will continue with the Basket comprising Shares that are not Affected Shares, and the Calculation Agent will adjust any relevant terms if necessary to preserve as nearly as practicable the economic terms of the Transaction for the remaining Shares; or
12.3(f)Component Adjustment”, then, in respect of a Share-for-Combined Tender Offer, the consequence specified opposite “Share-for-Share” shall apply to that portion of the consideration that consists of New Shares (as determined by the Calculation Agent) and the consequence specified opposite “Share-for-Other” shall apply to that portion of the consideration that consists of Other Consideration (as determined by the Calculation Agent).

Section 12.4. Settlement Following a Merger Event or Tender Offer.
(a) If Other Consideration is required to be valued in relation to a Cash-settled Transaction that has been adjusted following a Merger Event or Tender Offer, the Other Consideration will be valued by the Calculation Agent on each Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of these Definitions relating to Market Disruption Events will not apply to Other Consideration.
(b) If New Shares are required to be delivered in relation to a Physically-settled Transaction that has been adjusted following a Merger Event or Tender Offer, then the deliveror will deliver the relevant New Shares in accordance with the terms of settlement set out in the related Confirmation, provided that if on the relevant Settlement Date a holder of the Shares would not yet have received the New Shares to which it is entitled, the Settlement Date with respect to such New Shares will be postponed to the first Clearance System Business Day falling on or after the first day on which a holder of the relevant Shares, having received the New Shares, would be able to deliver such New Shares to the other party.
(c) If Other Consideration is required to be delivered in relation to a Physically-settled Transaction that has been adjusted following a Merger Event or Tender Offer, then the deliveror will deliver the relevant Other Consideration to the other party in a commercially reasonable manner in accordance with the reasonable directions of the other party as soon as reasonably practicable after the later of (i) the relevant Settlement Date and (ii) the first day on which a holder of the relevant Shares, having received the Other Consideration, would be able to deliver such Other Consideration to the other party.
12.6 Nationalization, Insolvency and Delisting
12.6(a) The following terms have the meanings given below:

(i) “Nationalization” means that all the Shares or all or substantially all the assets of an Issuer are nationalized, expropriated or are otherwise required to be transferred to any governmental agency, authority, entity or instrumentality thereof;
(ii) “Insolvency” means that by reason of the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, bankruptcy, insolvency, dissolution or winding-up of or any analogous proceeding affecting an Issuer, (A) all the Shares of that Issuer are required to be transferred to a trustee, liquidator or other similar official or (B) holders of the Shares of that Issuer become legally prohibited from transferring them; and
(iii) “Delisting” means that the Exchange announces that pursuant to the rules of such Exchange, the Shares cease (or will cease) to be listed, traded or publicly quoted on the Exchange for any reason (other than a Merger Event or Tender Offer) and are not immediately re-listed, re-traded or re-quoted on an exchange or quotation system located in the same country as the Exchange (or, where the Exchange is within the European Union, in any member state of the European Union).

12.6(b) Either party will, upon becoming aware of the occurrence of a Nationalization, Insolvency or Delisting, promptly notify the other party of such event.
12.6(c) For the purpose of determining the consequence of any Nationalization, Insolvency or Delisting:

(i) “Negotiated Close-out” means that the parties may, but are not obliged, to terminate the Transaction on mutually acceptable terms and if the parties do not agree to terminate the Transaction, then it continues on the terms and subject to the conditions then in effect, provided, that any Physically-settled Transaction will, at the election of either party, become a Transaction to which Cash Settlement is applicable, except that if a Scheduled Valuation Date is a Disrupted Day, the Calculation Agent will ignore the provisions of Section 6.6 relating to Disrupted Days and will instead determine its good faith estimate of the Settlement Price or Final Price as of the Valuation Time on that Valuation Date;
(ii) “Cancellation and Payment” means that the Transaction will be cancelled as of the Announcement Date and (A) in the case of an Option Transaction, Seller will pay to Buyer the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(b), and (B) in the case of a Forward Transaction or an Equity Swap Transaction, an amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7(c) will be paid by one party to the other; and
(iii) “Partial Cancellation and Payment” means that in respect of a Share Basket Transaction, that portion of the Share Basket Transaction represented by Affected Shares will be cancelled as of the Announcement Date, the amount calculated in accordance with Section 12.7 in respect of such Affected Shares, will be paid by one party to the other, the remainder of the Share Basket Transaction will continue with the Basket comprising Shares that are not Affected Shares, and the Calculation Agent will adjust any relevant terms if necessary to preserve as nearly as practicable the economic terms of the Transaction for the remaining Shares.

12.7 Payment upon Certain Extraordinary Events
12.7(a) If, in respect of an Extraordinary Event, “Cancellation and Payment” or “Partial Cancellation and Payment” applies or is deemed to apply to the relevant Transaction (or a portion thereof), then an amount will be paid by one party to the other determined as provided in clause (b) or (c) below, such payment to be made not later than three Currency Business Days following the date that notice of the determination by the Calculation Agent or the Determining Party, as the case may be, of such amount (denominated in the currency for settlement of the Transaction as determined by the Calculation Agent or the Determining Party, as the case may be) and which party shall pay such amount is effective, which notice shall be provided promptly following such determination.
12.7(b) In respect of an Option Transaction, the amount to be paid by Seller to Buyer will be as agreed promptly (and in any event within five Exchange Business Days) by the parties after the Merger Date, the Tender Offer Date, the date of cancellation in respect of an Index Adjustment Event or the date of occurrence of any event described in Section 12.6, as the case may be (each such date, the “Closing Date”). If the parties are unable to agree on the amount, then:

