2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions

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2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions
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Section 1 in a Nutshell

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Article 1 Certain General Definitions

1.1. “Transaction” means an Option Transaction, Forward Transaction, Equity Swap Transaction or other transaction which incorporates these Definitions.
1.2. “Option Transaction” means an OTC equity option transaction:

(a) on a single index (an “Index Option Transaction”)
(b) on a single share (a “Share Option Transaction”)
(c) on a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Option Transaction”) or
(d) on a basket of shares (a “Share Basket Option Transaction”).

1.3. A “Forward Transaction” means an OTC equity forward transaction:

(a) on a single index (an “Index Forward Transaction”);
(b) on a single security (a “Share Forward Transaction”);
(c) on a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Forward Transaction); or
(d) on a basket of securities (a “Share Basket Forward Transaction”).

1.4. “Equity Swap Transaction” means an Index Swap Transaction, a Share Swap Transaction, an Index Basket Swap Transaction or a Share Basket Swap Transaction.
1.5. An “Index Transaction” means an Index Option Transaction, Index Forward Transaction or Index Swap Transaction.
1.6. “Share Transaction” means any Transaction referencing a single Share, other than a Share Basket Transaction.
1.7. “Index Basket Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction, Index Basket Forward Transaction or Index Basket Swap Transaction.
1.8. “Share Basket Transaction” means a Share Basket Option Transaction, Share Basket Forward Transaction or Share Basket Swap Transaction.
1.9. “Basket Option Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction or Share Basket Option Transaction.
1.10. “Basket Forward Transaction” means an Index Basket Forward Transaction or Share Basket Forward Transaction.
1.11. “Basket Swap Transaction” means an Index Basket Swap Transaction or Share Basket Swap Transaction.
1.12. “Confirmation” means, for a Transaction, the confirmations exchanged between the parties which, taken together, evidence the terms of a Transaction.
1.13. “Index” will be specified in an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction.
1.14. “Shares” means the securities specified as such in a Share Transaction or Share Basket Transaction.
1.15. “Basket” means a basket of Indexes or Shares in the relative proportions (or numbers of Shares per Issuer) specified in the Confirmation.
1.16. “Issuer” means, like, the issuer. Of the Shares, like.
1.17. “Trade Date” must be specified in the Confirmation.
1.18. “Buyer” means the party so specified.
1.19. “Seller” means the party so specified.
1.20. “Number of Shares” means:

(a) For a Share Option Transaction: Number of Options * Option Entitlement;
(b) For a Share Forward Transaction or a Share Swap Transaction: The number of Shares specified in the Confirmation; and
(c) For each Issuer in a Share Basket Transaction: the number of Shares of that Issuer specified in the Confirmation.

1.21. “Number of Baskets”: The number of Baskets specified in the Confirmation for an Index Basket Transaction or Share Basket Transaction.
1.22. “Multiplier” must be specified in the Confirmation.
1.23. “Relevant Price” means:

1.23(a) For any Index on any Valuation Date or Averaging Date, the Index level the Calculation Agent determines per the Confirmation at the Valuation Time or, if a method is not specified, the Index level at the Valuation Time; and
1.23(b) For a Share, the price per Share the Calculation Agent determines at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date per the Confirmation or, if a method is not specified:
(i) Open outcry Exchanges: for any Share trading on an “open outcry” Exchange with a tradable price at the Valuation Time, the official trading price per Share at that time as reported by the Exchange; and
(ii) Dealer quotation Exchanges: for any Share trading on a dealer quotation Exchange, the mid-point of the highest bid and lowest ask prices quoted at (or immediately before) the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date ignoring quotations that “lock” or “cross” the Exchange.

1.24. “Equity Notional Amount” will be as specified or, if not specified, will be the “Notional Amount”), adjusted for Equity Notional Resets, Re-investment of Dividends and any Adjustments and Modifications.
1.25. “Exchange” means each specified exchange for an Index or Share (and any Alternative Exchange).
1.26. “Related Exchange” means each specified exchange for an Index or Share and any Alternative Exchange. Where “All Exchanges” is specified, “Related Exchange” means each exchange the Calculation Agent considers to have a material effect on the overall market for trading futures or options on the Index or Share.
1.27. “Clearance System” means the specified clearing system for a Share (or any successor the Calculation Agent determines) or, if none, the main domestic clearance system for that Share on the Settlement Date. If it ceases clearing the Share, the parties must try to settle some other way.
1.28. “Index Sponsor” means the corporation or other entity that

(a) is responsible for the rules, procedures and calculation methods of the Index and
(b) regularly announces the Index level during each Scheduled Trading Day.

