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Middle management blues — our own tribute to W.H. Auden
General counsel and “self-awareness” go together like soup and naval signaling systems.
Next following: what it has to do with Voilet Elizabeth Botts out of Just William.
The J.C.’s nutshell ISDA

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Hunter Barkley’s new novel The Montenegro Sanction. All proceeds go to Georgia’s Fund.
Kilimanjaro: Just how far is it from the Serengeti, and what has Olympus got to do with anything? We answer the questions Toto wouldn’t. Or couldn’t.

An idiosyncratic stroll through matters of law, management philosophy, language, technology, cricket and high finance — and nothing really penetrating to say despite taking 4,497 articles at last count — yes, you read that right — to say it.

Here you will find:
Book reviews culled from twenty indolent years sounding off on Amazon;
Obstinate views of ISDA and like-minded master trading agreements organised into evolving anatomy and nutshell guides which may be incomplete, out of date, out of touch, flippant — well, they are flippant — or total rubbish;
Much ado about plain English, buzzwords, flannel, Latin, Greek, metaphor and eggs.
To browse, use the bar on the left. To search, use the box top right.

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Get in touch? Ping us here | Follow? The JC is on Twitter, but he can’t work the app very well | Complain? Who can blame you? Open your window and have a good old shout. | Leave a tip? Then give it to Georgia’s Fund - hey: if you buy the book the fund gets the money and you get a free present!

Like The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, this site has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate. Enter at your peril. (Yes, that's a disclaimer — lest the sky should fall in on my head, or yours.)