12.7(b)(i) if “Agreed Model” is specified in the related Confirmation to be applicable to such Transaction, then the amount will be determined by the Calculation Agent as the sum of the Unadjusted Value and the Adjustment Value. For the avoidance of doubt, the Buyer shall not be required to pay any amount to the Seller as a result of the cancellation of the Option Transaction other than any unpaid Premium which Buyer will be obliged to pay to Seller as of the date that the amount determined in this Section 12.7(b)(i) is paid.
(A) “Unadjusted Value” means an amount determined by the Calculation Agent as the value of the Option Transaction (or portion thereof) on the Closing Date based on:
(1) a volatility equal to the average of the Implied Volatilities of the relevant Shares on each of the 15 Exchange Business Days ending on and including the Closing Date;
(2) expected dividends for the time period from the Closing Date until the Expiration Date based on, and payable on the same dates as, (a) amounts to have been paid in respect of gross ordinary cash dividends on the relevant Shares in the one-year period ending on the Closing Date or (b) in the event of an {{subst:Issuer}} published change to dividend policies on the relevant Shares (as determined by the Calculation Agent) prior to the Closing Date, the expected dividends determined in accordance with such published change, in each case excluding Extraordinary Dividends;
(3) a value ascribed to the relevant Shares as determined by the Calculation Agent and, if applicable, equal to the value of the consideration, if any, paid or delivered in respect of such Shares to holders of such Shares at the time of the Extraordinary Event;
(4) a combined interest rate and stock loan rate as specified in the related Confirmation for the period from, and including, the Closing Date to, but excluding, the Expiration Date; and
(5) a term of the Option Transaction from the Closing Date to the Expiration Date.
(B) “Adjustment Value” means the difference between the amounts determined pursuant to (B)(1) and (B)(2) below:
(1) a value of the Option Transaction (or portion thereof) determined by the Calculation Agent based on:
(a) a volatility equal to the average of the Implied Volatilities of the relevant Shares on each of the 15 Exchange Business Days ending on but excluding the Announcement Date;
(b) expected dividends for the time period from the Announcement Date until the Expiration Date based on, and payable on the same dates as, (x) amounts to have been paid in respect of gross ordinary cash dividends on the relevant Shares in the one-year period ending on the Announcement Date or (y) in the event of an Issuer published change to dividend policies on the relevant Shares (as determined by the Calculation Agent) prior to the Announcement Date, the expected dividends determined in accordance with such published change, in each case excluding Extraordinary Dividends;
(c) a value ascribed to the relevant Shares equal to the Settlement Price (assuming Cash Settlement were applicable) of the relevant Shares as of the Valuation Time (for which purpose the Valuation Date will be the Announcement Date);
(d) a combined interest rate and stock loan rate as specified in the related Confirmation for the period from, and including, the Announcement Date to, but excluding, the Expiration Date; and
(e) a term of the Option Transaction from the Announcement Date to the Expiration Date.
(2) a value for the Option Transaction (or portion thereof) based on the factors listed in (1)(a)-(e) above, except with a volatility equal to the average of the Implied Volatilities of the relevant Shares on each of the 15 Exchange Business Days commencing on and including the Announcement Date.
12.7(b)(ii) If “Calculation Agent Determination” is specified in the related Confirmation to be applicable to such Transaction, then the amount will be determined by the Calculation Agent, which determination may, but need not, be based on the factors and adjustments set forth in paragraph (i) above.

12.7(c) For any Forward Transaction or Equity Swap Transaction, such Transaction shall be cancelled and the relevant party or parties (as specified below) shall determine the Cancellation Amount in respect of such cancelled Transaction.

(i) In respect of a cancelled Transaction where there is one Determining Party, the Determining Party will calculate the Cancellation Amount and will determine which party will pay such amount.
(ii) In respect of a cancelled Transaction where there are two Determining Parties, each party will calculate a Cancellation Amount and an amount will be payable equal to one-half of the difference between the Cancellation Amount of the party with the higher Cancellation Amount (“X”) and the Cancellation Amount of the party with the lower Cancellation Amount (“Y”) and Y shall pay it to X.
12.9(a)(i)Additional Disruption Event” means any of the events set forth in paragraphs 12.9(a)(ii) through 12.9(a)(viii) below:
12.9(a)(iv)Insolvency Filing” means that the Issuer institutes or has instituted against it by a regulator, supervisor or any similar official with primary insolvency, rehabilitative or regulatory jurisdiction over it in the jurisdiction of its incorporation or organization or the jurisdiction of its head or home office, or it consents to a proceeding seeking a judgment of insolvency or bankruptcy or any other relief under any bankruptcy or insolvency law or other similar law affecting creditors’ rights, or a petition is presented for its winding-up or liquidation by it or such regulator, supervisor or similar official or it consents to such a petition, provided that proceedings instituted or petitions presented by creditors and not consented to by the Issuer shall not be deemed an Insolvency Filing;
12.9(a)(ix)Hedging Party” means the party specified in the related Confirmation as the Hedging Party or, if no Hedging Party is specified, either party to the Transaction;
12.9(a)(viii)Increased Cost of Stock Borrow” means that the Hedging Party would incur a rate to borrow Shares in respect of such Transaction that is greater than the Initial Stock Loan Rate;
12.9(a)(xi)Lending Party” means a third party that the Hedging Party considers to be a satisfactory counterparty (acting in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner in light of other transactions that the Hedging Party may have entered into with such party);
12.9(a)(xii)Non-Hedging Party” means the party that is not the Hedging Party;
12.9(a)(xiii)Maximum Stock Loan Rate” means, in respect of a Transaction to which “Loss of Stock Borrow” is applicable, the stock loan rate specified as such in the related Confirmation;
12.9(a)(xiv)Initial Stock Loan Rate” means, in respect of a Transaction to which “Increased Cost of Stock Borrow” is applicable, the stock loan rate specified as such in the related Confirmation; and
12.9(a)(xv)Price Adjustment” means an adjustment to the Strike Price, Initial Price, Forward Price, Forward Floor Price, Forward Cap Price, Knock-in Price, Knock-out Price, spread or other variable with respect to the relevant Transaction.
12.9(b)(i) If “Change in Law” or “Insolvency Filing” is specified in the related Confirmation to be applicable to a Transaction, then upon the occurrence of such an event either party may elect to terminate the Transaction upon at least two Scheduled Trading Days’ notice to the other party specifying the date of such termination (or such lesser notice as may be required to comply with the Change in Law), in which event the Transaction will terminate and the Determining Party will determine the Cancellation Amount payable by one party to the other.
12.9(b)(ix) Any Cancellation Amount payable by one party to the other shall be paid by the party to pay such amount not later than three Currency Business Days following the date that notice of the determination by the Determining Party of such amount (denominated in the currency for settlement of the Transaction as determined by the Determining Party) and the party to pay such amount is effective, which notice shall be provided promptly following such determination.
12.9(b)(vii) If both “Hedging Disruption” and “Loss of Stock Borrow” are specified to be applicable to a Transaction and an event or circumstance that would otherwise constitute or give rise to a Hedging Disruption also constitutes a Loss of Stock Borrow, it will be treated as a Loss of Stock Borrow and will not constitute a Hedging Disruption.
12.9(b)(viii) Any Shares provided by the Non-Hedging Party or the Lending Party, as the case may be, in respect of a Loss of Stock Borrow or Increased Cost of Stock Borrow shall be in book-entry form and freely tradable without any restrictions under relevant law and the lending of such Shares shall be documented under documentation acceptable to the Hedging Party.