1.29. “Exchange Business Day” means any Scheduled Trading Day on which each Exchange and Related Exchange is open for trading during their respective regular trading sessions, even if it closes before its Scheduled Closing Time.
1.30. “Scheduled Closing Time” means the scheduled weekday closing time of an Exchange or Related Exchange on a Scheduled Trading Day, ignoring after-hours trading.
1.31. “Scheduled Trading Day” means a day when each Exchange and Related Exchange is scheduled to be open for their regular trading sessions.
1.32. “Currency Business Day” means a day on which commercial banks are open for business in the principal financial center for the currency or, for euro, when the TARGET system is operating.
1.33 Settlement Currency: The currency specified as such in the relevant Confirmation.
1.34. “Euro” means the lawful currency of the European Union.
1.35. “EC Treaty” means the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Community as amended from time to time.
1.36. “Clearance System Business Day” means any day on which a Clearance System is scheduled to be open for business.
1.37. “Settlement Cycle” means the usual period of Clearance System Business Days or Exchange Business Days) following a trade on which settlement usually occurs according to the Exchange’s rules. If there are multiple Exchanges, it will be the longest such period.
1.38. “Cash-settled” means that Cash Settlement applies to the Transaction.
1.39. “Physically-settled” means a Transaction to which Physical Settlement applies.
1.40. The “Calculation Agent” will be specified in the Confirmation. It must exercise its judgment in in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner but, when doing so, is neither fiduciary nor advisor to either party.
1.41. “ISDA Master Agreement” means an ISDA Master Agreement, and “Event of Default”, “Affiliate” and “Early Termination Date” are as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
1.42. “Knock-in Price” must be specified in the Confirmation.
1.43. “Knock-out Price” must be specified in the Confirmation.
1.44. Knock-in Event.

(a) If “Knock-in Event” applies, a party’s right to exercise an Option under an Option Transaction will be conditional upon the Knock-in Event existing when it is exercised on any Knock-in Determination Day. The parties’ rights and obligations will be altered upon the such exercise as is specified in the Confirmation.
(b) “Knock-in Event” must be specified in the Confirmation. If it is not, but the Confirmation specifies a Knock-in Price for a Knock-in Reference Security that is also the specified Underlier for that Transaction, the Knock-in Event will occur:
(i) If the Knock-in Price on the Trade Date was higher than the initial level set for the Transaction: when the Knock-in Reference Security’s level at the Knock-in Valuation Time on a Knock-in Determination Day at least equals the Knock-in Price; and
(ii) If the Knock-in Price on the Trade Date was lower than the initial level set for the Transaction: when the Knock-in Reference Security‘s level at the Knock-in Valuation Time on a Knock-in Determination Day at most equals the Knock-in Price.
If the parties cannot agree whether a Knock-in Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent will decide.

1.45. Knock-out Event.

(a) If “Knock-out Event” applies, a party’s right to exercise an Option under a Transaction will be conditional upon the Knock-out Event not having occurred on any Knock-out Determination Day as of the time of such exercise, and the parties’ respective rights and obligations will be altered from the occurrence of the Knock-out Event as specified in the Confirmation.
(b) “Knock-out Event” must be specified in the Confirmation. If it is not, but the Confirmation specifies a Knock-out Price for a Knock-out Reference Security that is also the specified Index, Share or Basket for that Transaction, the Knock-out Event will occur:
(i) If the Knock-out Price on the Trade Date was higher than the initial level set for the Transaction: when the level of the Knock-out Reference Security at the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is at least equal to the Knock-out Price; and
(ii) If the Knock-out Price on the Trade Date was lower than the initial level set for the Transaction: when the level of the Knock-out Reference Security at the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is equal to or lower than the Knock-out Price.
If the parties cannot agree whether a Knock-out Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent will decide.

