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From The Jolly Contrarian
Revision as of 14:46, 29 May 2019 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
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This is the man that shoots the hares;
This is the coat he always wears:
With game-bag, powder-horn, and gun
He's going out to have some fun.
Struwwelpeter (where else?)
The Jolly Contrarian
“An opinion is just an onion with a pi in it.”

A stroll through the brambles of law, management, philosophy, language, technology, cricket and high finance. Like a good alluvial fan, everything is silting up nicely and there are now 4,497 articles in this wiki.

What’s in here

Anatomies: Clause-by-clause Anatomy and nutshell guides (hit the bar on the left) to ISDA and other master trading agreements. These may be incomplete, out of date, out of touch, flippant — well, they are flippant — but will still be better value and more entertaining than that awful FT book about derivatives;
Book reviews culled from twenty indolent years sounding off on Amazon;
Much flippancy about plain English, buzzwords, technology, negotiation, flannel, Latin, Greek, metaphor and eggs.
A new section on the odd political situation in New Zealand in 1982. (Why? — long story, really.)

How ...?

Oh, for heaven’s sake. To browse, use the bar on the left. To search, use the box top right.

What’s new

Confi Anatomy: It may be the most pointless contract you'll ever negotiate, but doesn’t mean it can’t get tasty. Having an NDA smackdown? We've got you covered.
New Anatomy™ guides: Pledge GMSLA | Negotiation | Conference calls
And, as the case may be, or: Is that a slash I see before me?

So you wanna...

Get in touch? Ping us here | Complain? Who can blame you? Open your window and have a good old shout. | Leave a tip? Make my day and give it to Georgia’s Fund — you can get yourself a free gift at the same time if you snag yourself a copy of Hunter Barkley’s racey novel The Montenegro Sanction? All proceeds go to Georgia’s Fund.