Section 13.1. Non-Reliance. If “Non-Reliance” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation, then unless agreed to the contrary expressly and in writing in the related Confirmation for a Transaction and notwithstanding any communication that each party (and/or its Affiliates) may have had with the other party, each party to a Transaction represents to the other party that:

(a) it is entering into such Transaction as principal (and not as agent or in any other capacity);
(b) neither the other party nor any of its Affiliates or agents are acting as a fiduciary for it;
(c) it is not relying upon any representations except those expressly set forth herein or in the ISDA Master Agreement (including the related Confirmations between them);
(d) it has consulted with its own legal, regulatory, tax, business, investments, financial, and accounting advisors to the extent that it has deemed necessary, and it has made its own investments, hedging, and trading decisions based upon its own judgment and upon any advice from such advisors as it has deemed necessary and not upon any view expressed by the other party or any of its Affiliates or agents; and
(e) it is entering into such Transaction with a full understanding of the terms, conditions and risks thereof and it is capable of and willing to assume those risks.

Section 13.3. Index Disclaimer. If “Index Disclaimer” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation, then each party to a Transaction entered into and subject to these Definitions agrees and acknowledges that such Transaction is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by the Index or the Index Sponsor and no Index Sponsor makes any representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, either as to the results to be obtained from the use of the Index and/or the levels at which the Index stands at any particular time on any particular date or otherwise. No Index or Index Sponsor shall be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the Index and the Index Sponsor is under no obligation to advise any person of any error therein. No Index Sponsor is making any representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, as to the advisability of purchasing or assuming any risk in connection with entering into any Transaction. Neither party to any Transaction shall have any liability to the other party for any act or failure to act by the Index Sponsor in connection with the calculation, adjustment or maintenance of the Index. Except as disclosed prior to the Trade Date, neither party nor its Affiliates has any affiliation with or control over the Index or Index Sponsor or any control over the computation, composition or dissemination of the Indices. Although the Calculation Agent will obtain information concerning the Indices from publicly available sources it believes reliable, it will not independently verify this information. Accordingly, no representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) is made and no responsibility is accepted by either party, its Affiliates or the Calculation Agent as to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information concerning the Indices.
Section 13.4. Additional Acknowledgments. If “Additional Acknowledgments” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation, then unless agreed to the contrary expressly and in writing in the related Confirmation for a Transaction and notwithstanding any communication that each party (and/or its Affiliates) may have had with the other party, each party to a Transaction acknowledges that:

13.4(a) neither the other party nor its Affiliates provides investment, tax, accounting, legal or other advice in respect of such Transaction;
13.4(b) it has been given the opportunity to obtain information from the other party concerning the terms and conditions of such Transaction necessary in order for it to evaluate the merits and risks of the Transaction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it and its advisors are not relying on any communication (written or oral and including, without limitation, opinions of third party advisors) of the other party or its Affiliates as
(i) legal, regulatory, tax, business, investments, financial, accounting or other advice,
(ii) a recommendation to enter into such Transaction or
(iii) an assurance or guarantee as to the expected results of such Transaction;
it being understood that information and explanations related to the terms and conditions of such Transaction are made incidental to the other party’s business and shall not be considered
(A) legal, regulatory, tax, business, investments, financial, accounting or other advice,
(B) a recommendation to enter into such Transaction or
(C) an assurance or guarantee as to the expected results of the Transaction.
Any such communication should not be the basis on which the recipient has entered into such Transaction, and should be independently confirmed by the recipient and its advisors prior to entering into the Transaction; and
13.4(c) the other party and/or its Affiliates may have banking or other commercial relationships with the issuer of the shares underlying such Transaction and may engage in proprietary trading in the Shares or the Index(es) (as applicable) or options, futures, derivatives or other instruments relating to the Shares or the Index(es) (as applicable) (including such trading as such party and/or its Affiliates deem appropriate in their sole discretion to hedge their market risk on such Transaction and other transactions relating to the Shares or the Index(es) (as applicable) between each party and/or its Affiliates and the other party or with third parties), and that such trading may affect the price of the Shares or the Index(es) (as applicable) and consequently the amounts payable or deliverable under such Transaction. Such trading may be effected at any time, including on or near the Valuation Date(s).

Section 2.1. Certain Definitions and Provisions Relating to Option Transactions. When used in relation to an Option Transaction, the following terms have the indicated meanings:

2.1(a) Commencement Date. “Commencement Date” means, in respect of an American Option Transaction, the date specified as such in the related Confirmation or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day. If no such date is specified, the Commencement Date shall be the Trade Date.
2.1(b) Number of Options. “Number of Options” means the number specified as such in the related Confirmation, being the number of Options comprised in the relevant Option Transaction.
2.1(c) Option Entitlement. “Option Entitlement” means, in respect of a Share Option Transaction, the number of Shares per Option specified as such in the related Confirmation and, in respect of a Share Basket Option Transaction, the number of Baskets per Option specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that no Option Entitlement is specified in the related Confirmation, the Option Entitlement in respect of any Share Option Transaction shall be one Share per Option, and in respect of any Share Basket Option Transaction shall be one Basket per Option.
2.1(d) Option. “Option” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, each unit into which the Option Transaction is divided for purposes of exercise, valuation or settlement.
2.1(e) Strike Price. “Strike Price” means:
(i) in respect of an Index Option Transaction, the level of the relevant Index specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation;
(ii) in respect of a Share Option Transaction, the price per Share specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation;
(iii) in respect of an Index Basket Option Transaction, the amount per Basket specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation; and
(iv) in respect of a Share Basket Option Transaction, the amount per Basket specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.

Section 2.2. Option Style.

2.2(a) American Option. “American Option” means an Option Transaction, other than a Bermuda Option, pursuant to which the right or rights granted are exercisable on any Scheduled Trading Day during an Exercise Period that consists of more than one Scheduled Trading Day.
2.2(b) Bermuda Option. “Bermuda Option” means an Option Transaction pursuant to which the right or rights granted are exercisable only on the Potential Exercise Dates during the Exercise Period and on the Expiration Date.
2.2(c) European Option. “European Option” means an Option Transaction pursuant to which the right or rights granted are exercisable only on the Expiration Date.

Section 2.3. Option Type.

2.3(a) Call. “Call” means an Option Transaction entitling Buyer upon exercise:
(i) where “Cash Settlement” is applicable, to receive from Seller an Option Cash Settlement Amount if the Settlement Price exceeds the Strike Price; and
(ii) where “Physical Settlement” is applicable, to purchase Shares or Baskets of Shares from Seller at the Settlement Price per Share or Basket,
in each case as more particularly provided in or pursuant to these Definitions and the related Confirmation.
(b) Put. “Put” means an Option Transaction entitling Buyer upon exercise:
(i) where “Cash Settlement” is applicable, to receive from Seller an Option Cash Settlement Amount if the Strike Price exceeds the Settlement Price; and
(ii) where “Physical Settlement” is applicable, to sell Shares or Baskets of Shares to Seller at the Settlement Price per Share or Basket,
in each case as more particularly provided in or pursuant to these Definitions and the related Confirmation.