1.46. “Knock-in Reference Security” means, where a Knock-in Event applies, the index, share or basket specified as such in the Confirmation or, if not specified, the specified Underlier.
1.47. “Knock-out Reference Security” means, where a Knock-out Event applies, the index, share or basket specified as such in the Confirmation or, if not specified, the specified Underlier.
1.48. “Knock-in Determination Day” means each specified Scheduled Trading Day, unless it is a Disrupted Day due to an event occurring before the Knock-in Valuation Time, in which case it will be the following undisrupted Scheduled Trading Day, though if eight Scheduled Trading Days in a row are Disrupted Days, the eighth one, even though a Disrupted Day, will be the Knock-in Determination Day. In this case the Calculation Agent must determine the level of the Knock-in Reference Security as if it were an Underlier on a disrupted Valuation Date using the method set out in Section 6.6.

Unless otherwise specified the Knock-in Determination Days will be each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if none, the date one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date for the Transaction (adjusted as necessary under Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6).
1.49. “Knock-out Determination Day” means each specified Scheduled Trading Day, unless it is a Disrupted Day due to an event occurring before the Knock-out Valuation Time, in which case it will be the following undisrupted Scheduled Trading Day, though if eight Scheduled Trading Days in a row are Disrupted Days, the eighth one, even though a Disrupted Day, will be the Knock-out Determination Day. In this case the Calculation Agent must determine the level of the Knock-out Reference Security as if it were an Underlier on a disrupted Valuation Date using the method set out in Section 6.6.

Unless otherwise specified the Knock-out Determination Days will be each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if none, the date one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date for the Transaction (adjusted as necessary under Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6).
1.50. “Knock-in Valuation Time” means the specified time on any Knock-in Determination Day or, if there is none, the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if none, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-in Reference Security on any Knock-in Determination Day

If an exchange closes early and before the specified Knock-in Valuation Time, the Knock-in Valuation Time will be that actual closing time.
1.51. “Knock-out Valuation Time” means the specified time on any Knock-out Determination Day or, if there is none, the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if none, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-out Reference Security on any Knock-out Determination Day

If an exchange closes early and before the specified Knock-out Valuation Time, the Knock-out Valuation Time will be that actual closing time.

Full text of Section 1

Article 1 Certain General Definitions

Section 1.1. Transaction. “Transaction” means an Option Transaction, a Forward Transaction, an Equity Swap Transaction or any other transaction in relation to which the related Confirmation incorporates these Definitions.
Section 1.2. Option Transaction. “Option Transaction” means a transaction that is (a) an over-the-counter (“OTC”) equity option transaction relating to a single index (an “Index Option Transaction”), (b) an OTC equity option transaction relating to a single share or other security (a “Share Option Transaction”), (c) an OTC equity option transaction relating to a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Option Transaction”) or (d) an OTC equity option transaction relating to a basket of shares or other securities (a “Share Basket Option Transaction”).
Section 1.3. Forward Transaction. “Forward Transaction” means a transaction that is (a) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a single index (an “Index Forward Transaction”), (b) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a single share or other security (a “Share Forward Transaction”), (c) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Forward Transaction”) or (d) an OTC equity forward transaction relating to a basket of shares or other securities (a “Share Basket Forward Transaction”).
Section 1.4. Equity Swap Transaction. “Equity Swap Transaction” means a transaction that is (a) an OTC equity swap transaction relating to a single index (an “Index Swap Transaction”), (b) an OTC equity swap transaction relating to a single share or other security (a “Share Swap Transaction”), (c) an OTC equity swap transaction relating to a basket of indices (an “Index Basket Swap Transaction”) or (d) an OTC equity swap transaction relating to a basket of shares or other securities (a “Share Basket Swap Transaction”).
Section 1.5. Index Transaction. “Index Transaction” means an Index Option Transaction, Index Forward Transaction or Index Swap Transaction.
Section 1.6. Share Transaction. “Share Transaction” means a Share Option Transaction, Share Forward Transaction or Share Swap Transaction.
Section 1.7. Index Basket Transaction. “Index Basket Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction, Index Basket Forward Transaction or Index Basket Swap Transaction.
Section 1.8. Share Basket Transaction. “Share Basket Transaction” means a Share Basket Option Transaction, Share Basket Forward Transaction or Share Basket Swap Transaction.
Section 1.9. Basket Option Transaction. “Basket Option Transaction” means an Index Basket Option Transaction or Share Basket Option Transaction.
Section 1.10. Basket Forward Transaction. “Basket Forward Transaction” means an Index Basket Forward Transaction or Share Basket Forward Transaction.
Section 1.11. Basket Swap Transaction. “Basket Swap Transaction” means an Index Basket Swap Transaction or Share Basket Swap Transaction.
Section 1.12. Confirmation. “Confirmation” means, in respect of a Transaction, one or more documents and other confirming evidence exchanged between the parties or otherwise effective, which when taken together confirm or evidence all of the terms of a Transaction.
Section 1.13. Index. “Index” means, in respect of an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, each index specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.14. Shares. “Shares” means, in respect of a Share Transaction or Share Basket Transaction, the shares or other securities specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.15. Basket. “Basket” means, in respect of an Index Basket Transaction, a basket composed of each Index specified in the related Confirmation in the relative proportions specified in the related Confirmation and, in respect of a Share Basket Transaction, a basket composed of Shares of each Issuer specified in the related Confirmation in the relative proportions or numbers of Shares of each Issuer specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.16. Issuer. “Issuer” means, in respect of Shares, the issuer of the relevant Shares.
Section 1.17. Trade Date. “Trade Date” means, in respect of a Transaction, the date specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.18. Buyer. “Buyer” means the party specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.19. Seller. “Seller” means the party specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.20. Number of Shares. “Number of Shares” means:

1.20(a) in respect of a Share Option Transaction, the number of Shares obtained by multiplying the Number of Options by the Option Entitlement;
1.20(b) in respect of a Share Forward Transaction or a Share Swap Transaction, the number of Shares specified as such in the related Confirmation; and
1.20(c) in respect of a Share Basket Transaction for the Shares of each Issuer comprised in the Basket, the number of such Shares per Basket specified or otherwise determined as provided in the related Confirmation.

Section 1.21. Number of Baskets. “Number of Baskets” means, in respect of an Index Basket Transaction or a Share Basket Transaction, the number of Baskets specified or determined as provided in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.22. Multiplier. “Multiplier” means the percentage or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.23. Relevant Price. “Relevant Price” on any day means:

1.23(a) in respect of an Index, the level of such Index determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, or, if no means for determining the Relevant Price are so provided, the level of the Index as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be; and
1.23(b) in respect of a Share, the price per Share determined by the Calculation Agent as provided in the related Confirmation as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, or, if no means for determining the Relevant Price are so provided:
(i) in respect of any Share for which the Exchange is an auction or “open outcry” exchange that has a price as of the Valuation Time at which any trade can be submitted for execution, the Relevant Price shall be the price per Share as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, as reported in the official real-time price dissemination mechanism for such Exchange; and
(ii) in respect of any Share for which the Exchange is a dealer exchange or dealer quotation system, the Relevant Price shall be the mid-point of the highest bid and lowest ask prices quoted as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, (or the last such prices quoted immediately before the Valuation Time) without regard to quotations that “lock” or “cross” the dealer exchange or dealer quotation system.

Section 1.24. Equity Notional Amount. “Equity Notional Amount” means, in respect of an Equity Swap Transaction, the amount specified as such (or, if no such amount is specified, the amount specified as a “Notional Amount”) in the related Confirmation, adjusted, if applicable, as provided in Sections 5.10 and 10.4 and Article 11.
Section 1.25. Exchange. “Exchange” means:

1.25(a) in respect of an Index relating to an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction, each exchange or quotation system specified as such for such Index in the related Confirmation, any successor to such exchange or quotation system or any substitute exchange or quotation system to which trading in the Shares underlying such Index has temporarily relocated (provided that the Calculation Agent has determined that there is comparable liquidity relative to the Shares underlying such Index on such temporary substitute exchange or quotation system as on the original Exchange); and
1.25(b) in respect of a Share relating to a Share Transaction or Share Basket Transaction, each exchange or quotation system specified as such for such Share in the related Confirmation, any successor to such exchange or quotation system or any substitute exchange or quotation system to which trading in the Share has temporarily relocated (provided that the Calculation Agent has determined that there is comparable liquidity relative to such Share on such temporary substitute exchange or quotation system as on the original Exchange).

