Delivery - GMSLA Provision

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GMSLA Anatomy™

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4 in a Nutshell

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Original text

4. Delivery
4.1 Delivery of Securities on commencement of Loan
Lender shall procure the Delivery of Securities to Borrower or deliver such Securities in accordance with this Agreement and the terms of the relevant Loan.
4.2 Requirements to effect Delivery
The Parties shall execute and deliver all necessary documents and give all necessary instructions to procure that all right, title and interest in:

(a) any Securities borrowed pursuant to paragraph 3;
(b) any Equivalent Securities delivered pursuant to paragraph 8;
(c) any Collateral delivered pursuant to paragraph 5;
(d) any Equivalent Collateral delivered pursuant to paragraphs 5 or 8;

shall pass from one Party to the other subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, on delivery of the same in accordance with this Agreement with full title guarantee, free from all liens, charges and encumbrances. In the case of Securities, Collateral, Equivalent Securities or Equivalent Collateral title to which is registered in a computer based system which provides for the recording and transfer of title to the same by way of book entries, delivery and transfer of title shall take place in accordance with the rules and procedures of such system as in force from time to time. The Party acquiring such right, title and interest shall have no obligation to return or deliver any of the assets so acquired but, in so far as any Securities are borrowed by or any Collateral is delivered to such Party, such Party shall be obliged, subject to the terms of this Agreement, to deliver Equivalent Securities or Equivalent Collateral as appropriate.
4.3 Deliveries to be simultaneous unless otherwise agreed
Where under the terms of this Agreement a Party is not obliged to make a Delivery unless simultaneously a Delivery is made to it, subject to and without prejudice to its rights under paragraph 8.6, such Party may from time to time in accordance with market practice and in recognition of the practical difficulties in arranging simultaneous delivery of Securities, Collateral and cash transfers, waive its right under this Agreement in respect of simultaneous delivery and/or payment provided that no such waiver (whether by course of conduct or otherwise) in respect of one transaction shall bind it in respect of any other transaction.
4.4 Deliveries of Income
In respect of Income being paid in relation to any Loaned Securities or Collateral, Borrower (in the case of Income being paid in respect of Loaned Securities) and Lender (in the case of Income being paid in respect of Collateral) shall provide to the other Party, as the case may be, any endorsements or assignments as shall be customary and appropriate to effect, in accordance with paragraph 6, the payment or delivery of money or property in respect of such Income to Lender, irrespective of whether Borrower received such endorsements or assignments in respect of any Loaned Securities, or to Borrower, irrespective of whether Lender received such endorsements or assignments in respect of any Collateral.

The Varieties of Stock Lending Experience
Subject 2010 GMSLA 2018 Pledge GMSLA 1995 OSLA
Applicability/Preamble 1 1 Preamble
Interpretation 2 2 1
Definitions 2.1 2.1 1
Loans of Securities 3 3 2
Delivery 4 4 3
Collateral 5 5 6
Distributions and Corporate Actions 6 6 4 (“Rights and Title”)
Rates for Loans and Collateral 7 7 4
Delivery of Equivalent Securities 8 8 7
Failure to Deliver 9 9 N/A
Events of Default 10 10 12
Consequences of Events of Default 11 11 8 (“Set-off”)
Taxation 12 12 9
Lender's Warranties 13 13 10
Borrower's Warranties 14 14 11
Interest on Outstanding Payments 15 15 13
Termination of Agreement 16 16 15
Single Agreement 17 17 N/A
Severance 18 18 18
Specific Performance 19 19 19
Notices 20 20 20
Assignment 21 21 21
Non-Waiver 22 21 22
Governing Law and Jurisdiction 23 23 26
Time 24 24 24
Recording 25 25 25
Waiver of Immunity 26 26 N/A
Expenses N/A 27 N/A
Miscellaneous 27 28 N/A

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2010 GMSLA 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · Schedule · Agency Annex · Addendum for Pooled Principal Agency Loans
2018 Pledge GMSLA 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · Schedule · Agency Annex

Stock Loan owner’s manuals: 2010 GMSLA · 2000 GMSLA · Pledge GMSLA · OSLA

Index: Click to expand:



2010 ⇒ 2018: Redline of the 2010 GMSLA vs. the 2018 Pledge GMSLA: comparison (and in reverse)


There is no representation as to the transfer of title of Collateral under the 2018 Pledge GMSLA its title not being transferred under that agreement for obvious reasons. Additionally, the 2010 GMSLA deals with non-simultaneous deliveries of Collateral in Para 4.3, and also manufacture of income on the Collateral — unnecessary in the 2018 Pledge GMSLA, since the pledgor beneficially owns income on the Collateral in any case.


Requirements to effect delivery

The beating heart of the legal basis of the 2010 GMSLA is Clause 4.2.

Even though there’s all this chat about Loans, in fact these transactions are exchanges having all the economic characteristics of loans — the Lender retains all economic risk to the asset being “lent”, and the Borrower takes none of it — but all of not the legal characteristics of loans. In legal terms, they are more like sales.

Legally speaking, how Securities and (for the regular 2010 GMSLA at any rate) Collateral move back and forth between parties to a stock loan is outright title transfer. Of course, the Borrower could return the exact asset that it has borrowed, but it is not obliged to and, in most cases, it won’t be able to: the very point of a stock loan is to “short sell” into the market the thing you have borrowed, but taken no market exposure to. As soon as you have done this it has gone for all money. You can’t get it back.

What you can do is buy an identical one (the legal term is a “fungible” asset — an identical quantity of the same series, issuer and ISIN — and in stock lending lingo this is called an “equivalent” asset.

As the article on that subject attests, as a term of legal art “equivalent” is a lot more specific than it is in ordinary parlance. It means something fungible; that is, identical in all economic respects.

Note: as regards Collateral, this is not the same, for the 2018 Pledge GMSLA.

Delivery to be simultaneous

A delightfully convoluted, and quite unnecessary, clause which states the common law position as to waiver. Of course, a party may decide not to enforce its strict rights, at its discretion, in light of the circumstances. But here you have, anyway, a contractual right to do what you transparently could have done anyway.

Delivery of income

Just what these customary and appropriate endorsements or assignments might be, and why the manufacturer has to grant them, even where the actual securities issuer didn’t, we can only speculate.

Perhaps — speculation here — it is because the Borrower is most likely to have immediately sold the Loaned Securities into the market — the major purpose of a 2010 GMSLA being short selling, after all — and so won’t get any Income under the shares, much less any “customary endorsements” relating to it, whatever in this day and age that might mean.

The same goes — with less certainty, perhaps (the Lender isn’t acquiring the Collateral with the express purpose of selling it, although it does acquire it by title transfer and absolutely is entitled to sell it) for the Lender of Collateral received by title transfer.

So it would be interesting to contrast this with the equivalent provision in the 2018 Pledge GMSLA, wouldn’t it?

Let’s therefore go and do that. Back in a minute.

Back! Sure enough, paragraph 4.3 of the 2018 Pledge GMSLA doesn’t mention Collateral, since it is never title transferred to the Lender in the first place.

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See also

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