Section 2.4. Terms Relating to Premium.

2.4(a) Payment of Premium. In respect of an Option Transaction, Buyer shall pay Seller the Premium on the Premium Payment Date.
2.4(b) Premium. “Premium” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the amount specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation. If a Premium per Option is specified in the related Confirmation, the Premium shall be the product of the Premium per Option and the Number of Options.
2.4(c) Premium Payment Date. “Premium Payment Date” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the date specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation or, if such date is not a Currency Business Day for the currency in which the Premium is payable, the next following Currency Business Day. If the Premium Payment Date is not specified in the related Confirmation, the Premium Payment Date will fall on the date that is one Settlement Cycle following the Trade Date, or if such date is not a Currency Business Day, the next following Currency Business Day.

Section 3.1. General Terms Relating to Exercise.

3.1(a) Exercise Period. “Exercise Period” means, unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation,
(i) in respect of an American Option, all Scheduled Trading Days from, and including, the Commencement Date to, and including, the Expiration Date between 9:00 a.m. and the Latest Exercise Time,
(ii) in respect of a Bermuda Option, each Potential Exercise Date between 9:00 a.m. and the Latest Exercise Time and the Expiration Date between 9:00 a.m. and the Latest Exercise Time, and
(iii) in respect of a European Option, the Expiration Date between 9:00 a.m. and the Expiration Time.
All times specified in this paragraph shall be, unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation, local time in the location specified in the related Confirmation for receipt by Seller of notices relating to the Transaction or, where an agent is designated by Seller for the purpose of receiving notice of exercise (“Seller’s Agent”), local time in the specified location of Seller’s Agent or, where no such location is specified in the related Confirmation, local time in the jurisdiction of the Exchange.
3.1(b) Exercise Date. “Exercise Date” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the Scheduled Trading Day during the Exercise Period on which such Option is, or is deemed to be, exercised.
3.1(c) Potential Exercise Date. “Potential Exercise Date” means, in respect of a Bermuda Option, each date specified as such in the related Confirmation (or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day), unless such date is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Latest Exercise Time on such date. If such date is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Potential Exercise Date shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Potential Exercise Date is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Potential Exercise Date, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Option Transaction is exercised on a Scheduled Trading Day that would have been a Potential Exercise Date prior to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day, such Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Potential Exercise Date for the purpose of determining whether an Exercise Date has occurred during the Exercise Period.
3.1(d) Latest Exercise Time. “Latest Exercise Time” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the time specified as such in the related Confirmation, provided that on the Expiration Date the Latest Exercise Time shall be the Expiration Time. If no such time is specified, the Latest Exercise Time shall be the Expiration Time.
3.1(e) Expiration Time. “Expiration Time” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the time specified as such in the related Confirmation. If no such time is specified, the Expiration Time shall be the Valuation Time.
3.1(f) Expiration Date. “Expiration Date” means, in respect of an Option Transaction, the date specified as such in the related Confirmation (or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day), unless such date is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Latest Exercise Time on such date. If such date is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Expiration Date shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Expiration Date is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Expiration Date, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Option Transaction is exercised on a Scheduled Trading Day that would have been an Expiration Date but for the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day, such Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Expiration Date for the purpose of determining whether an Exercise Date has occurred during the Exercise Period.

Section 3.2. Procedure for Exercise. Except when Automatic Exercise applies, Buyer must give irrevocable notice (which will be oral telephonic notice if practicable, and otherwise written notice) during the Exercise Period to Seller, or, if applicable, Seller’s Agent, of its exercise of an Option. In the case of an American Option, if the notice of exercise is given after the Latest Exercise Time on a Scheduled Trading Day, then that notice will be deemed given on the next following Scheduled Trading Day, if any, in the Exercise Period. In the case of an American Option or a Bermuda Option to which Multiple Exercise is applicable, Buyer must specify in the notice the number of Options being exercised on the relevant Exercise Date. Buyer will execute and deliver to Seller, or, if applicable, Seller’s Agent, a written confirmation confirming the substance of any telephonic notice within one Scheduled Trading Day of that notice. Without limiting the obligation of Buyer to provide such written confirmation, failure by Buyer to provide it will not affect the validity of the telephonic notice.
Section 3.3. Multiple Exercise.

3.3(a) If “Multiple Exercise” is specified to be applicable to an American Option or a Bermuda Option, Buyer may exercise all or less than all the unexercised Options on one or more Scheduled Trading Days during the Exercise Period but (except as set forth below) on any such Scheduled Trading Day may not exercise less than the Minimum Number of Options or more than the Maximum Number of Options and, if a number is specified as the “Integral Multiple” in the related Confirmation, the number of exercised Options must be equal to, or be an integral multiple of, the number so specified. Except as set forth below, any attempt to exercise on any such Scheduled Trading Day:
(i) more than the Maximum Number of Options will be deemed to be an exercise of the Maximum Number of Options (the number of Options exceeding the Maximum Number of Options being deemed to remain unexercised);
(ii) less than the Minimum Number of Options will be ineffective; and
(iii) an amount of Options not equal to or an integral multiple of the Integral Multiple will be deemed to be an exercise of a number of Options equal to the next lowest integral multiple of the Integral Multiple (the number of Options exceeding that number being deemed to remain unexercised).
3.3(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, on any such Scheduled Trading Day Buyer may exercise any number of Options that does not exceed the Maximum Number of Options if it exercises all the Options remaining unexercised. On the Expiration Date, Buyer may exercise any number of Options remaining unexercised.
3.3(c)Minimum Number of Options” means, in respect of an Option Transaction to which Multiple Exercise is applicable, the number specified as such in the related Confirmation.
3.3(d)Maximum Number of Options” means, in respect of an Option Transaction to which Multiple Exercise is applicable, the number specified as such in the related Confirmation.