Section 1.26. Related Exchange. “Related Exchange” means, subject to the proviso below, in respect of an Index relating to an Index Transaction or Index Basket Transaction or a Share relating to a Share Transaction or Share Basket Transaction, each exchange or quotation system specified as such for such Index or Share in the related Confirmation, any successor to such exchange or quotation system or any substitute exchange or quotation system to which trading in futures or options contracts relating to such Index or such Share has temporarily relocated (provided that the Calculation Agent has determined that there is comparable liquidity relative to the futures or options contracts relating to such Index or such Share on such temporary substitute exchange or quotation system as on the original Related Exchange), provided, however, that where “All Exchanges” is specified as the Related Exchange in the related Confirmation, “Related Exchange” shall mean each exchange or quotation system where trading has a material effect (as determined by the Calculation Agent) on the overall market for futures or options contracts relating to such Index or such Share.
Section 1.27. Clearance System. “Clearance System” means, in respect of a Share relating to a Physically-settled Transaction, the clearance system specified as such for such Share in the related Confirmation or any successor to such clearance system as determined by the Calculation Agent. If the related Confirmation does not specify a Clearance System, the Clearance System will be the principal domestic clearance system customarily used for settling trades in the relevant Share on the Settlement Date. If the Clearance System ceases to settle trades in such Share, the parties will negotiate in good faith to agree on another manner of delivery.
Section 1.28. Index Sponsor. “Index Sponsor” means the corporation or other entity that (a) is responsible for setting and reviewing the rules and procedures and the methods of calculation and adjustments, if any, related to the relevant Index and (b) announces (directly or through an agent) the level of the relevant Index on a regular basis during each Scheduled Trading Day.
Section 1.29. Exchange Business Day. “Exchange Business Day” means any Scheduled Trading Day on which each Exchange and each Related Exchange are open for trading during their respective regular trading sessions, notwithstanding any such Exchange or Related Exchange closing prior to its Scheduled Closing Time.
Section 1.30. Scheduled Closing Time. “Scheduled Closing Time” means, in respect of an Exchange or Related Exchange and a Scheduled Trading Day, the scheduled weekday closing time of such Exchange or Related Exchange on such Scheduled Trading Day, without regard to after hours or any other trading outside of the regular trading session hours.
Section 1.31. Scheduled Trading Day. “Scheduled Trading Day” means any day on which each Exchange and each Related Exchange are scheduled to be open for trading for their respective regular trading sessions.
Section 1.32. Currency Business Day. “Currency Business Day” means any day on which commercial banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the principal financial center for the relevant currency. In respect of any Transaction in which the Settlement Currency is the euro, any day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer (TARGET) system is open shall be a Currency Business Day.
1.33 Settlement Currency. “Settlement Currency” means, in respect of a Transaction, the currency specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.34. Euro. “Euro” and “euro” each mean the lawful currency of the member states of the European Union that adopt the single currency in accordance with the EC Treaty.
Section 1.35. EC Treaty. “EC Treaty” means the Treaty establishing the European Community (signed in Rome on March 25, 1957), as amended by the Treaty on European Union (signed in Maastricht on February 7, 1992) and as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam (signed in Amsterdam on October 2, 1997), as further amended from time to time.
Section 1.36. Clearance System Business Day. “Clearance System Business Day” means, in respect of a Clearance System, any day on which such Clearance System is (or, but for the occurrence of a Settlement Disruption Event, would have been) open for the acceptance and execution of settlement instructions.
Section 1.37. Settlement Cycle. “Settlement Cycle” means, in respect of an Index or Share, the period of Clearance System Business Days following a trade in the shares underlying such Index or such Shares, as the case may be, on the Exchange in which settlement will customarily occur according to the rules of such Exchange (or, if there are multiple Exchanges in respect of an Index, the longest such period), and in respect of an Exchange-traded Contract, the period of Exchange Business Days following a trade in such Exchange-traded Contract on the Exchange in which settlement will customarily occur according to the rules of such Exchange.
Section 1.38. Cash-settled. “Cash-settled” means, in respect of a Transaction, that Cash Settlement is applicable to that Transaction.
Section 1.39. Physically-settled. “Physically-settled” means, in respect of a Transaction, that Physical Settlement is applicable to that Transaction.
Section 1.40. Calculation Agent. “Calculation Agent” means the person or entity specified as such in the related Confirmation. Whenever a Calculation Agent is required to act or to exercise judgment in any way, it will do so in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner. Furthermore, each party agrees that the Calculation Agent is not acting as a fiduciary for or as an advisor to such party in respect of its duties as Calculation Agent in connection with any Transaction.
Section 1.41. ISDA Master Agreement. “ISDA Master Agreement” means one of the standard form master agreements published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. The terms “Event of Default”, “Affiliate” and “Early Termination Date” will have the meanings given to those terms in the ISDA Master Agreement.
Section 1.42. Knock-in Price. “Knock-in Price” means, in respect of a Transaction that is subject to a Knock-in Event, the level, price or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.43. Knock-out Price. “Knock-out Price” means, in respect of a Transaction that is subject to a Knock-out Event, the level, price or amount specified as such in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.44. Knock-in Event.

(a) If “Knock-in Event” is specified as applicable to a Transaction, then unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation, a party’s right to exercise an Option under an Option Transaction and its right to receive, or its obligation to make, a payment or delivery under an Option Transaction (once exercised or deemed exercised), a Forward Transaction or Equity Swap Transaction where such right or obligation is subject to a Knock-in Event shall be conditional upon the occurrence of the Knock-in Event on any Knock-in Determination Day as of the time of such exercise, deemed exercise, payment or delivery, and the parties shall have any other rights and obligations set forth in the related Confirmation from and after the occurrence of the Knock-in Event.
(b) “Knock-in Event” means the event or occurrence specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify such an event or occurrence but specifies a Knock-in Reference Security and/or a Knock-in Price, a Knock-in Event shall occur for a Transaction for which such Knock-in Reference Security is also the Index, Share or Basket specified in the related Confirmation:
(i) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-in Price is greater than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security determined as of the Knock-in Valuation Time on any Knock-in Determination Day is greater than or equal to the Knock-in Price; and
(ii) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-in Price is less than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security determined as of the Knock-in Valuation Time on any Knock-in Determination Day is less than or equal to the Knock-in Price.
In the event of a dispute between the parties as to whether a Knock-in Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent shall determine whether a Knock-in Event has occurred.

Section 1.45. Knock-out Event.

1.45(a) If “Knock-out Event” is specified as applicable to a Transaction, then unless otherwise specified in the related Confirmation, a party's right to exercise an Option under an Option Transaction and its right to receive, or its obligation to make, a payment or delivery under an Option Transaction (once exercised or deemed exercised), a Forward Transaction or Equity Swap Transaction where such right or obligation is subject to a Knock-out Event shall be conditional upon the Knock-out Event not having occurred on any Knock-out Determination Day as of the time of such exercise, deemed exercise, payment or delivery, and the parties shall have any other rights and obligations set forth in the related Confirmation from and after the occurrence of the Knock-out Event.
1.45(b)Knock-out Event” means the event or occurrence specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify such an event or occurrence but specifies a Knock-out Reference Security and/or a Knock-out Price, a Knock-out Event shall occur for a Transaction for which such Knock-out Reference Security is also the Index, Share or Basket specified in the related Confirmation: (i) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-out Price is greater than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security determined as of the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is greater than or equal to the Knock-out Price; and (ii) where, on the Trade Date, the Knock-out Price is less than the Initial Price, Strike Price, Forward Price or other initial level set for the Transaction, when the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security determined as of the Knock-out Valuation Time on any Knock-out Determination Day is less than or equal to the Knock-out Price. In the event of a dispute between the parties as to whether a Knock-out Event has occurred, the Calculation Agent shall determine whether a Knock-out Event has occurred.