Section 3.4. Automatic Exercise. If “Automatic Exercise” is specified to be applicable to an Option Transaction, then each Option not previously exercised under that Option Transaction will be deemed to be automatically exercised:

3.4(a) where “Cash Settlement” is applicable, at the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date unless Buyer notifies Seller or, if applicable, Seller’s Agent (by telephone or in writing) prior to the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date that it does not wish Automatic Exercise to occur, in which case Automatic Exercise will not apply; and
3.4(b) where “Physical Settlement” is applicable, at the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date if at such time the Option is In-the-Money, as determined by the Calculation Agent, unless Buyer notifies Seller or, if applicable, Seller’s Agent (by telephone or in writing) prior to the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date that it does not wish Automatic Exercise to occur, in which case Automatic Exercise will not apply.
3.4(c)In-the-Money” means
(i) in respect of a Call, that (A) the Reference Price is equal to or greater than the price for a Share at which any Related Exchange would automatically exercise a Physically-settled option with the Strike Price relating to such Share, or (B) if no options relating to such Share are listed on any Related Exchange or no Related Exchange is specified in the related Confirmation, the Reference Price is greater than the Strike Price; and
(ii) in respect of a Put, that (A) the Reference Price is equal to or less than the price for a Share at which any Related Exchange would automatically exercise a Physically-settled option with the Strike Price relating to such Share, or (B) if no options relating to such Share are listed on any Related Exchange or no Related Exchange is specified in the related Confirmation, the Reference Price is less than the Strike Price.
3.4(d)Reference Price” means the price per Share or amount per Basket determined as provided in the related Confirmation as of the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date or, if no means of determining such price or amount are so provided, in respect of a Share Option Transaction, the Relevant Price of the Share (for which purpose the Valuation Time and the Valuation Date will be the Expiration Time and the Expiration Date, respectively) and, in respect of a Share Basket Option Transaction, the sum of the values calculated as of the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date for the Shares of each Issuer as the product of the Relevant Price of such Share (for which purpose the Valuation Time and the Valuation Date will be the Expiration Time and the Expiration Date, respectively) and the relevant Number of Shares comprised in the Basket.

Section 4.1. Certain Definitions Relating to Forward Transactions. When used in respect of a Forward Transaction, the following terms have the indicated meanings:

4.1(a) Forward Price. “Forward Price” means:
(i) in respect of an Index Forward Transaction, the level of the relevant Index specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation;
(ii) in respect of a Share Forward Transaction, the price per Share specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation;
(iii) in respect of an Index Basket Forward Transaction, the amount per Basket specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation; and
(iv) in respect of a Share Basket Forward Transaction, the amount per Basket specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.
4.1(b) Forward Floor Price. “Forward Floor Price” means the level of the Index, price per Share or amount per Basket, as applicable, specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.
4.1(c) Forward Cap Price. “Forward Cap Price” means the level of the Index, price per Share or amount per Basket, as applicable, specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.

Section 4.2. Terms Relating to Prepayment.

4.2(a) Payment of the Prepayment Amount. In respect of a Forward Transaction to which “Prepayment” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation, Buyer shall pay Seller the Prepayment Amount on the Prepayment Date.
4.2(b) Prepayment Amount. “Prepayment Amount” means the amount specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.
4.2(c) Prepayment Date. “Prepayment Date” means the date specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation, or, if such date is not a Currency Business Day, the next following Currency Business Day. If the Prepayment Date is not specified in the related Confirmation, the Prepayment Date will fall on the date that is one Settlement Cycle following the Trade Date, or if such date is not an Exchange Business Day that is a Currency Business Day, the next following Exchange Business Day that is a Currency Business Day.

Section 5.2. Equity Amount Receiver. “Equity Amount Receiver” means, in respect of an Equity Swap Transaction, the party or parties specified as such in the related Confirmation. If a party is not specified as such in the related Confirmation, then in respect of an Equity Amount Payer, the Equity Amount Receiver shall be the other party to the Equity Swap Transaction.
Section 5.3. Initial Exchange Amount. "Initial Exchange Amount", if applicable, means, in respect of an Equity Swap Transaction and a party, an amount that is specified as such in the related Confirmation for that party and is payable by that party on the Initial Exchange Date.
Section 5.4. Initial Exchange Date. "Initial Exchange Date" means the date specified as such
or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation, or, if such date is not an Exchange
Business Day that is a Currency Business Day, the next following Exchange Business Day that is a
Currency Business Day.
Section 5.6. Final Exchange Date. “Final Exchange Date” means the date specified as such or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation, or, if such date is not an Exchange Business Day that is a Currency Business Day, the next following Exchange Business Day that is a Currency Business Day.
Section 6.3. General Terms Relating to Market Disruption Events.

6.3(a) Market Disruption Event. “Market Disruption Event” means in respect of a Share or an Index, the occurrence or existence of:
(i) a Trading Disruption,
(ii) an Exchange Disruption, which in either case the Calculation Agent determines is material, at any time during the one hour period that ends at the relevant Valuation Time, Latest Exercise Time, Knock-in Valuation Time or Knock-out Valuation Time, as the case may be, or
(iii) an Early Closure.
For the purposes of determining whether a Market Disruption Event in respect of an Index exists at any time, if a Market Disruption Event occurs in respect of a security included in the Index at any time, then the relevant percentage contribution of that security to the level of the Index shall be based on a comparison of (x) the portion of the level of the Index attributable to that security and (y) the overall level of the Index, in each case immediately before the occurrence of such Market Disruption Event.
6.3(b) Trading Disruption. “Trading Disruption” means any suspension of or limitation imposed on trading by the relevant Exchange or Related Exchange or otherwise and whether by reason of movements in price exceeding limits permitted by the relevant Exchange or Related Exchange or otherwise
(i) relating to the Share on the Exchange (or in the case of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction on any relevant Exchange(s) relating to securities that comprise 20 percent or more of the level of the relevant Index), or
(ii) in futures or options contracts relating to the Share or the relevant Index on any relevant Related Exchange.
6.3(c) Exchange Disruption. “Exchange Disruption” means any event (other than an Early Closure) that disrupts or impairs (as determined by the Calculation Agent) the ability of market participants in general
(i) to effect transactions in, or obtain market values for, the Shares on the Exchange (or in the case of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, on any relevant Exchange(s) in securities that comprise 20 percent or more of the level of the relevant Index), or
(ii) to effect transactions in, or obtain market values for, futures or options contracts relating to the Share or the relevant Index on any relevant Related Exchange.
6.3(d) Early Closure. “Early Closure” means the closure on any Exchange Business Day of the relevant Exchange (or in the case of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, any relevant Exchange(s) relating to securities that comprise 20 percent or more of the level of the relevant Index) or any Related Exchange(s) prior to its Scheduled Closing Time unless such earlier closing time is announced by such Exchange(s) or Related Exchange(s) at least one hour prior to the earlier of (i) the actual closing time for the regular trading session on such Exchange(s) or Related Exchange(s) on such Exchange Business Day and (ii) the submission deadline for orders to be entered into the Exchange or Related Exchange system for execution at the Valuation Time on such Exchange Business Day.

Section 6.5. Scheduled Valuation Date. “Scheduled Valuation Date” means any original date that, but for the occurrence of an event causing a Disrupted Day, would have been a Valuation Date (ignoring for the purposes of this Section 6.5 any postponement of the Potential Exercise Date or Expiration Date as a result of the occurrence of a Disrupted Day and assuming that the original Potential Exercise Date or original Expiration Date, as the case may be, would have been a Valuation Date).
Section 6.7. Averaging. If Averaging Dates are specified in the related Confirmation, then notwithstanding any other provisions of these Definitions, the following provisions will apply to the valuation of the relevant Index, Share or Basket in respect of a Valuation Date:

6.7(a) Averaging Date. “Averaging Date” means, in respect of each Valuation Date, each date specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation (or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day).
6.7(b) Settlement Price and Final Price. For purposes of determining the Settlement Price or the Final Price, as the case may be, in respect of a Valuation Date, the Settlement Price or the Final Price will be:
(i) in respect of an Index Transaction or Cash-settled Share Transaction, the arithmetic mean of the Relevant Prices of the Index or the Shares on each Averaging Date;
(ii) in respect of an Index Basket Transaction, the arithmetic mean of the amounts for the Basket determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the relevant Valuation Time(s) on each Averaging Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price or the Final Price are so provided, the arithmetic mean of the amounts for the Basket calculated on each Averaging Date as the sum of the Relevant Prices of each Index comprised in the Basket (weighted or adjusted in relation to each Index as provided in the related Confirmation); and
(iii) in respect of a Cash-settled Share Basket Transaction, the arithmetic mean of the amounts for the Basket determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the relevant Valuation Time(s) on each Averaging Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price or the Final Price are so provided, the arithmetic mean of the amounts for the Basket calculated on each Averaging Date as the sum of the values calculated for the Shares of each Issuer as the product of (A) the Relevant Price of such Share and (B) the relevant Number of Shares comprised in the Basket.
6.7(c) Averaging Date Disruption. If any Averaging Date is a Disrupted Day, then, if under "Averaging Date Disruption” the consequence specified in the related Confirmation is:
6.7(c)(i)Omission”, then such Averaging Date will be deemed not to be a relevant Averaging Date for purposes of determining the relevant Settlement Price or Final Price. If through the operation of this provision no Averaging Date would occur with respect to the relevant Valuation Date, then Section 6.6 will apply for purposes of determining the relevant level, price or amount on the final Averaging Date in respect of that Valuation Date as if such final Averaging Date were a Valuation Date that was a Disrupted Day;
6.7(c)(ii)Postponement”, then Section 6.6 will apply for purposes of determining the relevant level, price or amount on that Averaging Date as if such Averaging Date were a Valuation Date that was a Disrupted Day irrespective of whether, pursuant to such determination, that deferred Averaging Date would fall on a date that already is or is deemed to be an Averaging Date for the Transaction; or
6.7(c)(iii)Modified Postponement”, then:
(A) in the case of an Index Transaction or a Share Transaction, the Averaging Date shall be the first succeeding Valid Date. If the first succeeding Valid Date has not occurred as of the Valuation Time on the eighth Scheduled Trading Day immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of another Averaging Date or Disrupted Day, would have been the final Averaging Date in respect of the relevant Scheduled Valuation Date, then (1) that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed the Averaging Date (irrespective of whether that eighth Scheduled Trading Day is already an Averaging Date), and (2) the Calculation Agent shall determine the relevant level or price for that Averaging Date in accordance with Section 6.6;
(B) in the case of an Index Basket Transaction or a Share Basket Transaction, the Averaging Date for each Index or Share not affected by the occurrence of a Disrupted Day shall be the date specified in the Confirmation as an Averaging Date in respect of the relevant Valuation Date and the Averaging Date for an Index or Share affected by the occurrence of a Disrupted Day shall be the first succeeding Valid Date in relation to such Index or Share. If the first succeeding Valid Date in respect of such Index or Share has not occurred as of the Valuation Time on the eighth Scheduled Trading Day immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of another Averaging Date or Disrupted Day, would have been the final Averaging Date in relation to the relevant Scheduled Valuation Date, then (1) that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Averaging Date (irrespective of whether that eighth Scheduled Trading Day is already an Averaging Date) in respect of such Index or Share, and (2) the Calculation Agent shall determine the relevant level, price or amount for that Averaging Date in accordance with Section 6.6; and
(C) “Valid Date” shall mean a Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day and on which another Averaging Date in respect of the relevant Valuation Date does not or is not deemed to occur.
6.7(d) Adjustments of the Exchange-traded Contract. Without duplication of Section 11.1 (which shall govern in the event of any conflict), in the event that the terms of the Exchange-traded Contract are changed or modified by the Exchange, the Calculation Agent shall, if necessary, adjust one or more of the Strike Price, the Number of Options, the Initial Price, the Forward Price, the Forward Floor Price, the Forward Cap Price, the Knock-in Price, the Knock-out Price and/or any other variable relevant to the settlement terms of the Transaction to preserve for each party the economic equivalent of any payment or payments (assuming satisfaction of each applicable condition precedent) by the parties in respect of the Transaction that would have been required after the date of such change.
6.7(e) Adjustments to Indices. If (i) on or prior to any Averaging Date in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction an Index Modification or Index Cancellation occurs, or (ii) on any Averaging Date in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction an Index Disruption occurs, then the consequence specified in respect of Index Adjustment Events for the purpose of Section 11.1(b) shall apply to such Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction.

Section 7.2. Settlement Method Election Date. “Settlement Method Election Date” means the date specified as such in the related Confirmation, or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day.
Section 7.3. Settlement Price. “Settlement Price” means, in relation to a Valuation Date:

7.3(a) in respect of a Cash-settled Share Option Transaction or a Share Forward Transaction, the price per Share determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price are so provided (i) in respect of any Share for which the Exchange is an auction or “open outcry” exchange that has a price as of the Valuation Time at which any trade can be submitted for execution, the Settlement Price shall be the price per Share as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date as reported in the official real-time price dissemination mechanism for such Exchange; and (ii) in respect of any Share for which the Exchange is a dealer exchange or dealer quotation system, the Settlement Price shall be the mid-point of the highest bid and lowest ask prices quoted as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date (or the last such prices quoted immediately before the Valuation Time) without regard to quotations that "lock” or “cross” the dealer exchange or dealer quotation system;
7.3(b) in respect of a Cash-settled Share Basket Option Transaction or a Share Basket Forward Transaction, an amount for the Basket determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the relevant Valuation Time(s) on the Valuation Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price are so provided, an amount for the Basket equal to the sum of the values for the Shares of each Issuer as the product of (i) the Relevant Price of such Share and (ii) the relevant Number of Shares comprised in the Basket;
7.3(c) in respect of a Physically-settled Share Option Transaction or a Physically-settled Share Basket Option Transaction, the Strike Price;
7.3(d) in respect of an Index Option Transaction or Index Forward Transaction, the level of the Index determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price are so provided, the level of the Index as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date; and
7.3(e) in respect of an Index Basket Option Transaction or Index Basket Forward Transaction, an amount for the Basket determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the relevant Valuation Time(s) on the Valuation Date or, if no means for determining the Settlement Price are so provided, an amount for the Basket equal to the sum of the Relevant Prices (weighted or adjusted in relation to each Index as provided in the related Confirmation) for the Indices comprised in the Basket.