Section 1.46. Knock-in Reference Security. “Knock-in Reference Security” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-in Event is specified as being applicable, the index, share, other security or basket specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-in Reference Security, the Knock-in Reference Security will be deemed to be the same Index, Share or Basket, as the case may be, specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.47. Knock-out Reference Security. “Knock-out Reference Security” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-out Event is specified as being applicable, the index, share, other security or basket specified as such in the related Confirmation. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-out Reference Security, the Knock-out Reference Security will be deemed to be the same Index, Share or Basket, as the case may be, specified in the related Confirmation.
Section 1.48. Knock-in Determination Day. “Knock-in Determination Day” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-in Event is specified as being applicable, each Scheduled Trading Day specified as such in the related Confirmation, unless such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Knock-in Valuation Time on such day. If such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Knock-in Determination Day shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Knock-in Determination Day is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Knock-in Determination Day, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day, and the Calculation Agent shall determine the level, price or amount of the Knock-in Reference Security in the same manner that it would determine a level, price or amount of an Index, Share or Basket on a deemed Valuation Date that is also a Disrupted Day in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.6(a)(ii), (b) or (c), as the case may be. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify any Knock-in Determination Days, each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if there is no such Valuation Date or Expiration Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date in relation to the Transaction (adjusted, if applicable, as provided in Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6) shall be deemed to be Knock-in Determination Days in relation to the Transaction.
Section 1.49. Knock-out Determination Day. “Knock-out Determination Day” means, in respect of a Transaction for which a Knock-out Event is specified as being applicable, each Scheduled Trading Day specified as such in the related Confirmation, unless such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a Disrupted Day prior to the Knock-out Valuation Time on such day. If such day is a Disrupted Day due to the occurrence of such an event, then the Knock-out Determination Day shall be the first succeeding Scheduled Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day, unless each of the eight Scheduled Trading Days immediately following the original date that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Knock-out Determination Day is a Disrupted Day. In that case, that eighth Scheduled Trading Day shall be deemed to be the Knock-out Determination Day, notwithstanding the fact that such day is a Disrupted Day, and the Calculation Agent shall determine the level, price or amount of the Knock-out Reference Security in the same manner that it would determine a level, price or amount of an Index, Share or Basket on a deemed Valuation Date that is a Disrupted Day in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.6(a)(ii), (b) or (c), as the case may be. In the event that the related Confirmation does not specify any Knock-out Determination Days, each Scheduled Trading Day from and including the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date, the Expiration Date or, if there is no such Valuation Date or Expiration Date, the date that is one Settlement Cycle prior to the final Settlement Date in relation to the Transaction (adjusted, if applicable, as provided in Sections 3.1(f) and 6.6) shall be deemed to be Knock-out Determination Days in relation to the Transaction.
Section 1.50. Knock-in Valuation Time. “Knock-in Valuation Time” means, in respect of a Transaction that provides for a right to receive, or obligation to make, a payment or delivery that is subject to a Knock-in Event, the time on any Knock-in Determination Day specified as such in the related Confirmation. in that the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-in Valuation Time, the Knock-in Valuation Time shall be the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if no Valuation Time is specified, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-in Reference Security on any Knock-in Determination Day, in relation to the index, share, other security or basket to be valued. If the relevant exchange closes prior to its Scheduled Closing Time and the specified Knock-in Valuation Time is after the actual closing time for its regular trading session, then the Knock-in Valuation Time shall be such actual closing time.

Section 1.51. Knock-out Valuation Time. “Knock-out Valuation Time” means, in respect of a Transaction that provides for a right to receive, or obligation to make, a payment or delivery that is subject to a Knock-out Event, the time on any Knock-out Determination Day specified as such in the related Confirmation. in that the event that the related Confirmation does not specify a Knock-out Valuation Time, the Knock-out Valuation Time shall be the Valuation Time specified in the related Confirmation, or if no Valuation Time is specified, the Scheduled Closing Time on the relevant exchange for the Knock-out Reference Security on any Knock-out Determination Day, in relation to the index, share, other security or basket to be valued. If the relevant exchange closes prior to its Scheduled Closing Time and the specified Knock-out Valuation Time is after the actual closing time for its regular trading session, then the Knock-out Valuation Time shall be such actual closing time.

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A JC-curated sub-division of the General Definitions section. We sub-group the Section 1 definitions into the following subgroups:



If you are looking for literature to broaden your earthly perspective, or shine a torch into the dark crevices of the human condition, the 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions might not be the first volume you would pull off the shelf, but in its own way, in its Escheresque self-referencing reflexivity, it affords us an oblique perspective on the motivations of those who operate in the strange demi-monde of the international capital markets.

Commonplaces of the sort any mug knows instinctively without needing to be told are said, said, and said again; abstrusities about which even the cognoscenti might like more elucidation — like what counts as a “Dividend” — are left tantalisingly under-determined. Some parts — the calculation of Dividend Amount — just don’t work at all, so the market has resorted to its own organic means of resolution (the JC has its own suggestions, too — see here).


See also