Section 8.1. Cash Settlement of Option Transactions. In respect of each Exercise Date under an Option Transaction for which “Cash Settlement” is applicable, Seller shall pay to Buyer the Option Cash Settlement Amount, if any, on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date for all Options exercised or deemed exercised on that Exercise Date.
Section 8.2. Option Cash Settlement Amount. “Option Cash Settlement Amount” means, unless otherwise provided in the related Confirmation, in respect of each Valuation Date:

(a) under an Index Option Transaction or Index Basket Option Transaction, an amount equal to the number of Options exercised or deemed exercised on the relevant Exercise Date multiplied by the Strike Price Differential multiplied by one unit of the Settlement Currency multiplied by the Multiplier, if any; and
(b) under a Share Option Transaction or Share Basket Option Transaction, an amount equal to the number of Options exercised or deemed exercised on the relevant Exercise Date multiplied by the Option Entitlement multiplied by the Strike Price Differential.

Section 8.3. Strike Price Differential. “Strike Price Differential” means, unless otherwise provided in the related Confirmation, in respect of each Valuation Date, an amount equal to the greater of (a) the excess of (i) in the case of a Call, the relevant Settlement Price over the Strike Price or (ii) in the case of a Put, the Strike Price over the relevant Settlement Price, and (b) zero.
Section 8.4. Cash Settlement of Forward Transactions. In respect of each Cash Settlement Payment Date under a Forward Transaction for which “Cash Settlement” is applicable:

(a) if “Prepayment” is not applicable:
(i) if the Forward Cash Settlement Amount is a positive number, then Seller shall pay to Buyer the Forward Cash Settlement Amount on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date; and
(ii) if the Forward Cash Settlement Amount is a negative number, then Buyer shall pay to Seller the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date; and
(b) if “Prepayment” is applicable, then Seller will pay to Buyer on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date the sum of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount and the Excess Dividend Amount, if any.

Section 8.6. Cash Settlement of Equity Swap Transactions. In respect of each Cash Settlement Payment Date for an Equity Amount Payer under an Equity Swap Transaction for which "Cash Settlement” is applicable:

8.6(a) if the Type of Return specified in the related Confirmation is “Price Return”, then:
(i) if the Equity Amount determined by the Calculation Agent in relation to that Equity Amount Payer is a positive number, then that Equity Amount Payer will pay (in addition to any other amounts payable by that Equity Amount Payer) to the Equity Amount Receiver the Equity Amount on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date; and
(ii) if the Equity Amount determined by the Calculation Agent in relation to that Equity Amount Payer is a negative number, then the Equity Amount Receiver will pay (in addition to any other amounts payable by that Equity Amount Receiver) to the Equity Amount Payer the absolute value of the Equity Amount on the relevant Cash Settlement Payment Date;
8.6(b) if the Type of Return specified in the related Confirmation is “Total Return” and “Re-investment of Dividends” is not applicable, then Section 8.6(a) will apply as though Price Return were the applicable Type of Return and, in addition, on each Dividend Payment Date, the relevant Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver the relevant Dividend Amount (if any) owed by such Equity Amount Payer on that Dividend Payment Date; and
8.6(c) if the Type of Return specified in the related Confirmation is “Total Return” and “Re-investment of Dividends” is applicable, then Section 8.6(a) will apply as though Price Return were the applicable Type of Return, provided that for purposes of determining the relevant Equity Amount for each subsequent Cash Settlement Payment Date the Calculation Agent shall make the adjustment provided for in Section 10.4.

Section 9.1. Physical Settlement of Option Transactions. In respect of each Exercise Date under an Option Transaction for which “Physical Settlement” is applicable, on the relevant Settlement Date:

(a) in the case of a Call, Buyer will pay to Seller the Settlement Price multiplied by the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered, as the case may be, (in either case determined without regard to rounding) and Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered, as the case may be, and will pay to Buyer the Fractional Share Amount, if any;
(b) in the case of a Put, Buyer will deliver to Seller the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered, as the case may be, and will pay to Seller the Fractional Share Amount, if any, and Seller will pay to Buyer the Settlement Price multiplied by the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered, as the case may be (in either case determined without regard to rounding); and
(c) such payment and such delivery will be made on the relevant Settlement Date through the relevant Clearance System(s) at the accounts specified in the related Confirmation.

Section 9.10. Delivery Versus Payment. In respect of any Settlement Date on which there is a corresponding payment obligation, if the relevant Clearance System permits settlement to occur on a delivery versus payment basis, then settlement shall occur on such basis.
Section 9.11. Representation and Agreement. A party required to deliver Shares under a Transaction agrees that it will convey, and, on any date that it delivers such Shares, represents that it has conveyed, good title to the Shares it is required to deliver, free from

(i) any lien, charge, claim or other encumbrance (other than a lien routinely imposed on all securities by the relevant Clearance System) and any other restrictions whatsoever, including any restrictions under applicable securities laws, without any obligation on the part of the receiver of such Shares in connection with that party’s subsequent sale of such Shares to deliver an offering document, or comply with any volume or manner of sale restrictions,
(ii) any and all restrictions that any sale, assignment or other transfer of such Shares be consented to or approved by any person or entity, including without limitation, the Issuer or any other obligor thereon,
(iii) any limitations on the type or status, financial or otherwise, of any purchaser, pledgee, assignee or transferee of such Shares,
(iv) any requirement of the delivery of any certificate, approval, consent, agreement, opinion of counsel, notice or any other document of any person or entity to the Issuer of, any other obligor on or any registrar or transfer agent for, such Shares, prior to the sale, pledge, assignment or other transfer of such Shares, and
(v) any registration or qualification requirement or prospectus delivery requirement for such Shares pursuant to applicable securities laws. A party required to deliver Shares under a Transaction also represents that to the extent appropriate for the relevant Clearance System, the Shares are properly in book-entry form.

Section 9.12. Indemnification for Failure to Deliver. If, in respect of any obligation to deliver Shares under a Transaction, prior to the occurrence or effective designation of an Early Termination Date in respect of that Transaction, a party fails to perform any obligation required to be settled by delivery, it will indemnify the other party on demand for any costs, losses or expenses (including the costs of borrowing the relevant Shares, if applicable) resulting from such failure. A certificate signed by the deliveree setting out such costs, losses or expenses in reasonable detail will be conclusive evidence that they have been incurred. Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless the parties otherwise agree to the contrary expressly and in writing in the related Confirmation, a party shall not be responsible for any special, indirect or consequential damages, even if informed of the possibility thereof.
Section 9.2. Physical Settlement of Forward Transactions. In respect of a Settlement Date under a Forward Transaction for which “Physical Settlement” is applicable, on the relevant Settlement Date:

(a) in respect of a Share Forward Transaction:
(i) if “Prepayment” is not applicable and “Variable Obligation” is not applicable, then Buyer will pay to Seller an amount equal to the Forward Price multiplied by the Number of Shares, and Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares to be Delivered and will pay to Buyer the Fractional Share Amount, if any;
(ii) if “Prepayment” is not applicable and “Variable Obligation” is applicable, then Buyer will pay to Seller an amount equal to the Forward Floor Price multiplied by the Number of Shares, and Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares to be Delivered and will pay to Buyer the Fractional Share Amount, if any; and
(iii) if “Prepayment” is applicable, then Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares to be Delivered and will pay to Buyer the Excess Dividend Amount, if any, and the Fractional Share Amount, if any; and
(b) in respect of a Share Basket Forward Transaction:
(i) if “Prepayment” is not applicable and “Variable Obligation” is not applicable, then Buyer will pay to Seller an amount equal to the Forward Price multiplied by the Number of Baskets, and, in respect of each Issuer comprising the Basket, Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares of such Issuer multiplied by the Number of Baskets to be Delivered (rounded as provided in Section 9.6) and will pay to Buyer the Fractional Share Amount, if any;
(ii) if “Prepayment” is not applicable and “Variable Obligation” is applicable, then Buyer will pay to Seller an amount equal to the Forward Floor Price multiplied by the Number of Baskets, and, in respect of each Issuer comprising the Basket, Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares of such Issuer multiplied by the Number of Baskets to be Delivered (rounded as provided in Section 9.6) and will pay to Buyer the Fractional Share Amount, if any; and
(iii) if “Prepayment” is applicable, then, in respect of each Issuer comprising the Basket, Seller will deliver to Buyer the Number of Shares of such Issuer multiplied by the Number of Baskets to be Delivered (rounded as provided in Section 9.6) and will pay to Buyer the Excess Dividend Amount, if any, and the Fractional Share Amount, if any.

Any such payment and/or such delivery will be made through the relevant Clearance System(s) to the accounts of the Buyer or the Seller, as the case may be, specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 9.3. Physical Settlement of Equity Swap Transactions. In respect of each Settlement Date for an Equity Amount Payer under an Equity Swap Transaction for which “Physical Settlement” is applicable, on the relevant Settlement Date the Equity Amount Payer will deliver to the Equity Amount Receiver the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered, as the case may be, and will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver the Fractional Share Amount, if any, and the Equity Amount Receiver will pay to the Equity Amount Payer the Equity Notional Amount. Such payment and such delivery will be made on the relevant Settlement Date through the relevant Clearance System(s) at the accounts specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 9.5. “Number of Shares to be Delivered”. “Number of Shares to be Delivered” means the number of Shares calculated as set out below:

(a) in respect of an Exercise Date under a Share Option Transaction, a number of Shares equal to the number of Options exercised or deemed exercised on that Exercise Date multiplied by the Option Entitlement;
(b) under a Share Forward Transaction for which “Variable Obligation” is not applicable, the Number of Shares;
(c) under a Share Forward Transaction for which “Variable Obligation” is applicable:
(i) if the Settlement Price is less than or equal to the Forward Floor Price, the Number of Shares;
(ii) if the Settlement Price is greater than the Forward Floor Price but less than or equal to the Forward Cap Price, a number of Shares equal to:
(Foward Floor Price/Equity Derivatives) x Number of Shares; and
(iii) if the Settlement Price is greater than the Forward Cap Price, a number of Shares equal to:
((Forward Floor Price + Settlement Price - Forward Cap Price)/Settlement Price) x Number of Shares
(d) under a Share Swap Transaction, the Number of Shares.
In the event that the number of Shares calculated as set out above comprises any fractional Share, the Number of Shares to be Delivered will include only whole Shares and a Fractional Share Amount will be payable by the relevant party in lieu of such fractional Share.

Section 9.6. “Number of Baskets to be Delivered”. “Number of Baskets to be Delivered” means:

(a) in respect of an Exercise Date under a Share Basket Option Transaction, the number of Baskets equal to the number of Options exercised or deemed exercised on that Exercise Date multiplied by the Option Entitlement;
(b) under a Share Basket Forward Transaction for which “Variable Obligation” is not applicable, the Number of Baskets;
(c) under a Share Basket Forward Transaction for which “Variable Obligation” is applicable:
(i) if the Settlement Price is less than or equal to the Forward Floor Price, the Number of Baskets;
(ii) if the Settlement Price is greater than the Forward Floor Price but less than or equal to the Forward Cap Price, a number of Baskets equal to:
(Forward Floor Price/Settlement Price) x Number of Baskets; and
(iii) if the Settlement Price is greater than the Forward Cap Price, a number of Baskets equal to:
((Forward Floor Price + Settlement Price - Forward Cap Price)/Settlement Price) x Number of Baskets
(d) under a Share Basket Swap Transaction, the Number of Baskets.
In respect of an Issuer comprising the Basket, if the aggregate number of Shares of such Issuer calculated by multiplying the relevant Number of Shares by the Number of Baskets to be Delivered comprises a fractional Share, then the aggregate number of Shares of such Issuer that is delivered will include only whole Shares and a Fractional Share Amount will be payable by the relevant party in lieu of such fractional Share.

Section 9.7. Fractional Share Amount. “Fractional Share Amount” means an amount in the Settlement Currency representing the fractional Share resulting from the calculation of the Number of Shares to be Delivered or the Number of Baskets to be Delivered in respect of a Transaction as determined by the Calculation Agent multiplied by:

(a) in respect of a Share Option Transaction or a Share Basket Option Transaction, the Settlement Price attributable to the relevant Share on the Exercise Date (determined assuming Cash Settlement were applicable and the Exercise Date were the Valuation Date);
(b) in respect of a Share Forward Transaction or a Share Basket Forward Transaction, the Settlement Price attributable to the relevant Share on the Valuation Date related to the relevant Settlement Date (or, if there is no such Valuation Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the relevant Settlement Date); and
(c) in respect of a Share Swap Transaction or a Share Basket Swap Transaction, the Final Price attributable to the relevant Share on the Valuation Date related to the relevant Settlement Date (or, if there is no such Valuation Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the relevant Settlement Date).

Section 9.8. Settlement Disruption Event. “Settlement Disruption Event” means, in respect of a Share, an event beyond the control of the parties as a result of which the relevant Clearance System cannot clear the transfer of such Share.
Section 9.9. Expenses. All expenses relating to the transfer of Shares to be delivered under a Transaction (such as any stamp duty, stock exchange tax or local tax) will be payable by the party that would pay such expenses according to market practice for a sale of such Shares under such Transaction to be settled through the relevant Clearance System in one Settlement Cycle.

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